(Or: a cryptic look into Michai's life for the Swipe-Generation.)
From an idea by Gretchen Rubin. Contents in reverse chronological order. Most stuff probably only makes sense to myself. Let's see how this works out.
Happy reading :-)
Mon 2024-08-26
: guided thriftstore visit takes long, thank-you is always welcome, EOL module, possible darkness approaching, another mystery movieSun 2024-08-25
: recent trip payback, gender issues, retry cavia meeting, quote, sport, unsafe car, mystery movieSat 2024-08-24
: ambu shift with training person and attitude change around other people, demons and bad mood, haircut, unpleasant ambu schedule surprisesFri 2024-08-23
: city center walk still nervous a bit, hidden coffee cafe visit, excellent dumbbell, shopping in asten and actually having coffee talk there, surprise food and heatshield car pickup, tic-80 sound learningSummary: Veluwe trip, new laptop, mindfulness, breathwork, slowly sport again, reading and see how long that all lasts, demons are always lurking
Wed 2024-08-07
: EOL doctor visit, cleaning out garage in Asten, climbing with visit and tea and TV, always keep food in the carTue 2024-08-06
: fluffy remote meeting 2005 flashback, power distribution meeting, Harry Potter vegan podcastMon 2024-08-05
: vegan site registration and social media headache and aversion, helping confused lady shopping, failed online meeting, pizza, scheduled to help for vegan fair, thinking more about my dad recentlySun 2024-08-04
: made plant boxes, got plants, after-ambu coffee visit, how about printing tshirts againSat 2024-08-03
: push boundaries by gently questioning other people's behaviour, growing discrepancy between ambu work and core values, knowing that assisted death is coming, boxing seems faster than it is, fries, lonely arcade visit is a slight letdownFri 2024-08-02
: time for new linux laptop, old boxing-book, C64 demo flashback and shynessThu 2024-08-01
: camper, testing testing-device and ongoing tendency to avoid risk, coffee and actually talking in Asten is appreciatedWed 2024-07-31
: record player reply, new diary, learning from collisions and adjusting, unexpected short climbing in EindhovenTue 2024-07-30
: booking holiday place, Patrick Stewart, chinese food in EindhovenMon 2024-07-29
: issue tracker test, finding travel bike, unilateral sport exercises, nap, pick up bikeSun 2024-07-28
: artistic hostess solo garden work, canoo outing, fries, shared ride back, excellent sleepSat 2024-07-27
: leave for north NL, EUR 10 worth of stress, navy coffee talk, canceled mud walk, fishing village visit and beach walk, tired and sleepFri 2024-07-26
: ambu shift and argument and signaling irritation early, don't get baited into taking the opposite argument of your opponent, satisfying garden work, sport, DIY planter boxes, garage fanThu 2024-07-25
: shoes and jacket for mudwalking, coffee with my mom, veganism mental burden when shopping, charity video call and remaining patient, anger and darkness approaching and demons, selling things that are in the way, front garden appointment, posterWed 2024-07-24
: preparing work the day before makes for an easier start, sport, nap when tired for an hour, still doing mechanical work at an older ageTue 2024-07-23
: Rake docs, sport again, sometimes people should just listen without giving advice, useful ambu porto issue tracker call, tic-80 first stepsSummary: gum, work, knee fysiotherapist, lettuce and oil, weight, social tilt, brain stimulus revisited.
Mon 2024-07-01
: projector test talk, canceled meeting and free free time, visitor and presentation talk, frantic computer game, noise websiteSun 2024-06-30
: climbing with kids, getting baited in conversation and remaining yourselfSummary: work, heat, new car.
Tue 2024-06-18
: late refugee work done well and fast, bring back rental car and reality of BOVAG warranty, assembling PCBs until lateMon 2024-06-17
: visiting workpeople takes lots of energy, picking up plastic and memories of being scammed and apologies, coffee visit, realising worktime quanta are really small and overhead is usually less than expectedSun 2024-06-16
: fix PCB layout and ordering stuff all day long, squats with new bar, more ordering of stuffSat 2024-06-15
: mediocre ambu shift and people doing things wrong knowingly, sleep, giving obvious carbon footprint answers really serves no purpose, bad moodFri 2024-06-14
: feather, ex-co-renter coffee and environmental plane decisions and last impressions are important, car retirement and looking for a replacement, asten shopping and end/quality of life talk, ssb pickup and weight talk, faulty laundry dryer, co-tenant talk about and while finding balanceSummary: EMF camp, work, bodyweight, boxing, car probably died.
Sat 2024-05-25
: succesful and initiative ambu shift, errands, fried potatoes and beans, livingroom campingFri 2024-05-24
: shopping in asten, friendly DIY help, calipers, need more socks, burner still works, car is really getting old and wornThu 2024-05-23
: everything always takes longer than plannedWed 2024-05-22
: camping shopping and coffee, reading before bedtime makes for good nightrest, xray and blood, relocate heavy bagTue 2024-05-21
: remote meeting and measuring and BOM calculation, picking a flightMon 2024-05-20
: pick up sport again, frustration and let's not make 50% protos ever again, planning UK trip, planned co-renter meeting, picking up reading before bedtimeSun 2024-05-19
: bd visit and lasergamingSat 2024-05-18
: more noise next door, back home, dog pickupFri 2024-05-17
: Glenrothes to ferry, noisy neighbours, excellent nightrestThu 2024-05-16
: Forse to Glenrothes, fish&chipsWed 2024-05-15
: Forse, Wick visitTue 2024-05-14
: Forse JOGT trail walk, skittlesMon 2024-05-13
: Aviemore to Forse, beach castle walkSun 2024-05-12
: Aviemore Lairg fish&chips trainrideSat 2024-05-11
: Aviemore Cairngorms walkFri 2024-05-10
: Ronachan to AviemoreThu 2024-05-09
: Ronachan, map-pocket-searching in Campbeltown, don't leave w/o talling so, walk knee deep in shrubbery in GlenramskillWed 2024-05-08
: Dunoon to Ronachan with chickens and ducks and pigsTue 2024-05-07
: Newcastle to Dunoon, deer everywhere, fries, drunk peopleMon 2024-05-06
: leave NL, ferry bed height is ok, good night sleepSun 2024-05-05
: drain cleaning is nicer when done frequently, crapfood, dog in hot AH car and speaking out without knowing the outcome, the joy of working for fixed price, 20 rep squats talkSat 2024-05-04
: communicative ambu shift, streetview-revisiting previous scotland trip, vitamin C and B3 surplusFri 2024-05-03
: shopping in asten, coffee at disabled place, balance between mentioning everything and mentioning nothing and seriously respondingThu 2024-05-02
: refugee work and how to initiate a conversation and going from mundane to semi-personalWed 2024-05-01
: disappointing mystery ending, reading solderingstuff all day, bike again, looking at fold-up bikes, save crapfood for when I really want it, puppy news, communicating extra effortTue 2024-05-30
: breathing, bike ride, deadlifts, reading how to solder, darkness seems gone againMon 2024-04-29
: early wake and couldn't get back to sleep so let's just start the day, sport and hitting heavy bag is nice, motor lesson and sadness and conversation about that, antidepressants and CBT and ACT, crapfoodSun 2024-04-28
: peak of week-long sadness wave, nicifying front lawn, ambu coffee visit that didn't do me any good, short Den Bosch roadtrip and super relaxed for some reason, back to sadness upon arrival home, proper breathwork and mindfulness, late night workSat 2024-04-27
: early getup and remembering the alarm was set for a reason, everything takes longer than planned but let's keep moving, not looking forward to ambu and not a good shift, apparent unconscious animal hypocrisy everywhere, extremely tired still and almost a week on decaf and hoping this will resolve itself over time, mindfulness and overloadFri 2024-04-26
: bizarre positive dreams, communication for stress relief, decaf is hitting hard, mud run timeout but kennedy march exists, shopping in asten and extremely tired, breaking down complex text in order to understand itThu 2024-04-25
: redefine meat, connectionless holiday and the joy of being unreachable, ongoing reading instead of video before bedtime is still good and perhaps I'm just catching up on needed sleepWed 2024-04-24
: truck drive, balance in sharing mood changes and the reason behind them, booked 1st Scotland place, a remedy to stress is to just continue but when to stopTue 2024-04-23
: more boxing and sport, bike ride to tax advice, sleepy as fsck and withdrawal-naps, more decaf and other earplugsMon 2024-04-22
: early rise and finish work, ongoing car catlitter cleaning, refugee work, nap and more decaf, maintaining social network especially when there's no apparent need, the difficulty of not giving breakup advice, reading before bedtime and keeping notes, earplugs are still necessarySun 2024-04-21
: earplugs work fine, finding mudrun team, decaf works fine so far, boxing makes lots of sound and that's fine too, meeting garage neighbour, car cleanup phase 1, schematic takes long stillSat 2024-04-20
: ambu and confidence in people, mud run visit, fries and animal protection comment, coffee at ambu, late night anger but less susceptibleFri 2024-04-19
: tax urgency and money sink, cat litter continues, coffee surprise, shopping and flower potting, getting rid of stuff is a good planThu 2024-04-18
: drawing schematics, blood donation and slightly lower iron, new tax appointment, no more soreness after sport and knee feels better, cat litter messWed 2024-04-17
: drawing components, dip belt, cat litter in the car is not a good ideaTue 2024-04-16
: component selection takes long, heavy bagMon 2024-04-15
: sending invoices, OVP, sport goes better, how to measure a bolt diameter and snackbar date, ambu meeting without progress report, jealousySun 2024-04-14
: Utrecht garden and DIY stores, vegan brownies and nice visit, motor lesson idea, many potatoes and more gaming, 50th bd planningSat 2024-04-13
: earplugs to sleep and wakeup by vibration alarm, positive ambu shift with stiched pigeon, visited playground, scottish poker game is niceFri 2024-04-12
: more bash scripting, carehome pickup and shopping went reasonably well, ordered earplugs, lifting weights erases stress for a while, den bosch food minitripThu 2024-04-11
: bring meds and food takes long, still very receptive to external pos & neg input, overvoltage protection search and talk, lcd and cdh shell scripting meditation, brain is finally learning readline vi, nostalgia garden work google picWed 2024-04-10
: respect wakeup request, no puppy, many intermittent bursts of work but result finally, definition of activism and embedded tech for animal welfareTue 2024-04-09
: extremely slow laundry machine, fetch and bring stuff to carehome, extremely bad mood and tired, pasta salad, walk in the park, relaxing candles and coffeeMon 2024-04-08
: good knee talk and good news, listen to what customers actually want, decathlon shopping date and food and coffeeSun 2024-04-07
: intermittent work takes long but sometimes that's how to make progress, using my bike, well-known effect of eating less sugar, Doel ghost town outing and keep talking to expose oneself to new ideasSat 2024-04-06
: new ambu colleague and influencing through education, impatience explaining how phone works, unhealthy eating, tired and early nightFri 2024-04-05
: early rise and work and lost in details, so better do it good or not at all, wrist operation, fix glasses, scolding and condescending, temporary home, extremely tired, early nightThu 2024-04-04
: too much coffee and low energy, EMC course idea, more vi readline stuff, isolationWed 2024-04-03
: faultfinding in sandboxes, sleepy therefore slept, count all worked minutes, readline vi mode, electronic simulation, obvious self-fixing cause of stressSummary: knee operation, better at work, refugee work, moved to Oss, desensitisation, maintain social relationships, considering where to live, boundaries
Mon 2023-03-03
: just getting up takes care of waking up and sleepinessSun 2023-03-02
: semi late rise and feeling guilty for canceling ambu for a moment so better make it count, sport and really happy that knee is OK again, mechanical assembly again, short coffee visit and not being able to remember previous one is shocking, regulator fsckup and even little things pose risks apparently, late IR cam pickup, vuurland musicSat 2023-03-01
: possible CPU AI, big traffic fine but what else to do than accept it and move on and learn, cleaning guinea pigs, deceased kid and 2017/2018 is still not clear but important stuff changed back then somehow, trash in sink, mechanical assembly, babysitting ok, phonecalls are nice and effective and relatively quick, new scaleFri 2023-03-31
: finishing small PCB hopefully for the last time, sport one thing at a time and taking it easy, motor- and truckdriving and wondering what I myself am doing for progress and goals, drawing components one at a time but not fast enough but just keep working steadily, mine movieThu 2023-03-30
: drawing components, early PCB pickup, funeral taxi and no food and slight tilt and awkward convo and not reaching out enough, quick shopping for my mom, late night visit on way home, being not so nice and slight explosion on whatsapp, fun with bold italic underlineWed 2023-03-29
: bad mood and headache mainly about muddy documentation and broken scale but food resolves a lot, remember people judging me only in my head but not in reality, rent contract surprise and friendly phonecall, sport and unsolicited advice, ambu night shift and mild sense of lossTue 2023-03-28
: lessening healthcare help and hoping structure remains, drawing finish, bd shopping and outing and McD and animals and rearview mirror, not a whole lot else doneMon 2023-03-27
: useless doctor visit except morning indicator, ad hoc board programming nearby, rescheduling and canceling appointments this week, drawing bit by bit, gathering mowing board docs and info, bit of icepick movie, replying cpu, still clean foodSun 2023-03-26
: drawing a portrait, mechanical assembly all day, resisting crapfood, awful protein powder for nowSat 2023-03-25
: uneventful ambu shift with fastpaced tiny house and freedom talk, always nauseous at ambu HQ, afternoon appears to be a good time and feeling good, fell asleep and slept long and goodFri 2023-03-24
: travel-fee ok, mechanical inventory and trying a connector, cleaning and vacuuming in a rush, imagining people being judgemental and confrontational causes stress and bad mood again and switched off, connector PCB in a rush again, making excellent fried rice while people play games, arcade and dance-game and cancerThu 2023-03-23
: let's not work for free and not avoid talking about that, incredible gps accuracy, following cables all day and coffee overdose and hungry but clean food, hobby project interest from afar, awkward phone talk and balance between listening and advising problems awayWed 2023-03-22
: catching up on mower docs and visit mower company and one little thing at a time and mental tilt, pretty and quiet road from best to boxtel, timekeeper seems to work for now, gym and squatting with elastic band, clean food, mild office search and why am I not happier about new place, making new gym program, bit of movie and semi early nightTue 2023-03-21
: js reminder seems to work, mowing update finally and thinking about stress and quality of life and discipline, breathing while driving, soldering and podcasts, what to do with office space, how about drawing those nearby, making js timekeeper instead of gym, eager to get back to gym programMon 2023-03-20
: early rise and garage and drop-off at ambu, shopping for my mom, ambu pickup and electronic store and turkish bread, cavia hay, showering finally, threatening inbox, rethinking YT behaviour, fell asleep, I/O box time estimateSun 2023-03-19
: coin time management and timekeeper revisited, massive pre-eating, breathing while driving, social 100yo event went fairly ok, talking to isolated people is mandatory sometimes, things to do with hearing-challenged people, massive post-eating, game night, 20mg, fairly good sleepSat 2023-03-18
: ambu shift with 5 cats and think before I speak and haven't had near-overload in a while, making photos and video of new room, photos of my mom, crispbread weighing, walking and slight knee discomfort againFri 2023-03-17
: semi late rise, work comes calling, unsuccesful 2nd hand and small shop pants shopping, hipster area walkaround, more pants shopping and vegan feedback is important, grue revisiting and old hobbies seem to be coming back, meditative soldering, let's not stop relation talk, LED decoration thinking and YT'ing and unconscious plagiarism, leopard and ladder books, spontaneous carb hunger and pastaThu 2023-03-16
: early wake to finish connector board, new available office space is too big, sauna talk, appointment surprise and assertivity meeting and book recommendation and body vs spoken language and saying hi and making positive gestures to resolve ambiguity, excellent playtime late night gym and squats again and knee is okWed 2023-03-15
: searching new office, spaghetti, cleaning, grumpy mood but breathing helps a bit, nice visit, early night postponing work, clean food and try to eat only at homeTue 2023-03-14
: health colleague letter phonecall, upper body only gym because back still hurts, porto feedback, breathing, web reminder seems to work for now, wall colour nonsense but not a big deal, finding new office, fixing SMD on almost overdue board, bank card ride but remaining relatively nice, cairo patterns and need to wrap this up soon before I forget it again and truly wasting time and effort, bed will fit and DIY furniture daydreamingMon 2023-03-13
: shopping for my mom, connector PCB revisited and only mild stress, receiving key from small appartment and seems even smaller but it will work out fine, furniture tetris is nice, fries and mustard, talkshow and meeting up but not that much said, late night and more furiture tetris and wall colour daydreamingSun 2023-03-12
: fun sport session and sharing a bench, revisiting cairo 2d and background movie and hobby urge starting to itch, phone talk about home care, back pain from deadliftsSat 2023-03-11
: bad nightrest, grumpy and instable but got better before noon, catching yelping dog, coffee gathering, catching up on quality time, mega tired and early night before leaving for immobile mother and continuing home care dilemmaFri 2023-03-10
: running up stairs, reading rent docs, calling and mailing about prices causes mild stress, making javascript reminder goes slow and cumbersome, curry and making spring rolls, not listening to issues that bug me is irritating, too tired and can't sleep and bring book next timeThu 2023-03-09
: got appartment, fun sport session, end of fysiotherapy for now, retrieving psycho report, voting-helpers, breathing-exercises, household reminder programming feels rusty, more crapfood, punk movieWed 2023-03-08
: nightmares and laying awake, more snow, early wakeup and finish docs too late and positive reply, hurried sport, check out bigger appartment with garden, wall decoration and other electronic ideas and drawing on paper is nice, crime rate per neighbourhood, pinokkio flashback, getting back in touch with carless collegue, crapfoodTue 2023-03-07
: car checkup and pickup, snow, writing docs with less stress than usualMon 2023-03-06
: collect stickers, increased price always causes stress and I'd like to do development, program boards and feeling uplifted, vacuuming while showering, walk into town and visiting cathedral and bugs in stone on the floor, candy store, vegan food and runningSun 2023-03-05
: mutual ambu shift, shopping for my mom and coffeeSat 2023-03-04
: birthday ambu shift, cupcakes, whipped cream, soldering workshop, visiting a fortFri 2023-03-03
: sending invoices, still no room reply, donating blood and uplifting mood, still on clean food, breating again, fruitful assertivity trip, cooperating with voting and diagnose retrieval printing, windowsheet, soldering prep, tiredThu 2023-03-02
: boring morning sport but idea for new program and being helpful to newcomer, slacking and breathing, phonecall is nice, getting wire and fixing clothes, reading up on modem, gravity, clean food continuesWed 2023-03-01
: breathing-exercises and numb thumb, tree meeting, plants need water and always thinking the worst of everything, higher prices cause stress but try to treat it as a game, german skype talk, phone instead of whatsapp is so much nicer sometimes, ambu doc discipline and 2nd chance, battery issues for future projectTue 2023-02-28
: even more tree work approaches and only seeing risks, too much coffee, afraid of asking enclosure questions, work-email means instant stress and feeling of mental frailtySummary: learn to ask money for ordering components, internet mental input overload, avoid asymmetric garlic, tired, knee getting better all the time, boring gym, work even at one thing at a time to feel slightly on top of things
Mon 2023-02-20
: dogwalk invitation, boring mindless gym, EMC phonecall, YT always lurking, assertivity in real life and added payed effort and empty printer cartridge, nice remote electronics talk and digging until root of issue pays off at least sometimesSun 2023-02-19
: extended ambu shift with insurance and healthcare and mostly decent talk, shopping for my mom amidst carnival busynessSat 2023-02-18
: uneventful but exciting ambu shift and too little time afterwards, cooking for friend and too much spaghetti and mostly relaxed talk and losing at dicegame and falling asleep during movieFri 2023-02-17
: quick lasercutting, returning voodoo box and made the right choice, eager to get room and gethering docs is easy when prepared, choosing between what's deemed good and what feels better, assertivity course starts and timidity, aniversary and quality time and excitementThu 2023-02-16
: paper creativity, boring rehab sport but doing it anyway, viewing rooms in Oss and Valkenswaard, calling for advice and sparring is appreciatedWed 2023-02-15
: last Tilburg room viewing, retro tech fair and do I still like it, emergency cooking together, soft bedsheets and no need to rushTue 2023-02-14
: early non-forced valentine wish, surprisingly positive and uplifting fysio visit, responding to many rent offers and making viewing-appointments, hamsters and dierenbescherming and nice employee and back of store search, visit nicer appartment and talking with fellow candidate tenants a bit, sushi again, fell asleep, animal shelter reply and appointment and relatively much social stuff going on, good mood throughout the dayMon 2023-02-13
: getting up semi-late, sticker drawing surprisingly finished, upper body sport only, checking out small appartment 1 and being polite and nice, baguette with tapenade, ambu meeting elsewhere and talking to new guy and getting thanks for tattooSun 2023-02-12
: fixing wiring and bye just in time for other ambu, watering the plants, shopping for my mom and irritation without clear reason and vegan apple pie, more sushi and watching mediocre movie and falling asleepSat 2023-02-11
: ambu shift together with dog and seagull and pleasant disagreement over route, stubbornness escalation and after-talk and showering, company and being served lasagna, game night and discussions and little brother and wanting rest while being fed bell pepperFri 2023-02-10
: finish sand layout and sport as reward, sushi is becoming snackfood of choice, long 1st floor welcome, cooking spaghettiThu 2023-02-09
: early NDA call and staying polite and persistent, difficulty to focus and relief by starring myself, YT still tempting but slightly more moderate, knee pain persists but able to reproduce, sand layouting and much coffee all day, fysiotherapy appointment, camping in the wild and other exciting thingsWed 2023-02-08
: lasercutting fail but still getting payed for a change, fan controller delivery and price talk, coffee visit always takes long but improving, mild knee collapse during squats and what to do now, sand schematics and layouting takes long and much energy, NDA surpriseTue 2023-02-07
: finishing up and sending rent intro docs, car damage paperwork and research, considering letting the process be its own reward, signing up for fight class, sand schematics and layouting is slow and hesitant whenever even a tiny bit of risk is involved as usualMon 2023-02-06
: early wakeup and intermittent work, more YT detox, walking to the store to test knee, lifting goes OK but still wobbly, work as stress remedy, ongoing appartment huntSun 2023-02-05
: no animals but games and talk and challenge runs instead, radiating calmness with excited people seemed to work, shopping for my mom while tired and medium grumpy, sushi, prepare tomorrow's work to take the edge offSat 2023-02-04
: uneventful ambu shift and difficult to find a sandwich and the more company the quieter but not alone in that, YT detox, hormone-talks, rent introduction letter, a bit worried about wobbly knee, haircut, fell asleep and didn't do enoughFri 2023-02-03
: new mutual challenge and math over the phone and just enjoying the talk instead of ego takeover, still not immune to jealousy and reason vs gut feeling, eating 2 shopping bags in 3 days, shut off brain and just squat, free wakeup call and no supine grip probably ever again, many overdue tasks, too much YTSummary: parent care and cleaning, YT is becoming a problem again, reject quackery electronics but nice talk anyway, homemade meso 2 starts, assertiveness talks, exposition, squash, group climbing, old computer colleague visit, krav maga introduction
Sun 2023-01-08
: clinical wakeup and bye, not particularly looking forward to ambu, another eventless shift with unexpected depth and book, lifting starts again, crapfood and semi early nightSat 2023-01-07
: eventless ambu shift, nice to receive xmas birds, exposition and pastries, new trade game is nice, quick ride into town for nail polish and car needs cleaning, lasagna, sleep is always an option but doesn't feel good at all, request for actual activities but how many, self-doubt againit shouldn't be that difficult to write 1 sentence a day, should it..? Oh, and happy new year.
Mon 2022-10-10
: establishing morning ritual, module replacement, last tea and game and grief but end is near, redo deleted movie, temptation of unhealthy food everywhere and shopping on an empty stomach, experimentation and it's all about the books, finished letter, analysis work is nice but fairly unchallengingSummary again: moving, saying bye takes overly long, wallowing in grief is not my thing anymore, more coffee, interrogation, balance and fitting together and feedback, holiday house, tilt every now and then from being more social, basketball, light art idea revisited, spiderman agenda
Fri 2022-08-19
: bad nightrest from thoughts and mosquitos and semi late rise and fuzzy, thriftstore to compensate for height, assemble board all day, let's try ebook instead of videos to sleep, perhaps more late night food and less coffee is wise, eager to go on instead of attractive roadside treesThu 2022-08-18
: lingering lightness and mutual certainty, parts on time or not is my own fault, plastic fume headache all day long, cleaning and getting rid of office stuff, 20cm high kitchen stool and unrest, sonic youth and candles and continuing letterWed 2022-08-17
: pay certain bills on time or suffer parts delay, nice person suggesting appartment, waterlevel too low so bouldering instead, issues with compliments, coffee and relief and definite change of season, uninhibited tea and writing a letter, excellent difficulty sleepingSo inconsistent... Summary: 40yo truck horn fun, horses are back, sand leveling work and surprising discipline, need for hearing-aid, ignoring the heat, rent-uncertainty continues, coffee increase, visit is always uplifting, job security and fear and strolling through crowded streets, best yes so far this year, generally positive mood with known cause, patience and persistence seem to solve everything
Sun 2022-07-31
: ropejumping and having romanian patience when doing lifts seems to work, lots of appartment-searching, evaluating friendship timelineSat 2022-07-30
: blackbird died from stress, forgetting what people tell me is not OK, asking about rental offers here and there, social training goes reasonably well, spontaneous dance movie, french language still going ok, qr code solutionFri 2022-07-29
: sustainable market, ropejumping again, inefficient car trips and fuel consumption, searching for places to rent changed the last 25 years, seeing patterns in housing supply, coffee has to stop, wasted day workwiseThu 2022-07-28
: everything takes longer than planned as usual, grief rubbing off onto others, French, water supply issues, extra gym week, perhaps new podcast, simulations and not understanding electronics again, diamond painting, ran out of internet againWed 2022-07-27
: just doing the work with help from coffee, residential uncertainty talk and mini-roadtrip and shopping together, watching small horse running circlesTue 2022-07-26
: way too much coffee/sugar and extremely tired, restless and lots of useless driving around, doctor visit, work instead of movie, controlled aggression for oly lifts works wellMon 2022-07-25
: not a whole lot of usefulness today, art coffee visit and mental tilt, luxury ambu appointment, extremely early nightSun 2022-07-24
: last horse ambu ride with lots of death and mild sadness, gym and heat don't mix well, mild neighbour issues, spontaneous rushed alternative cinema visitSat 2022-07-23
: nice enough ambu ride with rabbit and no food and reptile-keeper, shopping together and unexpectedly catching an actual cowFri 2022-07-22
: early wake and catch up on work and making more cables and drop-off, difficult gym, fscked up printed box, fell asleep, mediocre horror movieThu 2022-07-21
: picked up printed box, measuring and testing, can't remember much else but early sleepWed 2022-07-20
: printing-visit and hoping for the best, cables, bandages, not good enough for casual conversations, stopping cinema phone nuisance, late but not postponing gymTue 2022-07-19
: bleeding toe and doctor, short grey hair, mandatory movie and cancel road trip, more drawing, drove too much, hot but not bothered for some reason but still aircon until home is semi-coldMon 2022-07-18
: printing company visit and more work than expected, movie with same coincidental company, drawing takes long, ignoring internal voice while training, heatSun 2022-07-17
: still in good mood and early walk, laundry, shopping, volcanic midday movie, booking camping trip, talk about cows needing water, brushing up french language, evening movie with nice art company, excellent nightrestSat 2022-07-16
: excellent Turkish ambu shift and convo actually goes reasonably well, excellent gym session, excellent thrillerFri 2022-07-15
: dropping off looong-borrowed stuff and more people leaving, forwarding the mail, ambu get-together goes a tiny bit OK, making and dropping off cables and friendly talk but stress for some reason and accidental coffee, the unjoy of selecting components and becoming temporarily clued about uninteresting things, nice Spanish movie, friendly archery in back yardThu 2022-07-14
: communication leads to smaller cable thickness, Eindhoven is far away now, why not back to using caffeine for a while, ordering mechanical stuff, making cablesWed 2022-07-13
: early component tetris and positive feedback, dentist checkup and still OK, high rep gym and ignoring internal voice of doubt and lameness, singing-holiday, soldering connectors goes extremely slow, quote-expiry and calculating material afterwards, familiar caffeine or aircon or lack of food fuzzyness, satisfied with work although far from done, simply joy of oil painted red sky and singing in harmonyTue 2022-07-12
: belgian voices and music choice suits me, animal behaviour as solace, slowly from coffee to cola light, seeing actual mindleaves float by for the first time, falling asleep to autoplay video is still a very bad ideaMon 2022-07-11
: morning ritual takes long nowadays, breaking down tasks and not looking too far ahead seems to work, sharing the office, massive grocery shopping spree, intimidation on the street and how to deal with thatSun 2022-07-10
: remote ambu shift with tomatoes and cat-glueing and another one leaving, ongoing coffee detox, mini-walk, photo betatesting, water weight noiseSat 2022-07-09
: remote semi-busy ambu shift, compressor tyre plopping, high rep gym frequency works out nicely, experimental short movies with movie people, not having a fridge requires creativityFri 2022-07-08
: slept late, helping old folks find the way, buying geraniums, keychain mismatch and fix, extremely tiredThu 2022-07-07
: visiting asten takes lots of energy, more coffee with extremely bad effect, super tired so cleaned up and sold stuff instead, making sense of docs and email and ongoing failure to balance work and wondering how much longer I'll do this, apparently unresponsive and lax nature of digital community, stress is everywhere so let's not do coffee againWed 2022-07-06
: diet starts again, early memory walk and high rep gym, lots of coffee, simulator crash and computer update failure, the neverending garbage story and upcoming end-of-year changes, made and sent actually readable disclosure agreement to unresponsive peopleTue 2022-07-05
: cleaning, colleague visit and walk, original bat found and caught and released OK, gym skydiving talkMon 2022-07-04
: startup problems and tax all day, another small bat indoors and death and animal-themed talk with fan birdSun 2022-07-03
: continued high rep gym test, carpet tiles outside my door, movie, emotional mood, car drive and decent talk since a long time, dead cat photography, chinese food together, hotness and slackingSat 2022-07-02
: ambu with new colleague, a bit less quiet in conversation, fries, gym high rep test with actual bat flying aroundFri 2022-07-01
: work feedback before taking off for peace of mind, last workshop with audience, mental tilt preventing proper conversation with nice peopleThu 2022-06-30
: ambu work shoes, keychains, corner electronic store to the rescue, swapping coils, the problem with being dependent on people who don't communicate, possible end of living here in sightWed 2022-06-29
: sand project recap and delimiting contents and surprisingly mellow phonetalk, relaxing and riskfree PCB layout changes, electronically lost again as usual so considering help, falling asleep to autoplayed video is not idealTue 2022-06-28
: cavia and animal visit and keeping up appearances apparently works, tetrissing work tasks and feeling a bit better, most darkness doesn't exist outside my own head and rationalising situations and not overthinking scenarios, remarkably constant weightMon 2022-06-27
: early walk, how to respond to orders when there is no time, crying and general darkness, dumb work, crapfood, stress of mild upcoming visits, made DIY gym program, still not OK with unannounced house visitsSun 2022-06-26
: workshop and thinking what's next, lunch and overload, unfit for interaction but thx for reaching out, sadness and loneliness and tiredSat 2022-06-25
: positive remote ambu shift, nice codriver talk and appointment, loose and positive and emotional, how to keep enjoying the gym, new music from bandcamp rouletteFri 2022-06-24
: houseflies wake up before I do, dancing, energetic and positive moodThu 2022-06-23
: electronic issues but confident or just tired, sweaty gym session and fellow ZZP talkWed 2022-06-22
: try before you buy, need charcoal paper, consolidating car trips and guilty about fuel consumption, creative and slow rework, road trip movie, late night PCB issues but remain surprisingly confidentTue 2022-06-21
: early debugging and fixing, chaotic PCB delivery but not yet finished, seriously need to clean office, let's not do work for freeMon 2022-06-20
: electric car talk, PCB trouble all day and confidence, fries, finished weight book so now let's make a programSun 2022-06-19
: vacuum hallway, nuclear power movie and reading up, semi-sleep in the afternoon, electric car and housefliesSat 2022-06-18
: sweaty bike ride to and from ambu and remote shift with new library colleague, car is OK again, funfair drop-off, heat doesn't bother me that much anymoreQuick summary of these 3 weeks: mild woodwork, actually talking with people instead of keeping them labeled, toothache, cleaning the gym, patience with plane take-off, exposure and openness, decorating the place, reading to make my own gym program, start maintenance, good and bad neighbour interaction, loneliness, emotional, not enjoying time together, dropping uninterested and unstable people, radio instead of MP3.
Tue 2022-05-24
: neighbour guinea pig stress, another ad hoc short cow relaxation walk and remembering why I quit, intermittent work works wellMon 2022-05-23
: searching replacement components must be one of the most boring tasks, animal shelter evening goes better than expectedSun 2022-05-22
: cow relaxation walk, trying to care less about people and appearance and opinions and impressions, relaxed facial expression during everyday activities, more crapfood, fell asleep, minor work progress and chinese food, maintenance phase startSat 2022-05-21
: remote solo ambu shift and taking owner of difficult cat serious and actually listening, losing control when listening to jokes and laughing-issues, lots of crapfood, trying to care less in everyday routinesFri 2022-05-20
: useful workshop with eye contact and openness and sadness and identity questions, more LED stripsThu 2022-05-19
: did way too little, cleaning, getting rid of lamps, new work looming, pleasant focus-meeting and apparently single women actually exist, pretty much had it with diet nowWed 2022-05-18
: subtitling is a lot of work, the joy of doing your best even if it takes longer, casually browsing plants, well-written greeting-card, pick up 2nd hand cupboard, first LED decoration hobby stuff I did in a long time looks reasonably nice, living small suits me very well, awful movieTue 2022-05-17
: slight furniture rearrangement to see what it looks like, more schematic, buying and picking out things cause mild instant stress, land fraud revisiting, postureMon 2022-05-16
: remote talk ended for a while, schematics takes longer than expected as usual, I like this place, thriftstore is the first place to look for nearly everything nowSun 2022-05-15
: unexpected solo ambu shift takes long but let's do one thing at a time and do it well, grumpy mood and checking on waterless horses, patience and perseverance go a long way, pin squats once again, extremely hot, posture once again, teeth still hurt, missing a sense of direction and purposeSat 2022-05-14
: plants, shoes, thriftstore S&W chat and many comics, chat with schoolmate's mom, blind kid got lost in the yard and how to experience without sight, teeth still hurt, walk and out of shapeFri 2022-05-13
: morning gym is terrible, drive to mid NL workshop is getting a bit long but tolerable, crying and making sounds, coming on for real or not, finishing this morning's workout at night, let's not eat sour candy again because teeth hurt nowThu 2022-05-12
: component tetris done so far, last serial killer walk so what's next, music selection is getting stale so let's search new stuff, feeling lonelyWed 2022-05-11
: awkward tea with other neighbour, component tetris and various supermarket breaksTue 2022-05-10
: transfer duck family and stupid mistakes, component tetris, bring cavia to the vet, when will the plane take off, home feels like home nowMon 2022-05-09
: fetching replacements for broken household items, tech talk goes OK, feeling extremely lame after deadliftsSun 2022-05-08
: breaking more stuff, overly expensive thrift store, reluctant mother's day and restricted food intake, hilarious movie nightSat 2022-05-07
: woke up late and still worn out from yesterday, visited thriftstores and got a sheep, self-conscious in store again although I ate properly, severely crappy motor skill and knocking into and breaking stuff, icecream and spelt and quinoa and submarine movie, earplugs because of game nightFri 2022-05-06
: early morning work, stressful and slow drive to workshop and arrive too late, extremely tired and worn out afterwards, decent talk with hesitant likeminded fellow participant, tired and empty but country roads and ferries help a bit, early night and extremely long sleepThu 2022-05-05
: weight loss goes OK, extreme sugar crash and lethargy and skipped workout, bad email news lacks usual impact for some reason, late night component tetris trying to make up for lost timeWed 2022-05-04
: drawing and selecting components, shopping as break, boring movieTue 2022-05-03
: work drawing all day, sport copy/paste mistake and notice how subjective load is, police report finally, need to clean up here, pacman decoration idea, joy of crossing work satisfaction thresholdMon 2022-05-02
: component ordering takes long but is less stressful than expected, anti-depression animal roadtrip, greeting-card found finally, youth fishing-pond revisit, trying to find youth fruit seller but failedSun 2022-05-01
: remote ambu shift with cat and rabbit and nearly mild conflict but solved nicely, what is important in a relationship, still extremely tired and nap but diet will be over soon, selecting components sucks and always takes longer than plannedSat 2022-04-30
: motor oil everywhere and strength pays off sometimes, rights of refugees vs rights of locals, extremely tired after sport, fancy lunch food every once in a while, the joy of getting lost on a short roadtrip, disconnecting from the past 10 years and having made the right choiceFri 2022-04-29
: early work goes smooth but still lots to do, early drive to workshop and take food with me this time, avoiding freeways makes travel much more relaxing, singing along in the car, movie timeThu 2022-04-28
: office lock broken, sport what I can and try what I can't, work and break intervals, thriftstore visit, movie timeWed 2022-04-27
: back issues, morning rituals take too long, work to relieve stress, received another story, MP3 player so music is back in the carTue 2022-04-26
: work, shop, sport, colleague leaving, talk with backup person at home and let's not deadlift when cooled down againMon 2022-04-25
: tech talk went better than expected, cat paw drawing procrastination, 2 more plants, let's flip at least 1 page per day to avoid staleness, happy dog-with-stick and soaked owner contrast, remote new job is unexpectedSun 2022-04-24
: overslept massively, ran out of mobile internet, credit card podcast issues, install new wifi AP, simply continue work relieves stress so remember this for once, toad indoors, semi-bad nightrest because of noiseSat 2022-04-23
: borrow needle and thread, early blackbird to bird shelter talk and other ambu team talk, thriftstore talk and pluche toy and broken camera, the effect of coffee, cam fix fail and fixing animals to car, sport goes extremely well, climbing-plants look nice and I want more, lots of fries to get it out of my system, pick up working camera, bad nightrest because of noise and coffeeFri 2022-04-22
: not a whole lot of work, long drive to theatre workshop and good experience, even longer but more relaxed drive back with ferry, icecream timeThu 2022-04-21
: when was the last time I expected bad news in email and actually got it, temporary stress relief, even every difficult training comes to an end eventually, trying new plants, quickly shopping and eating together, feels like time enough so enjoy it for a day, shared a columnWed 2022-04-20
: work and candy and whitebreadTue 2022-04-19
: work and sleepy and everything takes longer than planned but way less stressMon 2022-04-18
: sport and workSun 2022-04-17
: guilty remote ambu shift with garden party and tomatoes and mousebites took way too long, kids on socks checking out the ambu, kicad update at inconvenient time, work is closing in but just continue without sense of impending doomSat 2022-04-16
: remote ambu shift with woodpecker and pigeon, nice walk with ww2 hideout and potato and onion and progress unlocked, only half a workout, calory surpluss, too little work doneFri 2022-04-15
: remote talk, work, trip to turn on TV and not much else I rememberThu 2022-04-14
: early morning gym and actually fainted, delivering units eliminating one stress source, blood pressure measurement, ground wrap-up and payment, progress of work helps with stress/robustness regardless of time pressure, seeing ostriches and various other animals, the mild joy of seeing shiny surfaces instead of dust, setting up pins and knocking them down, why does my neck hurt all the friggin time and posture issuesWed 2022-04-13
: component selection goes slow, emergency-lasercutting elsewhere, castle animal visit with cherry blossom trees, soldering and testing takes takes 12m per unit, motor mower instruction and asking until things are clear, toilet block finally, late night trainingTue 2022-04-12
: work progresses bit by bit, whatsapp isolation failure, sadness but focus on work to quickfix it, ground phonecalls again, neckpain from soldering, danish and finnish, semi early nightMon 2022-04-11
: ground phonecalls getting nasty and stressful, work solves anxiety, nice office talk about emotion swings, proper training session when slightly angry, biweekly haircutSun 2022-04-10
: a whole lot of nothing, recorded podcast, phone works again for now, laptop upgrade and network fail, chinese food takeaway and laptop fix, insecurity continues, pending work, editing podcast takes timeSat 2022-04-09
: remote ambu shift and anxious teacher role and both probably doing the best we can, we don't need mechanising personal contracts, finished intimidating workout and tempo squats are useful, shopping and phone stuff once again takes long and doesn't work, anxious all day except eveningFri 2022-04-08
: replacing stolen stuff, perhaps incidents like this are healthy and force a restart, grateful for backup-phone, diet is taking its toll and stopped after deadlifts, mutual visit to friend is awkward but gets gradually better and looking forward to go there alone, probably need more people around me in the long termThu 2022-04-07
: send make invoices finally, cardio session is exhausting, solo walk and car window busted and bag stolen, unrelated emotionally unstable and insecure and loneliness and darkness, wondering when the plane will take offWed 2022-04-06
: actually enjoying morning layout work, friendly robot project start ack, 2 gym sessions and condition is improving, hungry since dropping calories and let's continue this for a month or so, spectrum of relationships, YT is apparently still addictiveTue 2022-04-05
: making docs and quote, sleepy as can be, shopping-therapy together, layouting, usual sadness and loneliness when getting to know someoneMon 2022-04-04
: simply work, someone hit a deer and unexpected help and burying people in the woods is not OK, training for real againSun 2022-04-03
: difficult wakeup and uneventful remote ambu and commitment by making a map, very nice walk with fluff and murder methods and movies, carbonated sugarfree caffeinefree drinks, perhaps drawing graffiti is nice but don't want to invest in copic markers, semi early night and excellent sleepSat 2022-04-02
: new simcard allows me to walk around during ambu standby, weights feel light, eleiko shirt talk about house and happiness, zubwumfer story, buy drawing-stuff in Eindhoven and colour pencil test fails, drawing a cat, hallway noise but no people on hallway, can't sleep because of noise and accidental caffeineFri 2022-04-01
: bad nightrest thinking about work that doesn't fit again but in the morning everything looks a bit doable, simulating electronics for fun and profit, remote talk at start of project, corona still/again but it's ok apparently, pullups and stuff and preparing for an actual program, catching up on many pending emails, lowering calories once more and I foresee hunger in my near future, lots of positive energyThu 2022-03-31
: lasercutting enclosures and measuring all day, electronics is voodoo and doubting my skillsWed 2022-03-30
: coincidentally ran into friend's dad, solo movie with unexpected death, handheld scope finally and realising I don't know electronicsTue 2022-03-29
: quarantine over, drawing, get rubber tiles to do blockpulls, need portable scope, dentist finishing up extra root, ambu meeting and feeling sad and lonely, late night weights help a bitMon 2022-03-28
: robot project is go, reading about Jura and mountain bothies and walks, watching hours go by is nice sometimes, drawing with fineliner, dieting is easy when quarantined and being strict worksSun 2022-03-27
: made another drawing, remaining indoors, suske & wiske, videos, feeling better corona-wiseSat 2022-03-26
: quarantine with lots of videos and drawing and movie and heatFri 2022-03-25
: making nervous quote, legal help or waiting it out, went to see cows and do shopping, positive selftest and real test, feeling fuzzy and movie nightThu 2022-03-24
: oly lifting goes better and better, canceled mid .nl trip, always thinking the worst when receiving an email, work with or without brain and soldering is nice sometimes, snotty nose, enjoying home movie finallyWed 2022-03-23
: pretty much work, eat, unidirectional neighbour conversation, meh solo walk, and current flowing backwardsTue 2022-03-22
: inverse cat-and-mouse train game with thoughts, am I getting stupider, anxious morning and pending work, definition of respect, intermittent measurement and finally mental tilt, remote math funMon 2022-03-21
: cleaning the place, tea outside, oly lifts go remarkably well again, soldering-therapy, rack extension so no more excuses, religion and dinosaurs and making peace with that, nightmares about work and -inabilitySun 2022-03-20
: solo remote ambu shift with birds and severe startup issues because not enough sleep, neighbour shopping and removing weeds, other neighbour talk I can't figure out yet, ping pong, zombie movie finishedSat 2022-03-19
: neighbourshopping and neighbourchatting, movies from thriftstore but no chair, let's not buy a tent I can't fit into, helping clean branches and operating a crane, movie but more chatting instead, noisy tenantsFri 2022-03-18
: oly lifts go extremely well, remote talk and finding a balance in planning, relaxed programming boards while listening to music, nice walk with reptile and sometimes I feel too stupid to talk to people, fixing drain and smoking and tea brings back memories, good night restThu 2022-03-17
: intermittent work all day and finally finished, sad and alone nevertheless, wider squat stance and grip makes a differenceWed 2022-03-16
: intermittent work bursts, nervous while shopping just like back in the day, reject crapfood for a while and don't shop on an empty stomach, various pleasant convos about pending loss and scoring and helicopters and crying for various reasons, relaxing with demoscene treats, no sport until work is doneTue 2022-03-15
: frans de waal, iterative work goes slow and still feeling caffeine, how to fix my plant when it can't talk, waving disabled girl has no hidden agenda, new pants finally, signed up for bench theatre workshopMon 2022-03-14
: packing and leaving and even more sheep, the joy of avoiding freeways, even a little bit of work can take the edge off, ukraine and mental impact and leasecat, handing in broken tools, apparently not recovered yet and maybe deload is really a thingSun 2022-03-13
: more sticky sheep, more or less mechanised walking at Oostvaardersplassen, stores closed because of bible belt, visit old town Hattem, tired and fell asleep, still don't know how to combine training and eating properly, avoidance-videowatching and rummikub, bit of workSat 2022-03-12
: many old and young sheep and ice cream vendor with kiosk, walking at de Haere, visit old town Elburg, pancakes, more rummikub, awful nightrest and guilt about pending workFri 2022-03-11
: ground the neverending story seems to be finally coming towards an end, difficulty starting work as always, remote talk and documentation is an iterative process, drive to Veluwe, cavia relaxation therapy necessary as usual, rummikub, excellent night restThu 2022-03-10
: ground-phonecall and getting legal help, I really screwed up this day workwise, redo and refine expenses, spontaneous solo competition 135/85/175Wed 2022-03-09
: knocked head against various things and broke a glass for unknown reason, very nice walk talk about self esteem and birds and a bench, extremely tired so swap work around and do hands-on work instead, cerebral palsy, do I need more fatTue 2022-03-08
: still coffee symptoms and not gonna do that again soon, the joy of spontaneous escape-cleaning, donated excess food to food bank, dead birds, iterative reading and longish tech interview to clear everything up, mega tired afterwards but mediocre gym session anyway, finally scheduled walk, mega tired and awesome sleepMon 2022-03-07
: coffee extravaganza, reading and understanding new data makes the stress significanty less, quick and heavy squat attempt, first remote ambu meeting and seeing new people, broken record player and bet about crying, painkiller payback to get to know people, can't sleep because of coffee and noisy neighboursSun 2022-03-06
: another remote ambu with minirabbits and dead cat ID, how to handle inviting a select group without causing grief, SIM card works but microphone is bad, mostly wasted and tired afternoon, the balance between constant attention and healthy mutual respect and when to eject people out of my lifeSat 2022-03-05
: remote ambu with smoked oxygen cat in real ambulance gives hope, give positive feedback when someone teaches you something, got another plant because previous one is doing well, bodyweight going down and bar weight going up slowly, dark city rewatch, itchy legs from shampoo or allergy of some sort, can't sleepFri 2022-03-04
: hbd, still reading book, reading robot docs in bursts and not as much tilt as expected and at least sent update, watching and feeding cavias, SIM card doesn't work, grumpy dinner, spontaneous work recalc, SIM card email, postponing food-excessThu 2022-03-03
: car maintenance, swap garden lights, ground-phonecall with usual meh response, program PCBs, time flies when having a great walk, oly lifts go slow, let's keep on reading, tired and extremely long sleepWed 2022-03-02
: reading my book, ropejumping out of breath probably means it's working, new phone subscription after simple network test, temperature tests and actual decent talk, more lifting, always tired in the evening now, more CAN commitment issuesTue 2022-03-01
: slight wrist & shoulder pain, relay test, CAN challenge worrying, new phone flashbackMon 2022-02-28
: more tiny house browsing, my thoughts are not my identity, mental overload after robot project talk, more cavia antibiotics, challenge vs comfort and finishing first things first, ropejumping getting more and more challenging, sold weight plates and nice aftertalkSun 2022-02-27
: sport, supertired, sleep, more sport, failed laundry causes unnecessary irritation, looking at tiny houses and nothing elseSat 2022-02-26
: uneventful remote ambulance, passively finding sheep and cows and goats, t-shirt is still cold but inside store is warm, resisting crapfood, progressive ropejumping becomes not so nice so it must be working, itchy legs from too much soap, too tired for movieFri 2022-02-25
: gaining therapy clue, land-phonecall and getting slightly more annoyed, last time Nuenen taxi, agriculture robot talk takes lots of energy because everything is new, fan control money talk, running and walking and sitting on a bird bench, more therapy clue, cellphone consumerism trap and headache and mental tilt, cleaning bumper plates and putting them up for sale, animal shelter closure so farThu 2022-02-24
: land-phonecall and usual lame excuses, last work pickup in Veldhoven and therapy-shopping afterwards, don't always accept work I can't really do but say no and 2.5 A is enough, new agriculture robot work but reserve time for ongoing projects, tax done finally, ask appointment for retirement talk, make appointment for difficult price talkWed 2022-02-23
: belgian tooth drilling, unweighing bench and guinea pigs, long and very nice walk and talk, LEDstrip scripting pays off, charity visit because of lonelinessTue 2022-02-22
: keeping calm while flashing boards and flashback to getting open source bugs fixed and not doing that, on-the-minute oly lifts works well, donate to food bank, land chaos phonecalls and getting a bit impatient already and avoiding small conversation details and instead guiding it where you want it to go, it's ok to not always go insane in the gymMon 2022-02-21
: thrift store recovery, apply to other ambu team, food bank contact, relay test takes much too long and questioning my understanding of electronics at the slightest failure, oly lifts go a bit better, got a plant but see if it survives before getting more, catmat, drawing-lesson with actual communication feels less weird all the timeSun 2022-02-20
: remote ambu shift and angry animal people and staying calm, bird on head, too lazy to clean and sport instead, many oly lift with submax weight seems to work, laundry logistics are challenging because this room is damn small, recalc and optimise food and let's donate to food bank, feel like slowly losing grip on progress so time to tighten the rope againSat 2022-02-19
: overactive thriftstore accident and trying to recover goods, saying sorry and learning is all I can do, all sport on the clock seems to work, ad-hoc work in the garden collecting wood and mild teambuilding experience, not gonna follow people around, watching demos on a big screen, crapfoodFri 2022-02-18
: too much time finding screws and coincidental phonecall about product price, ropejumping on a timer works better I think, nice stormy outdoor talk and weighing down a garden bench, invest in maintaining friendships, front squats again solve nearly everything, still mostly unable to just laugh with other people and feeling lonely and small, watching oly lifting on a big screen for the 1st time, can't sleep because of hopeless thoughtsThu 2022-02-17
: weight is getting a bit ridiculous so have to recalculate again, frustration and email about financially impossible recurring work, cleaning the bathroom and clean looks better, redesign vs sucking it up vs finding cheaper parts, tilt while cleaning office because too much stuff, ropejumping on the clock, workbreakdown of tests and email so I can wrap up and send an invoice, hip still sore, early night because storm last nightWed 2022-02-16
: land-phonecall with confusion and sloppy impression and stress and guilt but finally some progress, weightlifting with yoga background and initiating a conversation, selling this place already causes mild stress, ad hoc tea talk with dad of classmate, ordering components is somewhat stressfulTue 2022-02-15
: daily land-phonecall, scripting is still fun, LED colleague talk is more personal and open than usual, front squats and ropejumping, end-of-.cn-newyear dinner and being patient but not in the mood to play games, half a movie because tiredMon 2022-02-14
: land-phonecalls the ongoing story, bodyweight nice and stable but too high, starting to look for retirement plan and feeling a bit old, fitting excel square peg into round hole makes my head hurt, scripting again since a long time is satisfactory and gives energy, focusmeeting went very open and relaxed and will be repeated w/o commitment, cat therapy and aftertalkSun 2022-02-13
: register for focus meeting, cleaning the place, hbd, mediocre takeaway food experience, double movie and fell asleep - have to rewatch dark city to form opinionSat 2022-02-12
: ambu shift with familiar bitter aftertaste but trying to fix that, running and ropejumping always help to lift up mood, forgot to return remote ambu key, late night shopping and tiredFri 2022-02-11
: another kiddo presentation went well, fix difficult car headlights finally, stroopkoekjes and the easiest way to avoid snackfood is not having it in the house, swimming cancelled finally, old sloppy habits are still there so time to clean the place, food recalculation puzzle, keep on eating like this for a few weeks and see what happens, writing addresses and medication down for progressThu 2022-02-10
: seeing cat colleague again is nice and ongoing test, kiddo ambu presentation gives energy, remote talk about mutual respect and questioning instead of cancelling, perhaps time to start thinking about retirement saving, waiting at vet extremely long w/o losing patience, not alone in gym again and mild conditioning, slacking too muchWed 2022-02-09
: acknowledge dementia info, make financial budget, unstable invoice response causes mild stress, trying to notice when emotions are hijacking my brain into doomsday thoughts, finally cancel non-charity gym, apply to other ambulance team, reapply to focus-meeting to try, appreciating honesty and faithfulness in chat, ropejumping-condition is getting better, USB-switch idea born out of necessityTue 2022-02-08
: fancontroller order, morning shopping together, sad after elderly visit and therefore running and walking and sport, visitor in gym finally, robot invoice and data, animalfriendly toothpaste and shoe rack, food recalculation and need more proteinMon 2022-02-07
: breakfast takes long when done properly, conclusive animalfriendly soap reply, woman with kid's shopping cart, update hourly fee and charging for travel, ethernet phonecall until things are perfectly clear, get a bit more personal to de-awkwardise convo while painting eyes, coronabuddy, easiest way to avoid candy is by not having it in the houseSun 2022-02-06
: extremely bad night test because of storm on the moor, remote ambu shift with horses and dyscalculia and openness, 2 sides to small animal shelter story I guess, extremely tired and fell asleep until laundry, help with lost travel card and receive usual grief, animal friendly toothpaste, more mild conditioning and more front squats, time to lose some excess weight, movie and cozy feeling with personal items aroundSat 2022-02-05
: revisiting oly lifts goes ok, mutual thriftstore and office and supermarket visit was appreciated, 2nd hand leaky water tap and truckdriving talk, sport as soon as ambu standby shift ends, even more veganism research, build bathroom shelf thing, daily corn reboot, 2nd sport session goes remarkably well, eating properly again but have to check food values, paying urgent tax, negotiating about who pays half is weird, too tired for movieFri 2022-02-04
: early sport, forgot remote talk and got homework for next time, get scrap wood to build cheap shelf, forgot to play taxi, usual grief feels worse after own period of happiness, see sheep, reluctantly allow visit but no more because this is my place, able to keep calm during old colleague phonecall, more veganism researchThu 2022-02-03
: more mild eco-research, rushing to get cutlery and cleaner, more cavia issues that can wait a bit, ambu schooltalk with lack of enthousiasm, petting python and holding tarantula, nice visit and talk and try out chinese restaurant, need more lightsWed 2022-02-02
: pants approved, bloodtest D and B12 and patronising employee, LED and PSU analysis is straightforward so far, AH feedback, thriftstore run, wrap up many small tasks for instant good feeling, jealous and instable again but gone in an hour, relaxed office talk and less stuff is indeed better, swimming-escalation pays off and phonecall follows, hands messed up again, front squats solve nearly everythingTue 2022-02-01
: sport possible again and some more conditioning, biweekly ground inquiry, neighbour dog checkup and dog/horse dialogue, chinese new year coffee, hipsterdeodorant and tea egg and pants shopping, friendly eyes everywhere and overly positive mood, diabetes flexstrip disassembly, LED analysis because it is due, trash in the wrong bin, smelling of lime and cucumber, danablue explanation, put welcome at entrance, sent invoice and why not send them sooner, slacking/shutdownMon 2022-01-31
: ambu phone unreachable, updating CV is always mildly uplifting, ambu night meeting, unexpectedly positive work-meeting, flashing boards while actually smiling, being patient and mellow and friendly at family grill dinner, talkative during painting-lesson and actualy enjoying it, ambu phone testSun 2022-01-30
: out of food, expecting thanks is not ok, fix lamp switches, decorate and finish the place bit by bit, hide electrical wires, james bond movie, fancy and alternate and normal supermarket, ongoing search for animal friendly hygiene productsSat 2022-01-29
: remote ambu shift with unexpected colleague and continue until task is fixed, calculating again and finally payback, fries, prometheus movie is mehFri 2022-01-28
: positive teams-talk with requests for courses and progress by being open, money calculations, extracting more addresses and failing to be nice, slight money argument but admitting my fault, glitter cat and other decorations that mean somethingThu 2022-01-27
: ambu morning at other region and goose suit and sportgirl, afternoon ambu with fueling and carrying a dog, expected bench regression, extract addresses from my mom, fancy supermarket should not become a habitWed 2022-01-26
: nightdog ambu phone number mixup, office talk nice as ever, dispose of PMD myself, book ambu rides in other region, supernice walk with tour and humour and openness, invest in relations during good times, finish work and new work comes callingTue 2022-01-25
: home gym is so nice but also a test of commitment, visit milieustraat, learn how to separate plastic, wooden blocks under bench, revive coffee table, fancy supermarket again, glue wooden boards and semi-fix mains cords, explore nearby village, laundrybasket, finally fix KvK address, back to work, less stuff is better, jealous for no reasonMon 2022-01-24
: forgot ambu phone and many small mistakes, nice january talk, shared laundry finally, rope jumping, group walk on moor and cavia aftertalk, nostalgia shopping at fancy supermarket, lonelySun 2022-01-23
: leftover food, accidentally wounded cavia, reading water meter, fetching cupboard, contact list one by one like a child and reward good behaviour, night ambu fetching and slight argumentSat 2022-01-22
: ambu shift in other region and nice on-the-road talk, unslipperying plates works a tiny bit and semi-decent workout, gym talk goes a bit too fast, family dinner is nice, dementia signsFri 2022-01-21
: morning gym at home, slippery plates, hopefully final ikea run, thriftstore full of nice people again but glasses instead of teapot, whatsapp for ambu as well, dragon movie on the couchThu 2022-01-20
: assemble rack and notify and testing feels good, continue ikea assembly and cleaning up a bit, more stuff needs to go, slacking, 28 people so far, starts to feel like homeWed 2022-01-19
: say bye to house again when picking up mail, pick up rack-remains, thriftstore talk with oil lamp classmate was nice, thriftstore free coffee table, many ikea drawers and doors, james bond movie, where to put my so called bedTue 2022-01-18
: thriftstore shopping for small items is fun, lacquering and placing wooden panels, ikea work, ambu speeding ticketMon 2022-01-17
: ikea door-and-drawer pickup, calling about undelivered parcels and trying works most of the time, pants experiment, rework PCBs w/o panic or re-re-recheck, lacquering boards, bigscreen game, movie, mega tired and let's get this place ready this weekSun 2022-01-16
: fetching and sawing wood, glueing, sanding, memories of first living alone, did my work, movie testOh dear. What happened here: moving, tooth infection, darkness, dorm for grownups, small home gym out of frustration, animal ambu changes, money, getting rid of lots of stuff, home decoration, WhatsApp, eyes getting worse, guines pig issues.
Tue 2021-10-19
: late wakeup, arguing to convince, drawing and lasercutting fail, house-hunting, sent invoice, ambu pickup, pending squats can only fail so muchMon 2021-10-18
: keychain, full moon, antibiotics, Roadburn, decorative lights, drawing-class better than expected and attention is nice sometimesMon 2021-10-05 to Sun 2021-10-17
: change-training and listening, MF meetup went fairly OK, try a more relaxed facial expression, connecting with people, try HIIT rowing, doing less and less ele-work, scheduled a break to change direction, house sold, light at end of tunnel, new things afootMon 2021-10-04
: early thrift store dropoff, boring tests and documenting my way out of that, looking at house, shopping for my mom, coding a fireplaceFri 2021-09-24 to Sun 2021-10-03
: MF buildup and teardown and soaked, sick, corona-test and confusion, clearing the house, too many boring familiar things, movies, thrift store meeting, scheduled a holidayThu 2021-09-23
: MF buildup day 1, sharing peanut butter sandwiches, vegan vs vegetarian confusion, lifting really makes a difference, count to 3 or sometimes 10 when meeting incompatible people, nice Indian linux RF hacker talk, some work gives energy instead of taking it, more movies in bedWed 2021-09-22
: playing taxi once more, feeling physically excellent, good gymsession and ever more rowing, city hall stamp nonsense and sending contract stuff finally, group-event-game phonecall, movies in bedTue 2021-09-21
: playing taxi, rowing works, the unjoy of a full gym and getting mediocre squats over with, shortest dentist appointment ever, make testjig specs, appointment with friend friday, slacking, ambu pickup and dead cats, continuous posture checkMon 2021-09-20
: rowing and practicing oly lifts works, making dentist appointments, finding place to legalise doc, trip to Limburg to get signed docs and forced convo, driveby to get other signed doc, sell barbell stands, meh drawing-lesson and not fitting in and sadnessSun 2021-09-19
: very long gym session, coffee-experiment, shopping for my mom, food-overview, test-jig preparation and thinking a bit longer mostly saves time later, surprise ambu nightshiftSat 2021-09-18
: double ambu shift with gecko and snake and chickens and snake-payment initiative, not a whole lot afterwardsFri 2021-09-17
: playing taxi again, psycho-talk mainly about planning and work-breakdown, ground-paperwork, backyard visit and nice talk and dogs and swing and lights, put stuff up for sale, more paperwork and calling and scanningThu 2021-09-16
: playing taxi, cavia vet is expensive, spontaneous mega long gym session with ever more rowing, land contract phonecalls and perhaps finally almost done, selecting stuff to sell off and priceWed 2021-09-15
: slept too much, land contract stubbornness pays off, getting rid of clothesTue 2021-09-14
: overslept, legs almost back to normal after test, PSU repair, ground-paperwork, feeling slow and nap, everything the same, ambu pickup, mistaking veganism for religion or banMon 2021-09-13
: repairs, legs still sore from squash, ordering more samples, make cavia appointment, send invoices, mild darkness so perhaps need to go away or out for a while, busy and long but nice ambu ride with cats and hedgehogs and maggots and rabbits and death and railsSun 2021-09-12
: weak gym session and need more recovery, fox hunt and nice roadtrip, shopping for my mom, repairs and think about testjigSat 2021-09-11
: unconvential ambu talk and nice shift, solo squash went remarkably well, more rowing and quiet gym at nightFri 2021-09-10
: more rowing and light weight stuff, playing taxi, planning-talk, sugar rush and dip very noticeable, make conscious decision to help an animal and then do it, making overall planning, signing doc in asten and surprise-psychology, scrolling back in memory and diary to find good daysThu 2021-09-09
: early and short gym, play taxi, rowing is working alright so let's do more, taxi again and darkness, paperwork for ground and division, unpleasant phonecall recording revisited for fun, no volunteer meeting, anaerobic threshold and rowingWed 2021-09-08
: scared of squats again, sweat-soaked car, debugging on-site takes energy, rowing seems to work, cows, shopping for my mom and broken record player again, not enough food on time and grumpy, summer dresses, retirement and ground docs, ambu scheduling and early nightTue 2021-09-07
: mystery fault causes unnecessary stress as usual and drains battery, laptop holder may cure nausea eventually, finding samples, nap, quiet ambu night with bad nightrest and lacking phone experienceMon 2021-09-06
: too lazy for gym, making documentation and generous quote, laptop height almost makes me puke again so let's make DIY laptop holder, visit aunts and meh convo, mega tired, drawing lesson and social awkwardness as usualSun 2021-09-05
: shopping for my mom and slowly downhill, visit friend and nice walk and nice room design, boat, caterpillar hesitation lessonMon 2021-08-23 to Sat 2021-09-04
: boring work, money, grief, ambu issues, wave of darkness, career choices again, slowly tying up loose ends again, everything the same, fewer videos and more calmSun 2021-08-22
: early gym and walk/run, no sugar continues, tying up loose ends, olive macaroni salad again, scheduled ambu shifts for this week, more about arguingSat 2021-08-21
: nice ambu shift with lots of cats and BS, shopping for my mom and garbage and irritation, mega tired again, darkness for some reason, arguing to convinceFri 2021-08-20
: deadlift mental challenge, taxi, visit my mom and unreliable narrator, challenge of ditching added sugar and sweets, body needs more food apparently, detached - finally, never too late to be reading a lot of important stuffThu 2021-08-19
: late gym is too crowded, nice but accessible cartoon movie, drawing, avoiding and didn't do a damn useful thing today, excellent nightrestWed 2021-08-18
: ambu bringback and awkward group talk and humour is gone even under mild stress, more vitamin C, perhaps swap long gym sessions for several shorter ones - experiment continues, dentist and excellent teeth and overly long roots and plan root canal session, walking and a bit more running and flies are active in the afternoon, fell asleep againTue 2021-08-17
: signing docs, animal therapy, upright posture doesn't look exaggerated, awkward midday gym talk and reason for no lessons and pin squats, alternate subway, order CAN and solar boards, land tax from big problem to fixed, fell asleep, uneventful ambu pickup and not having whatsapp is still acceptableMon 2021-08-16
: slow wakeup, shopping for my mom, thrift store tiny backpack, land and tax calls, melting wires, energy drink sensitivity after 1 month w/o coffee, layout of yet another small board is not as boring as I thought and finding art and challenge in work, ambu evening with nice talk and hopeful duck guarduans and chicken and manageable chaosSun 2021-08-15
: much better and super long gym session, continue and finish ethernet layout, logo tinkering and questioning career choices again, running helps a lot, can't sleepSat 2021-08-14
: nice ambu shift with splashing and mouse and scorpion, short visit to my mom for paperwork and groceries, multiple thriftstore fail, not all vegan stuff tastes good, confusion as strategy, layouting with clearance nitpickingFri 2021-08-13
: extremely weak at gym and wussing out of deadlifts, project canceled but did the work anyway so let's see what happens, walking and running and plogging, grief at home, land ownership tax talkThu 2021-08-12
: slept through alarm, playing taxi brings mild darkness, walking on sandals, forget about caravan dent, ambu swap is ok, pancake plant surprise, testdrive PSU, even simple board takes long to layout, relay debugging and aftercare, impedance matching and I don't really understand electronics, tired all dayWed 2021-08-11
: semi-late gym and walking and running, upper back work works, looking at cows and people and testdrive, crapfood, extremely tired, didn't do anything useful so let's call this a holiday, when work comes calling I'm already too lateTue 2021-08-10
: morning ambu gives energy and takes it away again in 1h, nap, land sale talk, walking and running because why not, big dragonfly, another leak, antibiotics still work, nice ambu night with owl and cat and boundaries and carswap-planMon 2021-08-09
: gym with squat balance wakeup call, running and/or less gym is working for sure, shopping for my mom and helping old lady in the rain, backup-person for renting, crowded at home again already, toothache is getting lessSun 2021-08-08
: slept late(ish), finish work before gym, hit by caravan on way to friends, card game, takes about 30 minutes to relax, neighbourhood bingo and wanting be on my team and nice talk, nice dinner with games, still not good at driving in the darkSat 2021-08-07
: planning non-critical work in the morning is mostly fail, slow ambu ride without initiative or questions, voluntary work is not charity, less gym means more energy left, pickup from holiday, slight darkness, antiobiotics but still pain, make deadline appointment with friendsFri 2021-08-06
: gym lockout again, fixing roof dent form goes slow, insurance payback is like finding money, scared of high frequencies and ordering free 60 A supply, still mental block against maintaining someone else's work, crapfood and movieThu 2021-08-05
: early dentist without action, antibiotics for weightloss, playing testrobot and proactively trying to fix flaws, making layout and schematic takes mega long, 3 more days of tooth unpleasantness, semi smooth ambu night with biting catWed 2021-08-04
: short and nervous gym, ambu dental ride with familiar tilt at end, responsibility of driving, painkillers getting a bit too frequent, spacing out behind computer, woken up by toothTue 2021-08-03
: locked out of gym but actual goal oriented running, grumpily updated weird schematic, animal spotting at subway, drop off at my mom and ad-hoc wifi, SMS is cheap, fries and crapfood, early and late ambu night with dead dog and sunrise convo and dentMon 2021-08-02
: lunk alarm deadlifts, programming boring boards and staying calm, toothache getting a bit nasty, mice in the store, making specs and quote and testdoc, nice painkiller buzz while watching video, hair and overheated phoneSun 2021-08-01
: early long walk to war camp site and mega tired and hungry, hamstring pain from walking I guess, shopping for my mom, dog driveby, fell asleep a tiny bit, start dividing things, toothache continues, scripting with meds needs test framework and guidance, ambu nightSat 2021-07-31
: uni rooms dream wakeup and realising not doing so bad in reality, animal consciousness scale and nuancing a topic and how to convince people, need to start cleaning out, ambu ride and funny convos but have to stay alert, fell asleep, walking and gym with nice gynaecology talk, mega toothacheFri 2021-07-30
: surprising squat success and sore legs, signing contract and grief and guinea pigs, more fat fewer carbs, walking in heeze, slacking at office, still toothache, slight money planningThu 2021-07-29
: too lazy for gym but epic walk instead with mouse and bees and butterflies, highway is stressy but fast, typing docs and charging for that, getting insurance money back, shoplifting is sad, wooden postcard idea, chocolate as coffee patch, creative schematic chicken-egg problem, slowly getting less tiredWed 2021-07-28
: no night ambu, could fast walking ever replace running, reordering my planning, mild house hunting, free electronic counseling, performance art and dance, awkward housing warranty call, getting back in touch with interested buyer, relieved and exciting feelingTue 2021-07-27
: weak moment and overslept so walking instead of gym, miniscule trash drama again, finish mentally blocked schematic, funshopping for shirt, shaved talk, shopping for my mom together, house hunt starts, performance movie, ambu night with or without driverMon 2021-07-26
: deadlifts cause loose bolts, walking again is nice and saw a deer, decoding schematic takes extremely long, house sale begins a bitSun 2021-07-25
: mediocre gym session, walking with too many people and dogs so get up earlier, relation and money talk and signing-date, therapy animal car ride with frog and snails, text detox just might not work, fell asleep, reading about morality, benefits of running or walking, why so damn tired all the timeSat 2021-07-24
: cat-themed redhead ambu with animal equality and nice mutual art and creativity talk, removing labels people stick onto me, crapfood, sleep all day long, late night gym because better than home, front squats cure everythingFri 2021-07-23
: early catchup work, silly short connector meeting, relation and disease grief, more ambu and protocol, late smooth ambu shift with nice talk and seagull in town centerThu 2021-07-22
: not-so-early gym and shoulder is ok, grumpily programming boards, ran into hungary friend, mainstream work goes extremely slow, bossy, chocolate for energy, assemble LED PCBs as break, work before ambu, datesWed 2021-07-21
: long and boring meeting, questions about overdue work, evening ambu and not dead until dead, pick up tax and headacheTue 2021-07-20
: squat mind challenge again and snatch balances to test shoulder, pick up repairs, flower store with bred dog, decoding drawing goes slow as usual, long ele colleague talk, nap because no coffee day 10, nose operation ok, bd celebration, nightly IRL duck huntMon 2021-07-19
: skipped gym, reading house sale docs, small invoice to get it over with, decent talk about will, colleague movie surprise and nice talk, more ambu shifts, massage bait, mailing and reading and translation relation docs without much emotion, missed ambu rideSun 2021-07-18
: gym with heavy vaccine arm, walking makes colours come back it seems, assemble and measure hot PCBs all day, bit of urge to make LED blinkies again, set & rep ranges,Sat 2021-07-17
: early shopping at fancy supermarket, excellent ambu shift, people for uncaged animals, shirts, shopping for my mom, animal spotting and accidental driveby, leftover food, absence of consequences as motivation for actionsFri 2021-07-16
: tired and wobbly legs after deadlifts, anchor talk, 2nd vaccination, sign house thing and 2nd tour, someone taking responsibility finally, tax done, display project no go, 11y celebration with food, still tiredThu 2021-07-15
: shitty and tired gym, grumpy, playing taxi, tired, day 5 w/o coffee but should be OK in a few weeks, escape to office, saying no to another project, decoding done and give proper feedback, read separation contract, tax result almost done when I didn't expect it, long relation talk, nice busstop convoWed 2021-07-14
: walking upright is good for everything, neon shirt, nice CAN talk, colleague call for work and saying no to work, whiteboard planner v2.0 gives relief, decoding convoluted drawings all day, nice colleage movie surprise, perhaps drive ambu in a while, nightmare about taking mental advantageTue 2021-07-13
: up way too early, let's start a new gym program, walking at kamerven again, unexpected meeting and when I blame other people it's mostly my own fault, order hot PCBs, decode fscked up drawings, mega tired, quiet ambu nightMon 2021-07-12
: wuss out of gym, play taxi for vaccination, mega tired and planner gone, back to whiteboard, disarm deadline drama by calling those involved, butterfly dilemma, concerned about subconsciously switching language, mega many messagesSun 2021-07-11
: early ambu shift with tree and leaking rabbit, no coffee all day and headache, dependency is not ok now, nap, fries, darkness so let's do more walking or cardioSat 2021-07-10
: ambu shift better than expected, dumped cat adoption gives hope, fell asleep, late shopping and super sweaty gym, tired as fuckFri 2021-07-09
: shopping 2nd chance and power outing, finalise relation docs and pay bills, attraction, reassure fuzzy snackbar quote issue, late ambu shift and icecream surprise niceness, weird kissing styleThu 2021-07-08
: cat son and cat finances flashback, late shopping for my mom, for cheap PCBs go elsewhere, saying no to tiltprojectWed 2021-07-07
: MF volunteer reminder, setting boundaries for now, layouting hot PCB for review, fixed ambu night scheduleTue 2021-07-06
: late gym and feeling weak, house sale visit and grief and escape to office, subway and apparently I eat less now, tax finally finished, nap, computer issues, PCB layout, deliver tax stuff and printing for convenience, overheated phone, ambu night with late sleepMon 2021-07-05
: too lazy for gym, shuffle work around to make time for tax, testing boring boards, PCB rework with a drill, visiting local free video rental place, why nervous in the store all of a sudden - perhaps food related, enjoying text convoSun 2021-07-04
: long gym session and nervous in between class people, texting-balance, tax paperwork, healthy food againSat 2021-07-03
: very nice ambu shift, boat, out of shape so why not do some cardio in the morning, shopping for my mom, mild back and shoulder pain, not feeling at home at home, finding new gym program, very bad nightrestAnother gap, because work, house sale, stuff, and in short just not feeling like adding updates.
Tue 2021-05-04
: running in the rain despite fancy satellite pics,Mon 2021-05-03
: weak squat moment, bring back oil-leaking car, bad mood coming home and fell asleep, stress from simple phonecall but planning helps, quotes and docs and fix language, glowing LED revisitSun 2021-05-02
: creative running at groote peel and spotting dead animals, let's get another joystick, glowing LED mystery continuesSat 2021-05-01
: nice ethics talk and nice shift at ambu and lots of energy, finally put computer at my mom's place, lots of crapfood I guess, nice backpain, bird movie but too sleepyFri 2021-04-30
: puketastic deadlifts, assembly just in time, taxi, PCB delivery, cookies, game controller works nice, planning grows and grows, GI Zoo, tired and semi early nightThu 2021-04-29
: teams talk with house tip, ask what happened with my docs for a change, PCB assembly until late takes longer than planned again, grumpy after getting homeWed 2021-04-28
: cleans slowly getting better, mega tired, more typingTue 2021-04-27
: typing docs and making quote, running with lots of people rather sucks, order components, crystal ball PCB priceMon 2021-04-26
: even more intimidating squats and more to come, combine expensive layouting with boat colleague ambu ride, shopping for my momSun 2021-04-25
: layouting all day longSat 2021-04-24
: ambu ride with new colleague and ducks,Fri 2021-04-23
: shaking deadlift legs, report-talkThu 2021-04-22
: work, bleh, less stress though, reply from old colleagueWed 2021-04-21
: fridge sale, workTue 2021-04-20
: awkward PCB spec phonecall but remain polite and patient, postponing various tasks, another simple PCBMon 2021-04-19
: intimidating squats, work wakeup call and just work and more boring crap, simple fixes at my mom's place and animal talk, work catchupSun 2021-04-18
: early ok ambu and likeminded colleague, lots of energy, delivery for my mom and lots of noodles at fancy supermarket, late night work, watching a full movie for a changeSat 2021-04-17
: unsmooth ambu morning and schedule new ambu rides, no energy, running to keep darkness away, fell asleep earlyFri 2021-04-16
: easy snatches and picked up lonely watch, taxi, overdue work, taxi again, useful remote talk and planner search, shopping for my mom and blunt meateating reply, lots of vegan crapfood, combine tech with animal welfare idea, postpone some and finish some work for instant success, planner survives day 1 easilyThu 2021-04-15
: early morning to pick up charger, taxi, light-meeting with positive feedback, taxi again, lasercutting and balancing convo again and cat finally done, mega tired, reading gruesome stuff does not promote sleep, literally telling myself my opinion works relaxing, how to promote veganism when talking, late sleepWed 2021-04-14
: shorter dip works better, walk more upright after bracing during oly stuff, mailing and calling whom I have to mail and call and then close communication, levelconversion tests, crapfood, more game relaxationTue 2021-04-13
: running is nice but too long and I get sloppy, helping cat son with his car, shopping for my mom, vegan candy, talk with schoolfriend's mom, taxi to and from funeral, waving girls on the bridge, work wakeup call, kobo deluxe game therapy, reading my bookMon 2021-04-12
: kneepain and wobbly hip but semi creative at gym, doc-typing goes troublesome and slow but do it anyway,Sun 2021-04-11
: running again for homework and shitty condition and kneepain is no instant stress relief but helps, tough and own my deficiencies, ambu email about nightshifts, epic pushups-at-the-office plan, mother phone visit and funeral talk, waitingSat 2021-04-10
: uneventful ambu morning with usual social awkwardness, waiting for W 81kg B, solder sucker appointment, tired, crapfood, early night because running tomorrowFri 2021-04-09
: done with wave 1 at gym and happy and mega tired and slow after deadlifts, taxi, news only once a day, uplifting psycho talk and medication, canceled lasercutting, calling nice people like officer Hopps calling her parents, mostly slacking after himym but with fewer videosThu 2021-04-08
: reading a tiny bit already opens new doors, taxi, reemerging creativity is a sign of fading darkness even when doing taxes, depositing money, sugar crash and coffee sensitivity,Wed 2021-04-07
: hail and rain and snow and cold fingers during gym, exchanging money and revisiting trainstation, selling stuff on 2nd hand store and bike exam story is nice, tax instead of doc, new book, yet another simple PCB, saying no to ambuTue 2021-04-06
: snow, making simple docs and quote, shopping only healthy stuff, rereading notepad to make doc bit by bit, birds on small horse, quote reminder and work coupling, coffeevisit and garbage and big mouth, just leave mail closed next time and read updates in the morning, darkness, late component search and related call and email, new WL videos yayMon 2021-04-05
: many squats and knee pain and getting warmed up takes time, overhead squats at home, painting doesn't bring joy yet and perhaps try b/w instead for now, redo cat pic, psycho selfhelp from wikipedia, video analysis is actually usefulSun 2021-04-04
: finish mechanical drawing and actually doing work brings back a bit of interest, fixed stanger's bike and receive gift, easter dinner is a bit boring now, late ambu ride with active colleagueSat 2021-04-03
: ambu with no rides but nice new colleague and social setting drains battery completely empty, only healthy weekend shopping, nap until night, white pebbles, essentially I live here alone, always mentally weak when in bed after waking up, more darkness approaching, bad nightrest with dreams about my dadFri 2021-04-02
: need more time at gym, taxi, prepare laser drawing, taxi again, lasercutting and balancing social talk, nice unexpected relation talk, apparently fscked up lasering, talk apparently did me good and nice evening although I don't remember what I didThu 2021-04-01
: taxi and of course didn't finish work, bought a standard, dimensions, cat picture takes way too long, shopping for my mom and buying animal stuff bothers me, didn't finish work again and fsck-this-shit-o-clock, uneventful ambu night and bad night rest againWed 2021-03-31
: gym in the sun sucks a bit and cleaning with bad form and road to CG OHP, finish overly troublesome docs and late quote, feeling slightly better, noticing more birds, kevin & perryTue 2021-03-30
: lazy morning, send more invoices and resume light-talk, people can't seem to write anymore, no pressure with catlamp, too many videos again, making more docsMon 2021-03-29
: many squats and out of time, sent overdue overlong bolt doc, pay many bills, send invoices, shuffle bank accounts, high pitch connector and 50 MHz generation, good sleepSun 2021-03-28
: late rise, removing dead rabbit from road and car horns, bit by bit progress on boring docs, extreme darkness and not feeling like doing anything for fun, birthday visit and read about medication, more doc work and fscked up phone malfunction visit again, slightly better, more work, mandatory game, not sure whether ambu night or notSat 2021-03-27
: pigeons and dead squirrel and driving, multipeople convo balancing act, sore legs but less than expected, corn bread, funshopping in suboptimal pants, another small work increment but getting there and starting is the whole issue again and again, time for yet another video input limitFri 2021-03-26
: high volume deadlifts make legs wobble but gym more fun and sciatica go away, taxiing again, work goes extremely troublesome for some reason but let's resort to tiny increments, extremely bad night restThu 2021-03-25
: play taxi, haircut, fueling and 1-to-20, shopping, taxi again, lawyer visit, movie, mediocre work, balance between filling the ambu schedule and ego, more mediocre workWed 2021-03-24
: squatting high volume has a soreness latency of 2 days and benching 1 day, tip to mail people for personal rest, bizarre ride to pay small fee, embassy interiour design causes memories, car tourette overdose, mega tired and slept extremely longTue 2021-03-23
: wussing out of running and mediocre work instead, testing boring boards, disabling mail and phone for a while, got change plates, still making docs, early nightMon 2021-03-22
: high volume squatting makes me slow, reading air docs all day, triggered by words, money issues but getting my own change plates anyway, hate this boring POS job, early nightSun 2021-03-21
: wussing out of running, visit animal park and depressing garbage everywhere, goat snot, tired from bad nightrest, why do I scare people, slacking at office, reading and deciding programming, more slacking, ambu nightSat 2021-03-20
: ambu ride sitting in back, duck hunt for realsies, patience with younglings, patience with mistakes, kids enthousiastic about pigeon, shopping for my mom, much display/GUI research and pondering and asking advice, bad nightrest for some reasonFri 2021-03-19
: more invoice- and bankaccount-juggling, quote w/o being too nice for a change, even more invoices, lamp calls and mails and not working for free, lawyer wakeup call, friendly invoice reminder results in silence, aunt corona-free, WL reading and weight is nice and constantThu 2021-03-18
: running for a couple of minutes goes remarkably well and causes uplifted mood but sciatica is back, very necessary car wash, invoice and bank account juggling, restless night because of ambu againWed 2021-03-17
: on the minute cleaning goes very well, voting, reading GUI docs makes my brain explode, lots of touchscreen reading and getting to know controller, slacking and reading about WL programming and early nightTue 2021-03-16
: running and sprinting goes quite well, wobbly right hip, new lawyer, lots of garbage disposal research, aunt corona call, suboptimal night rest because of ambu but all quietMon 2021-03-15
: extremely slow at gym, bolt robot, mini PCB, certificate request mailed finally, more ambu nightwork, new psycho and lawyer appointments, garbage bin wrap-up, late repetitive relation talkSun 2021-03-14
: running in the rain with heartrate zones, whitebread, reading about zones, relation cert letter done finally, finding program and avoiding drm by stealing, plastic soup and sewage/drinking water treatment, nervous for ambu shiftSat 2021-03-13
: excellent ambu ride with turning pigeon and positive people, longing for gym, darkness and semi early night with way too many videosFri 2021-03-12
: on the minute goes semi OK but need more time, darkness and do I always hate work, drop off panel, can't handle garbage bin note, finish specs, more darkness always the same stress and same everything, feels like there's no homeThu 2021-03-11
: taxi and too wet to run but visited new lake, do long-term financial tasks, bolt-turning pcb request, level converters, somewhat disappointing friend visit and phone addiction, roof flew almost off, relation darkness, early nightWed 2021-03-10
: early on the minute and knives and guns, shopping for my mom and bad mood from consumption, do pmod work anyway and gradually better, shredder, programming may not be that difficult, bad nightrest because storm outside, no run tomorrow because of rainTue 2021-03-09
: running in the rain and getting lost again, shopping, do small long-term administrative things at office, sql makes my brain explode, fix ftps error at last because I simply cared to try again, restless and active in the evening, tomorrow on the minute againMon 2021-03-08
: on-the-minute snatches works quite well, awkward talk picking out measurement gear, measuring resistor, coffee confrontation handled in classic digital way, ego disconnect feels good, hackalot on hold, cancel sim card, WL reading and too much robot chickenSun 2021-03-07
: early walk and scout-geese and ofc getting lost, cows roaming free, map-gazing, church folk after 09:00, acceptance zone, cut all the hair, strabrechtse heide movie, morality of changing the environment and allowing inter-animal suffering, guilty feeling although it's sundaySat 2021-03-06
: ambu ride with owl and direct redhead, no crutches in dream, meat smells good, vegan spicy things with corn bread, not a whole lot else, strength like an anchor or like a motorFri 2021-03-05
: boxing meet at gym and squatting doesn't make me slow, playing taxi, corn bread extravaganzaThu 2021-03-04
: bad restless night again, bd doesn't mean anything, not talking, playing taxi and planned run but rainy, BT FM modernism in the car, animal shelter zoom talk and reorder the word salad, totally depleted and darkness bed cover therapy, good night's restWed 2021-03-03
: interrupted restless night, uplifting lifting talk, colleague is back and nice talk again, invoice-o-clock, many small administrative things, mini prog session and people telling me what to do is not the end of the world, mildly happy and energetic throughout the day, fixed ambu schedule now, struggling to stay on top of things and work, not talking at homeTue 2021-03-02
: early sunrise walk because legs still sore is very nice, bring back repairs, invoices, call fmc people, set straight lots of little work things, mega headache, don't want to come homeMon 2021-03-01
: sore legs and weak squats, colleague talk, finish repairs, cumbersome fuse hunt, get on top of some work, invoicesSun 2021-02-28
: early running and ofc getting lost and compass broke, out of breath, repairs and mild cleanup at office, reading and videos about programming but need to finish book firstSat 2021-02-27
: shopping for my mom, reading and lots of videos about programming and pick next program, extreme slacking, fries, aunt callFri 2021-02-26
: early gym is crowded, playing taxi again and not talking, colleague is back, psycho talk with little progress and talk about stress, programming boards, videos about programmingThu 2021-02-25
: playing taxi, reluctant PCB mods and stress from basic calc question, stress from FPGA mail, stress from script-not-working call, office internet sucks and order new one, relationship ID card nonsense will not affect me, linux help, proactive work but still stressWed 2021-02-24
: very bad nightrest, gym strength is ok but technique sucks, one more last minute change makes me grumpy for no reason, bring back fantest, car pickup and insurance awkwardness, bad mood from opening mail is silly but true, mega tiredTue 2021-02-23
: pick up and finish small work tasks to get back on time, I do garbage from now on,Mon 2021-02-22
: gym and grumpy layouting takes too long and question everything, I can even be proud of shitty work done well, flashing-pitfallsSun 2021-02-21
: slow start, sunny and warm weather brings back stressy mood somehow, bee-prototyping, reading more WL stuff, software preparation, early night and ambu night dog bringbackSat 2021-02-20
: fixing more boring stuff, reading WL stuff, watch movie and eat crapFri 2021-02-19
: cleans at the gym to avoid shoulders, play taxi again, delayed food but there's always sugar, repairs and proactive communication, kathy rain, reading WL programming, awesome bee ideaThu 2021-02-18
: play taxi, pick up relays and more repairs, play taxi again, repairing while podcasts, pick up scanner and test and nostalgia photo, more fixing and more WL programming, ambu nightWed 2021-02-17
: many deadlifts don't tax shoulder, pick up fan testset, ambu gift dropoff, spend some time doing admin seems to work, repairing stuff and out of relays, reading about WL programmingTue 2021-02-16
: early good gym and getting warmer, implement mail-in-the-morning-only plan seems to work, decline work instead of giving excuses, printing myself, finding and testing scanner, coke zero shoulder fsckup, crash and mega tiredMon 2021-02-15
: can't think under stress and scripting takes mega long, surprising relief by just closing gmail, joy of getting something done, home has pretty much lost its value, too lazy to read, difficult to sleep because of videos againSun 2021-02-14
: shopping for my mom, certificate and grief finally, eating festivity crapfood, reading WL, slackingSat 2021-02-13
: sleep late, still patiently waiting for document search, try to fix vacuum cleaner and reverse engineer board, slacking, reading WL stuffFri 2021-02-12
: forgot alarm code and question everything, friggin cold gym goes badly and feet are fscked up, draw laserstuff, psycho-call and unfinished business, lasercutting and being social on coffee and clock is not happening, pick up repairs, record acrylic glue videoThu 2021-02-11
: printer confiscation, goodbye to car, bring back loaner, turning hobby work into a drag and not getting payed, forgot all elseWed 2021-02-10
: early gym shoveling snow to squat, look at cars and pick a new one, forgot all elseTue 2021-02-09
: early literally freezing gym, light workMon 2021-02-08
: epic snow wakeup and car cleaning, bring rental car briefly back, drawing acrylic takes way too long and let's not do charity anymore, long car drive together, work is stress but reading helpsSun 2021-02-07
: browser tab cleanup, took a walk outside, reading lots of oly stuff and fewer videosSat 2021-02-06
: uneventful ambu session alone and proxy apologies, did nothing all day longFri 2021-02-05
: early gym and welcome wave attention, play taxi, slack and eat and oly lifting videos, taxi again, relation talk and grief, psycho talk and more grief, escape rework and diff probe measurement, still no car, lots of food and maximum slackageThu 2021-02-04
: finish and send waaay too long but proper doc, finish up loose work ends, read ambu corona protocolsWed 2021-02-03
: out of breath and in need of cardio, more boring docs to be able to send invoice, more relation mailing and way less tilt, little LDR hack during podcast relaxation interleaved with work, tiptoeing around conversations at homeTue 2021-02-02
: FTP ISO dir revisited and keep calm, lots of relation mail and lookup and tilt - iterate again and again and bits of puzzle slowly fall into place, friend work call to get stability, possible mini car idea, boring documentation, prepare work the previous day to take the edge offMon 2021-02-01
: early gym and surprising strength after messing around for months, shoulder issue is back and will be for some time, making boring docs, preparing more boring docs, .gov fee shock talk, debugging or trying to fix laptop crash for some time, awesome modern bluetooth phone/car coupling, can't stand scrolling so early night, must severely limit input else tiltSun 2021-01-31
: fixed ISO webpage access the easy way, sort of depressing car drive together, sort of feeling very down, do tax, at least start writing boring specs to calm down, night ambu is mildly stressful even though nothing happens, tax just in timeSat 2021-01-30
: relaxed ambu morning session and got some work done and sold light decoration, awkward talk all the way, not so nice talk at the end but keep calm and don't kill anyone, shopping for my mom, nothing else worthwhile and everything feels like stress againFri 2021-01-29
: early gym feels meh conditionwise but surprisingly good strengthwise, shoulder pain is back, eating standing up with tablet is nice, lasercutting and awkward talk, assembling acrylic lights with assembly jig, acrylic customer is friendly and understanding - when will I learn, crashing laptop is hopefully fixed now, still updating resume but with a more positive attitude, prototype is not always prototypeThu 2021-01-28
: debugging on location and corona police, car against tree, garage visit and new car plan, walk to expensive car rental, too tired to care a lot, prepare lasercutting drawings, photo-to-dxf failureWed 2021-01-27
: early restricted meh gym, make proper docs for little script project, internet b0rken again, HRV, baking bread, make early debug appointment to get it out of the way, long tablet talk with neighbour, late ambu call and noisy kitten and nice fire brigade talkTue 2021-01-26
: sleep relatively late, illegal music download I guess, still lots of energy perhaps because of coke zero, thank past me for writing down nontrivial calculations, gym back to 3x per week, how to measure recovery, still updating resume, plan for amazon PCB sale emerges and looking at cents againMon 2021-01-25
: early sugar short gym and funny riot convo, mildly cleaning office and aircon maintenance talk or something else gives energy, work-related nostalgia trip down to 2018, extended shock talk, perhaps being careful is only beneficial in my head, tilt finallySun 2021-01-24
: early gym goes well, watched movies and did nothing the rest of the day, violence in center of townSat 2021-01-23
: early massive meal to stay alert, nice ambulance ride against bias and with police and LOLdog, people have problems but let's be nice, interest in acrylic decoration, slight sugar rush, late podcast funshopping, not post-datingFri 2021-01-22
: read a bit and gym a bit, house- and household and embassy stuff, psycho talk, XML talk, heart attack, depression overgrown garden, todo-list grows on and on, stupid ftpsThu 2021-01-21
: very early wake because scared of storm, more darkness, test/prog PCBs again, household and house chores, casual group convo tilt, sika podcast farewell episode, progger test and pogo PCB and 1 sec longer stare, ambu emergency dutyWed 2021-01-20
: weight is irrelevant so let's not discuss it, roadtrip to Meiel, remember groote peel, visit from my mom takes lots of energy, darkness and very early nightTue 2021-01-19
: working for/with cooperative people is so much nicer, work as distraction and to fight stressMon 2021-01-18
: gym + much food = mega tired, house sale visit takes much energy, how to reject people nicely, extremely early night after napSun 2021-01-17
: light early gym goes well even though back is slightly fscked, podcast takes waaay too longSat 2021-01-16
: smooth ambulance ride and nice talks, other people can like nature too, shopping for my momFri 2021-01-15
: early board testing because I forgot, bad mood because biking, software analysis on location, do people need to simplify when talking to me, linux update fsckup, sika podcast, ethernet ftw, guilty when shopping plastic around foodThu 2021-01-14
: mental tilt at animal ambulance, bad mood, assemble boards, simple feature request phonecall, mega depleted at late gym, ground loops revisited, ruby quickfix, on ambulance night callWed 2021-01-13
: bad gymday, house sale appointment and medium grief, medium roadtrip, setting physical goals or not - have to think, podcast prep, scripting is always easier than I think, analysis-doc prep and postponing, working for free AGAINTue 2021-01-12
: legs utterly depleted after gym, LED PCB teams talk, more aimless driving around, pick up documentation to stay slightly on top of work, let's not check the news a gazillion times a day, continuous input in my headMon 2021-01-11
: early price estimate and sync to actual calendar and early gym, house sale meeting and grief and just leaving, shopping for my mom and extended road tripSun 2021-01-10
: 2h gym is sometimes a bit long, drawing board takes waaay too long, grief at home but office is a nice getaway, too much self-inflicted input from everywhere must stopSat 2021-01-09
: early gym with mittens and nice front squat talk, testsetup for LDR board and start drawing board, can't remember moreFri 2021-01-08
: very early CAD drawing, quick gym and lasercutting by bike, making LED decoration enclosure, house sale appointments, psycho talk and lack of progress, XML praise and follow-upThu 2021-01-07
: finish software analysis, extremely short flashwork and charge for driving, assemble and test boards as addiction, too much news again, sugar rush, schedule ambu night ride, house sale appointments, slow down xml talk, near mental tiltWed 2021-01-06
: semi late gym, ripfix and straight back, drugstore shopping in nostalgia village and vitamin drop-off, doorbell fix attempt, work to combat stress, cancel memberships rationallyTue 2021-01-05
: many dead animals and nice talk once again, when in doubt perhaps start talking, reading software, irritated by sound once again and semi early nightMon 2021-01-04
: excellent gym but not good in group BS convo, healthy food, overdue work takes much too longSun 2021-01-03
: shopping for less environmentally crappy food, overdue work, dark mood and early nightSat 2021-01-02
: running after heavyish weights is just not ok in any sense, pain, torn callus, healthy foodFri 2021-01-01
: early ambulance and finally driving myself, more than 2 others in convo = tilt, duck, acrylic logo painting and acrylic paint test, knees and legs slightly fscked upThu 2020-12-31
: healthy food, extended shopping for my mom and moral food dilemma, running fast scares dogs and people, no newyear celebration, bike headlight idea takes shapeWed 2020-12-30
: early cleaning and nice convo, margarine and linseed, minimal work but better than nothing, facepalm car phonecalls and patienceTue 2020-12-29
: crappy gym, hanging smoke detectors and losing patience, ambulance and honest talk and last-minute catMon 2020-12-28
: catching cleans lower and lower and gym goes much better, minimal work effort, food finetuning with cronometerSun 2020-12-27
: midnight movie because can't sleep, early horrible gym and storm, more slacking, chinese food and more ghost bustersSat 2020-12-26
: ghost busters mini marathon, layout LED PCB, still a bit backpain, slacking/avoiding workFri 2020-12-25
: xmas day, unwrap gifts, running but quads hurt, backpain, mediocre LED hobby work, nice food at homeThu 2020-12-24
: early gym and friggin' cold metal and hands hurt but let's not complain, mandatory xmas shopping and wrapping, playing taxi, rorschach light butterflies,Wed 2020-12-23
: early gym in the rain, quickfixed car headlights, mega tired, at least starting a new task to take the edge off for peace of mind, idea for modular decoration, can't sleep because of late coffee, feeling much more vitalTue 2020-12-22
: early long gym and cleaning goes better, fish sand/goo on the carpark, more ruby, sugar and chips for dinner and lost in codingMon 2020-12-21
: return home, subway, fix/test final board, ruby is nice once more, owl movieSun 2020-12-20
: epic early running through sand and heather, cartrips, semi homecooked food, still can't focus on workSat 2020-12-19
: visit sand area, boring documentation once more, can't focus on real workFri 2020-12-18
: travel to Veluwemeer, pancakes, slacking, ideas always come when it's calm and in this case light-stuff, have to rethink how I deal with work (once more)Thu 2020-12-17
: test more boards, gym reopens - sort of, animal ambulance call and low self esteem, epic xmas reindeer cardWed 2020-12-16
: simplest PCB ever, work fear and stress is back once more, shoulder pain perhaps coming back so let's warm up more, demoscene goodnessTue 2020-12-15
: I miss the gym, too much coffee, relation R&D, psycho talk, darkness and tired, deadlifts at home kind of suck, early night and everything sucksMon 2020-12-14
: excellent early gym and closed again because #corona, estimate time to test willingness, pick up many small workthings and not do other bigger ones, xmas drink at drawing class, socialising is like walking a fine lineSun 2020-12-13
: gym went much better, hacking LED star decoration and forgot everything elseSat 2020-12-12
: early gym sucked so hard, making wooden hanging-thing for office decoration and hang it there, surprisingly positive reply on estimated hours and questioning self-esteemFri 2020-12-11
: early flashing and testing instead of gym, calling people and wrapping up some small tasks, DMX video, slacking with 80s/90s musicThu 2020-12-10
: measuring and programming and testing all day, where is my cable, money issues, ongoing sugar cravingsWed 2020-12-09
: measuring all day to catch up on overdue work, relation talk and dumping bottled-up grief in emailsTue 2020-12-08
: small scripting-task, psycho-talk with lots of todo, certificate travel pending, tilt RPi meeting from lack of structured explanation, mental shutdown and paintingMon 2020-12-07
: morning painting and gym, chaos personality and documentation takes long, drawing-lesson frog and retrieve old painting, painting over mistakesSun 2020-12-06
: semi early wake and happy to code timing stuff, movie, crapfood, mode codeSat 2020-12-05
: sinterklaas, relaxed day, coding and understanding my own brain from the past, movies, chinese food, stomach better than it wasFri 2020-12-04
: feature creep from new fuzzy project, pick up valve box, pick up shock work, hobbycode, relation talk breakthroughThu 2020-12-03
: assembling VGA PCBs and make software and ignoring all elseWed 2020-12-02
: new possible work, grumpy quote and working for free, solid food seems to get more and more compatibleTue 2020-12-01
: many small relation household tasks, surprisingly active psycho talk, EMC skype, lawyer visit and relief and understanding, pick up VGA convo, pick up USB convoMon 2020-11-30
: simple USB work finally done so far, online animal rescue training, keysafe call and trust, relation household tasksSun 2020-11-29
: slept very long again, fsck gym for now, finished hobby-layouting, still weak and tiredSat 2020-11-28
: slept very long, wuss out of gym, feeling very weak, made running-map, shopping for my mom, plastic pipe system for the cavias, painting a bit more on charcoal, hobby PCB layoutFri 2020-11-27
: weak, relationship research, no appetite and can't smell food properlyThu 2020-11-26
: work-meetings, painting on charcoal, still not feeling 100% ok and wth is up with thatWed 2020-11-25
: usb work and not giving up pays offTue 2020-11-24
: psycho talk and teams, running is best done on soft ground, dogs on leashes, still weak, zoom testMon 2020-11-23
: call about shocking project, lots of small relationship tasks and much grief, YT trying to sneak back inSun 2020-11-22
: green bin unpleasantness, more overdue work and software for a change, paintingSat 2020-11-21
: lots of energy, big subway breakfast, painting, more overdue workFri 2020-11-20
: lots of light food, energy and joy and colours and ideas coming back, shopping for my mom and suicide grief talk in the store, gym starting to look interesting, pick up overdue work, hi octane coke for sleepless night, energy surplus and feeling greatThu 2020-11-19
: proactive work call, pick up remote and surprisingly eloquent, online taxation, relation talk and much grief, still slow and slurryWed 2020-11-18
: still sluggish from pills, reluctant new work only to pay bills, darkness, another LED thing, stress and everything sucks, hbd, early night to avoid scrollwheelTue 2020-11-17
: bad night's rest, weak and tired and headache, lots of fruit, snoopyMon 2020-11-16
: weak and fuzzy and no laptop, only fruit and vegetables and water, headache, darkness, alternating between spacing out on couch and lying in bedSun 2020-11-15
: weak and slow during early gym, feeling weak throughout the day, half arsed painting in the attic, crapfood and many vomits during evening and night, bad sleep, no fever, the art of knowing when vomiting is overSat 2020-11-14
: running, arm hurts from shot and feeling weakish, airport fetch and no quarantine, shopping for my mom and longer talkFri 2020-11-13
: extremely early wake but skip gym, initiate repair- and acquisition talk and wakeup call, call overdue people, shock-project talk and shared work problems, tetanus shot and antibiotics, swollen lymphs and/or infection, das bootThu 2020-11-12
: early ambulance dog bite and mental overload but appreciation, ink application, wandering aimlessly, darknessWed 2020-11-11
: get squat-unpleasantness out of the way first, running new style is better and more time to admire nature, bug in my eye, 9yo software maintenance request, mildly fix more loose endsTue 2020-11-10
: fail press again, psycho-talk and setting goals and uncertainty, legs still sore a bit, painting makes me see more, new shocking project, let's do running differently and not die, good foodMon 2020-11-09
: thinking for 1h and then go to gym anyway, tying up loose ends and ask about acquisition, turning water into sand using paintSun 2020-11-08
: fail at press but oly lifts are beginning to work pain-free, celebration-beer USA, painting is relaxingSat 2020-11-07
: tabata-running and almost dying, knees are getting more bulletproof but not totally fineFri 2020-11-06
: veldhoven measurement and headacheThu 2020-11-05
: painting, ambulance rideWed 2020-11-04
: curious earth leak problem, water and gas cutoff and drilling in water pipeTue 2020-11-03
: wuss out again but make up for it later and walking on hands, urgent ele analysis is nice, oil painting some treesMon 2020-11-02
: wuss out of early gym, no water, cumbersome shopping for my mom and semi nice chitchat, mental health monitor, very relaxing oil painting lesson, be friendly and receive friendlinessSun 2020-11-01
: early movie after early gym, asking VGA advice, podcast and editing and cancel late movieSat 2020-10-31
: press form fail so backpain is coming, cold sweat smell, deer prefer chestnuts but goats are flexible, tax preparation and other short escapes from homeFri 2020-10-30
: wuss out of early gym but excellent sleep recovery, mediator talk and more darkness, crapfood, rethink everything, absurdly early night because woe is meThu 2020-10-29
: slightly less darkness, boring overdue work, more painting-stuff but no creativity, dmx voltage mental puzzle, semi early night and mild YT withdrawal symptomsWed 2020-10-28
: epic meal after gym, stubborn darkness, no more YT on tablet, extremely early nightTue 2020-10-27
: overhead press goes remarkably well, psycho talk, oil paint beginner's set and first trial, heavier, not my burnout, tiny projects w/o succes, pick & place work, slackingMon 2020-10-26
: early gym compliment, big meal and nap is nice, oil paint spraycan-like painting is relaxingSun 2020-10-25
: positive selfrespectful dream for a change, daylight saving adaptation costs some effort, wuss out of gym, YT sucks energy, watching oly lifting, nap, ink drawing and appointment, lazy daySat 2020-10-24
: gym shoulder and casual talk is instant motivation, too early for subway, watching oly championships and nap, shopping, dmx design decisions for simplicity, early night is almost becoming a habitFri 2020-10-23
: early gym deadlift fail and nice social balance between ego and spineless, shopping for my mom, animal ambulance socialness and searching big bird, early nightThu 2020-10-22
: reading about dmx and it's not that hard, the joy of designing stuff in my head, pleasing other people is mostly a waste of timeWed 2020-10-21
: sciatica from overhead pressing again, micro-consult on location, payed to think a.k.a. escaping from darkness at home, dmx, watching sports and very early nightTue 2020-10-20
: back to gym program, awesome ambulance afternoon full of praise and success, being payed to think is good, grey hairMon 2020-10-19
: extremely long sleep, darkness so let's go away, bat and different animal ambulance, nice psycho talk, weird but nice light hangout, appreciationSun 2020-10-18
: early gym and chinup progression, more darkness, watching many olympics and early nightSat 2020-10-17
: afternoon gym and slowly back to 5x5, darkness, money, watching sport like a normal personFri 2020-10-16
: what am I doing in the gym indeed, boring hopeless docs again, the reader, protective guinea pigThu 2020-10-15
: weak and pathetic day in every senseWed 2020-10-14
: I am not a wage slave and therefore decide what I will and will not do, back off from stressful decision a while to make it easier, oly lifting starting to become interesting again, shoulder pain after muscle snatches, tax talk and calmly initiating and handling confrontational talks, where does my money goTue 2020-10-13
: early gym pin squats and weird silence again, let's not change my behaviour for imagined or real expectations, is shoulder ever getting better, productive psycho-talk, load up on food and bring sugar, ambulance awesomeness and talk until all is clear and good explanation, mopo, gluetrap, crapfoodMon 2020-10-12
: too lazy to get up early, boring docs, front squats, deadlift fail, oil painting is getting nicer and friendly facial masked talkSun 2020-10-11
: gym and arms all fscked up, lichtjesroute, crapfood, toothache at nightSat 2020-10-10
: awkward silence at gym, shopping for my mom, climbing and hand fsckup, rain is wet but nice, lemmyFri 2020-10-09
: early gym and let's try front squats again, ambulance cat pickup and tilt, mental filter degrades exponentially, shutdownThu 2020-10-08
: finish tax paperwork, wrote this down too late :-)Wed 2020-10-07
: wilsverklaring clue, another connection board yay, getting lighter still, back arc for everything but no perfect gym week, ambu appointment, tax end in sight and upcoming challenging talk, running goes betterTue 2020-10-06
: obey my alarm or don't set it, working out is nicer with certain people around, squat technique seems OK now, very tired, good food, no tax, some people have actual problems knocking on their doorMon 2020-10-05
: early gym ftw and nice carpenting talk, the pitfall of making progress but forgetting what caused it, sent invoices, light-appointment, tired oil painting sessionSun 2020-10-04
: early getup fail, semi decent chitchat with my mom, bracing is important for everything, running and getting semi-lost, cardio is good for me, early night and let's try againSat 2020-10-03
: early gym and talk, tempo pin squats are the shit, facial mask awkwardness while shopping, photography movie, ink drawing test, mega tired but climb anyway and got a winky as reward, early nightFri 2020-10-02
: early wake and gym, finish analysis, let's get a working video playerThu 2020-10-01
: early wake fail laziness, fire-analysis puzzle pieces take long, shoulders fscked up but keep on stretching, late ambulance ride, satisfied, corona midday gym closing - early night for early rise, prevent overthinkingWed 2020-09-30
: hopefully last remote laundry, fix and test laundry machine, tabata-running around fieldTue 2020-09-29
: support-talk, send separation docs, ambulance excitement, goose and pics, mental tilt, identical twins, smiling all the way homeMon 2020-09-28
: maker faire teardown disappointment and slightly pissed off, wet from rain, no VGA dropoff, wuss out of running, engage broken laundry machine, gathering separation docs, more shoulder pain, more stretchingSun 2020-09-27
: cumbersome shopping for my mom, laundry/gym and still tired and weak, bugs are everywhere and also in my boards, let's eat more fat again, stretching is possibly starting to work so let's continueSat 2020-09-26
: lolTabata running makes me tired, remote laundry and tetrissing with time, run/gym/climb overload, going into a potential argument unguarded for a change, paddleboard offer, stretch-marathonFri 2020-09-25
: buildup day 2, event-lady nice talk, way too little work, forklift casual convo went fairly OKThu 2020-09-24
: maker faire buildup day 1, seeing familiar faces, too many people and too little work, some awkward and some nice convos, calm tilt-rescue is appreciated, VGA generator and light-hangout invite, vegan c=0Wed 2020-09-23
: mini remote talk, mixing up 3 projects and unable to focus, retry talk after letdown because we're all human, mega tired and overhead squats and stretchesTue 2020-09-22
: hiit running is difficult, awesome animal ambulance ride-along, join in an argument for a change, a million squats until people are gone, usual sensory overload at gym, supping orientation, no smiles, bike carrierMon 2020-09-21
: mindnumbing remote laundry and getting rid of TV, dealing with people who lie but are not evil, relation appointment, car is breaking down, too dark to run, brain not working, stand up paddleboarding, shoulder is worseSun 2020-09-20
: reluctant trip to nordeifel, walk around but let's not be adventurous, fisherman's advice, must have kano/kayak, more olsenbanden, crapfoodSat 2020-09-19
: stretch marathon and overhead squat, shoulder is wobbly, climbing goes OK, jealous and didn't correct, olsenbandenFri 2020-09-18
: slightly awkward psycho talk, stretching to the max - see what happensThu 2020-09-17
: separation progress, spent too much time in the gym but nice talks, many shoulder stretchesWed 2020-09-16
: tiny boring layout takes much too long, copy of will, perhaps it's time to stretchTue 2020-09-15
: major ambulance fsckup, copy of will, makerfaire confirmation, identify using fancy tablet, why not do ropejumping, demo progress on big screen, tax progress finally, relation talk and progressMon 2020-09-14
: clean up and deliver repairs, be a big boy, demo projector test is nice but laptop is still too slow, wuss out of boxing, exploding supply analysis, tomorrow ambulance excitementSun 2020-09-13
: boring fixing all day, shopping for my mom, payed for reviewing and thinking again is niceSat 2020-09-12
: YT is getting irritating, back to normal food, boring fixes take away anxiety, helping a russian find peterselie, a scanner darkly, looking at kayaks and kanos but why not take lessons firstFri 2020-09-11
: bike to Helmond, getting lost, nice uplifting prison talk, sheep, positive body measurement, fell asleepThu 2020-09-10
: back to work feels stressful, but it's just being payed to read and think nowWed 2020-09-09
: muscle ache, perhaps get a car bike rack next time, long drive home and mega tired, Nordeifel is nearby so why not go, crapfood and shutdownTue 2020-09-08
: early revisiting muddy limestone playground, intense gym session, DIY guided city tour, sheep petting and nature walk, kayak minimalism idea, Jura idea, crowded dinner, graffiti tour, byeMon 2020-09-07
: nice gym visit, mouse and deer crossing, resistor/cap boxes, cliff church, dizzy merry-go-round, cold war guns and missiles and bisons, fries and falafel, harbour walk, principles and public boycottsSun 2020-09-06
: roadtrip and talks, healthy food in nice shared kitchen, limestone dig playground, blue water, bikeride to Aldi, tree/air endorphin colour explosion, being good is good enough - consistently good turns into greatSat 2020-09-05
: drive all day to DK, patience, very nice sleepingplace so far, rainbow, gold land colour explosion againFri 2020-09-04
: prepare for trip, nice food, got visitor, play games instead of movie, photos with humansThu 2020-09-03
: work wakeup call, pressfit-PCB, no DK fitness place yet, find something you love and let it destroy youWed 2020-09-02
: lots of small pre-trip tasks, wussing out from lifting, movie and calmness at homeTue 2020-09-01
: no teams but challenging and uplifting talk, pick up and use bike, WD40 or dog, car checkup, PCB assembly and test for last time, relation talk and relief, point breakMon 2020-08-31
: welcome to animal team, flashing boards, environmental puzzle piece movie, failure to fit in, unusual clarity of mind, darkness, crapfood, wuss out of boxingSun 2020-08-30
: shopping for my mom, back is a bit better, misbehaviour, more morality brings peace of mind and puzzle-solving, tendency to avoid/postpone rears its ugly headSat 2020-08-29
: skip oly stuff once more, more morality, perhaps it's ok to have a framework where not everyone is happy, light gym stuff, overapologetic and envious, climbing interaction, band movieFri 2020-08-28
: play taxi, more morality, firmwareflashmonkey, difficult questions regarding delay and intensity of replied aggression, must heal quicker to outrun darkness, I think I'm dumb but still get smart stuff done iterativelyThu 2020-08-27
: nonspoken movie surprise, searching for bike and settling on fixing my own, 2nd hand store visits, may seem friendlier than I actually am, bourne, ordered more non-spoken moviesWed 2020-08-26
: finish nice-or-gtfo specs, summermovie, how to do smalltalk to moviepeople, crapfood, assemble too thin PCB, quickfix DNS, deadlift technique revisitedTue 2020-08-25
: early physiotherapy, training to fix backpain caused by training doesn't seem to work, meh movie, define a project in a way that doesn't create suck for me or gtfo, shopping for my mom who doesn't want a whole lot, fell asleep, sciatica is backMon 2020-08-24
: weird cat girl dream, bad night rest, back fscked up, drugfree dental work, floormeeting, missed movie, candy crash, oly book is consistent, excellent work talk, headacheSun 2020-08-23
: more gym for more backpain, nice movie talk, MementoSat 2020-08-22
: shopping for my mom, meat disrespect, gym with bad back, climbing Indian, playing pool, slackingFri 2020-08-21
: positive dreams, objective morality, pick up old project, office sanctuary, feedback to cleaners, back and shoulder pain still there, ambulance intakeThu 2020-08-20
: work drop off and long drive everywhere, level translator strength, reading about gym technique, boring copy-meeting, hunger, plant lights, animal ambulance applicationWed 2020-08-19
: pick up car, deadlifts to fix backpain, gym technique, new kicad layouting done, sweat smellTue 2020-08-18
: green LED soldering, front garden light, car ready, normal food again, scared of squats, twilight colours. decline and other punk stuff, binary gardeningMon 2020-08-17
: normal living room, mega slow, new kicad sym/mod, laptop for mother, soldering LEDs, garage car swap, car bike rack, recognise dark seasonAnother hiatus, because darkness, grey, meh, why bother, etc.
Thu 2019-08-22
: cold war, drawing lessons coming up, tax, not a whole lot of stuff doneWed 2019-08-21
: videoless bookreading night's rest, apparently a bit sick, gym fail but give it at least some effort anyway, cleaning in anticipation of visitors, balloon movie, breathTue 2019-08-20
: no good early in the morning, immigration education check, relief, test-exam, who pays the bill for cleaning up mistakes other than me, cement documentation, amazing different chairMon 2019-08-19
: not-so-early rise, brilliant 1st half cartrip, ferry, mild car scratch, muesli is still nice, many podcasts, home is not really home, why not keep quiet when I'm in a bad moodSun 2019-08-18
: couldn't sleep, gym closed fail, 2nd hand market, pizza and goodbye, Alex Honnold, stand up straightSat 2019-08-17
: snotty nose, DIY breakfast, exciting book, gym closed, fris0r-town walk, testlab overload, pizza, minidrawingFri 2019-08-16
: good shower makes up for almost anything, solo beach trip, supermarket browsing, lake, goats, sheep, colours, observatory, fries but also normal food, floppyscope and casa GThu 2019-08-15
: early roadtrip, .de stau, next time bring coffee, muesli is nice, 3 countries in 1 day, meetup and crapfood, excellent nightrestWed 2019-08-14
: holiday house contract, find cheeseTue 2019-08-13
: immigration visit, noodles in town, art store, let's only get charcoal in stickform from now on, apparently forgot me for drawing workshopMon 2019-08-12
: dentist, silly startup phonecall, boxing and mega tiredSun 2019-08-11
: ashamed because I forgot squash, shopping for my mom, funfair only for the lightsSat 2019-08-10
: more moving, young version of myself, attractiveness and very nice spontaneous convo, many bruises, satisfaction and gratefulness are not the sameFri 2019-08-09
: help moving again, strength, boring food, how does flirting work, furniture-throwing fun, pizza, low-resonance convo, less insecure than I was, elevator videoThu 2019-08-08
: useless trip to Amsterdam, make the best out of a situationWed 2019-08-07
: pickup car and drop off flowers, hackalot tree hack, sad but real tax talk, double chinese foodTue 2019-08-06
: car checkup, weird art movie was nice, watch alpaca and othersMon 2019-08-05
: lion king movie, consumerism, LOLfixed my bike, runningSun 2019-08-04
: bouldering, be on time, more moving and nice talks, Kennedy march, inconvenient roadtrip talk, cows, comfortingSat 2019-08-03
: help move hackerspace, defensive precaching was not necessary, strength, movie sold out, drawing-meditationFri 2019-08-02
: rows and carries are nice, running, drawingThu 2019-08-01
: gym fail, car cleaning, cross wrench self-esteem, temp home arrangement, hackspace moving prep, demand some respect, to try to fit in or to just go homeWed 2019-07-31
: wrap up measurements, hungry for work again, ANWB, running again, weirdest and most beautiful movie in a long time, the art of ending a conversationTue 2019-07-30
: no sleep, potting PCBs, curious at dentist, sleepy roadtrip, climbing canceled, liquorice, pretty cement pouringMon 2019-07-29
: squat inferno is over finally, video, not a whole lot elseSun 2019-07-28
: mutually lazy squash, very long musical with my mom, brain friedSat 2019-07-27
: late rise, gym to get used to 100 kg some more, numb thumb forever, assemble and test more floor-PCBs, focus on normal food, alternative home planFri 2019-07-26
: even more squats, limits sometimes exist only in my head, RC wrapup and ownership change, unsatisfactory crapfoodThu 2019-07-25
: late specs, resistant to heat and illogical thinking and everything, more squats to get uncomfortable, book .dk stayWed 2019-07-24
: put homesearch on hold until financial clue, sore fingers, filming squatsTue 2019-07-23
: emergency PCB repair, check out alternate home, real talk with a real person, documentation, excellent bouldering, movie and early morning quoteMon 2019-07-22
: RF board call, separation info visit to city hall, why not lose friggin weight, talk with my mom, making doc in the sun, PCB emergency for tomorrow, ISSSun 2019-07-21
: apparently I can cook rice now, many invoicesSat 2019-07-20
: bd coffee at garden store, petting-zoo at castle, vegetarianism makes lunch choice super easy, alone-roadtrip, space movie, eggsFri 2019-07-19
: gym, squash, shopping for my momThu 2019-07-18
: hook grip is not so bad, cement-talkWed 2019-07-17
: testing and making silly proto, work escalation again, mourning-cartrip, indifferent cows, food deadline, red octoberTue 2019-07-16
: silly mockup, let's not copy stuff anymore, flowers for silly occasion, no home yet, food, epic climbing, movieMon 2019-07-15
: tax wrap-up (almost), inspecting fancy room, brainstorm session with ex-colleague, parking-meter innards, not-so-fancy room, mental gym session, contract okSun 2019-07-14
: maximum work-capacity, taxes finally, home-hunting again and appointments, running, movie, progressSat 2019-07-13
: meetup, McD coffee talk, 2nd hand store books, more serious home-search, minigymsession at off-hours, movie, visit my mom, food with eggsFri 2019-07-12
: tired of seeing the same shit every day, gym helps, running helps, more intense colours and nature, crapfood, finished book - new oneThu 2019-07-11
: overdue work, free plastic bottle drama, .gov fee again, bland, everything the sameWed 2019-07-10
: searching a home, keep lethargy away from me, walk upright, intense gym, weapons, hatchetTue 2019-07-09
: squat inferno end in sight, need more food, boring layout boring work boring everything, thick grips, Alan's shoulder bands, forgotten weaponsMon 2019-07-08
: EMC voodoo and sugar overdose roadtrip, almost forgot climbing, weak, self-exposure and being honest really do pay offSun 2019-07-07
: squash but both mega tired, running alongside canal goes ok, long walk, be lazy and unproductive, read about programmingSat 2019-07-06
: sore knees and quads, chains and pipe for farmer's... stands, FAT32 revival, mini roadtrip, broccoli colour tripFri 2019-07-05
: running with interval timer and real progress, funday @ gym, ice seems to help, let's do a challenging project for challenging people, much sugarThu 2019-07-04
: back in the gym, bodyfat follow-upWed 2019-07-03
: snoozing the alarm builds bad habits I guess, shave finally, last minute cement prep and start test, crapfood, forgot climbing, depletedTue 2019-07-02
: more cement work, no swimming, apparently addicted to Let's Play videos to fall asleep, postponing tech decisions can save workMon 2019-07-01
: uplifting physiotherapy session, cement work marathon, potting-materialSun 2019-06-30
: lazy and slow wakeup, the joy of finding the root cause of a bug/flaw, dinner in Eersel and nice talk, tired, programmingSat 2019-06-29
: watch painting being painted, DVD raid, falafel lunch, ice pack shopping, knee pain, documentaries, Primer fiasco, adventure-book but videos as wellFri 2019-06-28
: shopping for my mom, don't remember, don't care, bland, bla.Thu 2019-06-27
: mega tired, cable discount, where to get protein on the street, running, knee tendons, map-gazingWed 2019-06-26
: boring replacement-component work, rework, EMC-measurements, car-talk, late gymTue 2019-06-25
: PCB-assembly, swimming, being honest and yourself pays off, let's try a real lane soonMon 2019-06-24
: podcast, uneventful work, sold barbell, it's still mostly grey and bland, I might complain less nowadaysSun 2019-06-23
: sleepy start, squash, borrow pants, condition improving, playing taxi for my mom and day out, pizza, sleepy endSat 2019-06-22
: funeral attendance, getting irritated is getting distracted, don't act like a whiny bitch, Hackalot LED tuning, running linear progress plan, cheap crapfood, wasting timeHuge hiatus here, because updates were becoming a boring chore. #grey #darkness
Sat 2018-12-22
: still backpain, draw cavia and draw onto cavia, am I getting stupider, Joey Diaz, CRC, sushi fest, make VGA enclosure drawingMon 2018-12-10
: podcast wrap-up, let's not go to failure, cellar cleaning to pinpoint smell, drawing class and awkward forced socialising, biking goes better, clearing up PoESun 2018-12-09
: making quotes, podcast, train to failure or not, software smoketestSat 2018-12-08
: early sport is much better, PoE contact finally, buy lamp and deliver, exposed ele, let's not snack, SD card test, ordered more VGA boardsFri 2018-12-07
: headphone BT destruction timesink, shopping with difficulties getting light, PCB assembly, why not ditch milk, SD-card must wait, candy kJ extravaganzaThu 2018-12-06
: boring project arrives, must sport a bit earlier, xmas food gift, good leftover meal, action store xmas deco, xmas monitors, hackalot sadness, chocolate milk roadtripWed 2018-12-05
: kind of boring meeting, cost - the final frontier, let's not mix customers, sinterklaas soldering was nicely received, light-effect engine in Ruby, monitor-videoTue 2018-12-04
: more measurements and finally a report, .gov fee meeting and let's be honest, Ruby for an actual task: pulling the horse instead of pushing itMon 2018-12-03
: self-image, temp measurements, scope fuckup, dig deeper when strange things occur, Ruby generators, try to fall asleep normallySun 2018-12-02
: got up extremely late, unhappy mood continues, post-apocalypto wtf, normal food again, overdue measurementsSat 2018-12-01
: very nice TV repair-day, got a key, monitors, VGA test and demo, crapfood while socialisingFri 2018-11-30
: gym, invoice explosion, desoldering-toolThu 2018-11-29
: gym, repair-dropoff, question this line of workWed 2018-11-28
: nice talkshow, getting lost in buildings againTue 2018-11-27
: boring repair and more to come, selftest again, unhappy phase startsMon 2018-11-26
: test boring boards, make and test and flash software, drawing-lesson, action-store arcade gameSun 2018-11-25
: Overkill visit, cancel all the eventsSat 2018-11-24
: HCC presentation, I am not your Arduino-fixerFri 2018-11-23
: order Overkill tickets, VGA board test and videoThu 2018-11-22
: prepare and do copper-demo, friendly pick up DMM in nearby city, always more work more more moreWed 2018-11-21
: selftest again, stupid manual parcel pickupTue 2018-11-20
: work-marathonMon 2018-11-19
: gym, check with tax-guy, always an excuse to waitSun 2018-11-18
: visit hackplace and nice talk, mainstream news is a bit of a downer most of the timeSat 2018-11-17
: gym, visit my momFri 2018-11-16
: gym, nice food and visit, look at monitors and roadtrip and roadtalkThu 2018-11-15
: free plastic sheet and nice talk, new soldering-tip, finished presentation stuff, gym, let's get monitors, ate almost nothing, prepared is better than not preparedWed 2018-11-14
: early PCB-test for a longer day, finish layout takes long, I like my cooking, work call, pick up PCB for software dev, meh gym, slacking, presentation workTue 2018-11-13
: leakage current is sometimes a problem, free work yay, shame of not finishing things, Glow is too mainstream now, I must leaveMon 2018-11-12
: stress is easy and everywhere, gym soaked, weight, extremely tired, making a few footprintsSun 2018-11-11
: too much coffee and need to cut down, woke extremely late, hackspace disappointment, sound disturbance, sad, working on presentation helps, name for gadget, address root causeSat 2018-11-10
: pinball event, ditch all features for peace of mind, SD card readup and consultingFri 2018-11-09
: shaved finally, semi frustrating boardtesting interruption all day, colour interlace idea, chips, crafty cardboard 7seg feel-good displayThu 2018-11-08
: heat-testing all day, do electronic components feel pain, TC lessons, small blown fuse mystery, take it apart for peace of mind, new bedWed 2018-11-07
: selftest 2, possessed by demons or not, many ele & sw mistakes but continue anyway, board smoketest and preliminary OK, dissipation worrying, VGA satisfactionTue 2018-11-06
: selftest 1, carwash, PCB arrived and assembly and failMon 2018-11-05
: autobio marathon, UART trick for VGA, monitor ergonomics for a better neck, no browser most of the time is nice, fries, spiderman, roadtrip, can't sleepSun 2018-11-04
: late rise, clean up browser, autobio is much work, fixed ceiling and prepare for more work, FAT32Sat 2018-11-03
: podcast, no repair - too bad or planned, difficult to start work, LED planning finally, Forth seems very compatible, offence is only given, goats, quick SD card peek, fear is clever and fast, doorbell teamworkFri 2018-11-02
: record podcast, roadtrip, cat photos, register for events, PCB delay, icecreams don't seem to matter, discipline for reliefThu 2018-11-01
: VGA works so let's forget it, no maker-coaching, tax call finally, towards inbox zero, climbing, weight as excuseWed 2018-10-31
: early device-flashing makes the day look longer, replace hall lamp, fix car lamp, finish belated layout, invoices, order components, no floornews, sudden VGA-timesink but does not work, forgot to eatTue 2018-10-30
: early fluffy dev-meeting, layout-marathon, no roadtrip, Forth is pretty but stuck on internals now - must learn completelyMon 2018-10-29
: meh nightrest, going home, cavia feels at home at home, mega tired and fell asleep, Rummikub, select and measure components, cancel drawing-lesson, still mega tired - wth, and yet, ForthSun 2018-10-28
: drielandenpunt visit, random driving around to .be and .de and stopping for nice coffee was excellent, no internet is fine by me, cooked dinner again, icecreams, Rummikub againSat 2018-10-27
: nice breakfast, cavia emotional support, walk through heather was nice, compass > phone, Forth in some more detail, noisy .ca place but nice pizza, looking grumpy, TV can be addictive it seems, RummikubFri 2018-10-26
: morning floormeeting, forgot bag, nice visitor, get snacks and drive south, check in, cavia shellshocked, why not try to relax and enjoy a few days of holiday, RummikubThu 2018-10-25
: true work-nightmare, overslept, powersupply-testing, component-selection, postpone hobby crap, tax phone works again but nobody home, people mail first again, pizza, relax and focus and clean up your cables, ForthWed 2018-10-24
: back muscle overload, nice to have IRL places for wire & stuff, fix and deliver controllers, forgot to eat, test current-source, prepare relay-redesign, visit mom for computer-stuff, tired, chipsTue 2018-10-23
: gym but rowed a bit too hard, time for new soldering-tip, pick up laserstuff, belated LED-work but much more to be done, involve friendly cow-orker in project, electronics lack-of-clueMon 2018-10-22
: people mailed first again, hunt for noise, stress-trembling, scope-clips, fried a probe, current-source and enlightenment, uncomfortable talk, Verilog docs, PWM but is this good, Forth a bitSun 2018-10-21
: gym again for longish walk, never forget your walkman, overdue controller-fixing was boring as expected, more Verilog, slow DC-load, RC finished - yay, simple electronics can be difficult tooSat 2018-10-20
: busy gym, Verilog madness addiction, fix PCBs, even more Verilog until tilt, bad nightrest, karaoke challengeFri 2018-10-19
: select and CAD transformer, building-look visit, old times revisited, climbing seems attractive, not feeling old, vegan dinner, just give me vegetables, more FPGA-crapThu 2018-10-18
: fish-customer measurements are stressful somehow, self-esteem, make planning, floor-continuation, FPGA-crap and Forth is addictiveWed 2018-10-17
: sport makes tired. leftover chinese food, redo floor-measurements, 0402 quickfix, selecting trafo or SMPS, black-box-test current-source, HDL rabbit holeTue 2018-10-16
: early powerconsumption fix, I can do a lot in 1h, aunt-visit went from meh to OK, guilt is a powerful tool, leave the mistake at the intersection, FPGA toolchain simply works - yay, Verilog/HDLMon 2018-10-15
: making specs takes so very long, assemble and test PCBs, simply continue after first failure, sleep is better when full problem context is knownSun 2018-10-14
: weight mixup, holiday-planning a bit, irritated and need alone-time, FPGA stuff becomes a bit clearer, collect tape, slowly making specs, living a sleepy half lifeSat 2018-10-13
: hackalot work all day, let's not imitate meat, social anxiety, ego, sadness mini roadtrip, nullmodem hack, reading about FPGAsFri 2018-10-12
: friendly but short visitor, cleaning the workspace, overdue testing and rework, PCBs are late, alcohol would help sometimes but let's notThu 2018-10-11
: let's continue selftesting, pick up once useful order, can't contact tax-guy, hotel, ZX spectrumWed 2018-10-10
: car damage estimate and nice chat, collect useless memorabilia, hackalot (new) location, Forth is simply too weird and cumbersomeTue 2018-10-09
: cavia food fuckup, need school reports but burned them all, what is the essence of old age, recorded podcastMon 2018-10-08
: overdue rework and testing, repeatedly given new chances and screwing them up, drawing-lesson, logic analyser revival and finally successSun 2018-10-07
: final round of RC-commenting, meh roadtrip, fantasising about useless C64 project, let's choose Ruby and do Ruby GolfSat 2018-10-06
: miscommunication and wasted drive to Utrecht, podcasts, sorry would be nice, rethink communities, lots of RC-commenting, dropping hyphensFri 2018-10-05
: extravert but nice gym-assistance, wasted trip to garage for estimating damage, continued Skype-call, reading RC-blogs until depletedThu 2018-10-04
: long Skype-call singce long time, discuss PCB-assembly and show hopefully final boards, replace beamer lamp, typing RC-commentsWed 2018-10-03
: final floor-PCB sprint, spider session, I have no memory of this day </Gandalf>
Tue 2018-10-02
: gym-test, more floor-PCB layout, car-insurance phone convoMon 2018-10-01
: floor-PCB marathon, removing nice components, angle grinder testfest on garbageSun 2018-09-30
: early rise for museum-visit, LOL-cartrip, arcade-fixing introduction, how to communicate with people, nice car-talk, fries, think, clean up, necessary stuff firstSat 2018-09-29
: maker faire visit was meh/ok - time for other stuff now, keep on innovating, visit my mom, strange fries, finish Ruby quickstart once and for allFri 2018-09-28
: bizarre early rise for maker faire help, nice day with lots of new people, table cloth talk, busy road, potato-extravaganzaThu 2018-09-27
: cement-BOM, connector never-ending story must end, simple email is better, send invoices, let's do RC final comments tooWed 2018-09-26
: gym, connector-nitpicking, Rum Diary, component-selection, shunt-regulator and precision funTue 2018-09-25
: 1-hour-and-a-bit voltage ref hack, component selection round 2, roadtrip and autotest part 2, more component selection, tiredMon 2018-09-24
: gym progress, buy drawing-gear, jumper-layout, drawing-course and prolonged talk was nice, biking is also nice, more layout, cement-work, fries, Firewatch is niceSun 2018-09-23
: meh squash, sawed carpet in half, cement-testing, Vref surprise so always test everything (yeah right), don't use autoplay when trying to sleepSat 2018-09-22
: excellent day and talk at Gigatron Retro-meeting, why not help clean up, Grue roadtrip, chips, make and test floor-proto, SPI because of no UART, sent spider-drawingFri 2018-09-21
: recorded podcast, gym again so let's keep it up, near-vomit but ok, fetch flower- and cavia-stuff, some RC-work, took apart toothbrush, drew spider, ThimbleweedThu 2018-09-20
: early 2nd overdue PCB redesign, autotest, minor roadtrip and valve-adapter fetch, select floor-components, scootmobile tyre roadtrip, tired C64 read, mem layoutWed 2018-09-19
: meh focus-class, PSU-measurement and pickup, car-accident stuff, finally relayouting simple board, mega-tired, Ruby, sleepTue 2018-09-18
: silly CPU-video took too long, nice cement-meeting so let's get to work, cancel roadtrip, protein and fries, halftime-comments published, scripting-crisis, send motor-TPD, hot air rework is easy nowMon 2018-09-17
: wrapping up RC-comments, prepare for motor-demo, all went OK, nice talk during drive, perhaps not say 'no', excellent roadtrip, black/white/green relaxation-therapy, minicpu-simulation, totally wastedSun 2018-09-16
: squash went ok, nice talk in town, RC-commenting until brain fried, fries, resume until complete shutdownSat 2018-09-15
: overslept, quick cartridge-code, meh-visit to museum and cartridge-test, posture again, eating is like adding IRL bypass-caps, action-store fail, spray and test miniCPU, aldi, comments take longFri 2018-09-14
: write invoices, send risk-emails early for a change, hot air rework, hospital MRI-scan, get quick-connect things, Action store laser, Chinese food, assemble 2 PCBs, flux messThu 2018-09-13
: coffee-chat at friendly colleague, car-accident and let's stay calm, test 2nd fan-PCB, mechanical crap always takes long, why not mildly challenge, solder quickly - lift a pad or twoWed 2018-09-12
: last fan-debugging, happy liquid-only roadtrip, pixeling retro-drawings, ordering CPU- and cartridge-components, another roadtrip, fries, tea, spider-preparationTue 2018-09-11
: fan-testing all day, forgot to eat, spent shitload of time on silly bug, perhaps take a break when code becomes just words, spider-visit, FirewatchMon 2018-09-10
: pick up weird metal, small communication-problem didn't get big - same story, buy mechanical crap, be patient, made test-setup, quick code to prevent stress, efuse - you can do it, pixeled font, csdbSun 2018-09-09
: testing PCB all day, doing graphics for RC a bit, roadtrip, milkshake, batmanSat 2018-09-08
: wake late, remove plant at neighbour-garden, subway-food, Thimbleweed is nice, RC2018/09 PPM-prototyping went OK, can't resist getting new mini-CPU, upload VCFe-demo to YTFri 2018-09-07
: early rework running low on low-temp solder, testing PCB all day and minor success, fries overload, tired, cramp while sleepingThu 2018-09-06
: scolded for not updating 1sd, assemble more PCBs and scared to smoketest now, glad to help with RC2018/09, edit podcastWed 2018-09-05
: PCB-assembly, speed-record podcast, questionnaire and roadtrip, smilyfy garbage-bin, still very energised, yet another PCB arrives, more components, tiredTue 2018-09-04
: flash silly PCBs, PCB arrived too early, ordering parts, roadtrip sing-along, protein-powder, energised, making plans, animal-exposure leads to nice non-work convoMon 2018-09-03
: lazy waking up, weird book, key-panic, OK flight, MP3-player ftw, watch the people go by, posture, traintrip and private taxi, chinese food, excellent experienceSun 2018-09-02
: EMF day 3, decomposition-anxiety talk, give away badge, 3 days is enough, toss away ballast, surprise-tent, roadtrip / food / animal-talk, pizza, talk, byeSat 2018-09-01
: EMF day 2, badge-fixing, safety-arcade, lectures, relaxed work on badge, talk with some people, exposure, D&D experience, arcade, lovely noiseFri 2018-08-31
: EMF day 1, coffee at tent, hippie-soldering, shower is nice, food-queueing was still OK, workshop cable panic, LED-strip boost, what have I gotten myself into, convo is difficultThu 2018-08-30
: early rush-packing, MP3-player, blocking sound-input helps a lot, finishing PCB at airport, OK flight, meetup, noisy dinner, roadtrip and nice talk, set up tent in darkWed 2018-08-29
: deadline-PCB finally out the door, dev-meeting could always be shorter, assembly mini-CPU, save smoketest for later, camping-store visit for UK-plug, subway, powder-pickupTue 2018-08-28
: mad PCB-layouting, fluor-paint, mini-CPU orderingMon 2018-08-27
: more PCB-work, subway-food again to test limits, test snore-solutionSun 2018-08-26
: rushing with PCB-design, subway-food is niceSat 2018-08-25
: demo PCBs and roadtrip with podcasts, fries, motor-testsFri 2018-08-24
: assemble simple PCB, action-store, veggie-burgers, RPi-software works a bit, perhaps use as hobby-componentThu 2018-08-23
: LED-strip animation software, hospital and give feedback about long waiting, fitnessWed 2018-08-22
: nervous overdue PCB meeting went OK, call before .ca-holiday, pay for coolness to work in hot weatherTue 2018-08-21
: enter RC2018/09, miniCPU, fitness, could use more local friends, song triggers old memory, ESD-inconvenienceMon 2018-08-20
: probable snore-fail, early rise, noisy mains-voltage and MOVs, just make the phonecall, work changes scary unknown to tolerable mess, mental self-image is way ahead of me, bad roadtrip, Domen's mental DoSSun 2018-08-19
: squash failure and mega-tired, grumpy, more sport, want to eat meat, layout 2 boards, silly CPU-idea, chips and mental shutdown, snore-testSat 2018-08-18
: fairly lazy day, podcast-recording takes rediculously long, roadtrip and sugar-low, weight loss finally, can't not think about mounting LEDsFri 2018-08-17
: semi-early rise, layout, resolve PSU-fiasco, sport on empty stomach or not, roadtrip, carwash, Action-store and LED-strip hacking takes a bit too longThu 2018-08-16
: hot day but went to coldness instead, layout is slow, sleepy, cheese surplus, posture again, forced slow-shopping desensitising, EMF-idea, inaction and gravityWed 2018-08-15
: 09:00 is late now, sport, reject early roadtrip, be a big boy and do that email/phonecall, order fallback-components, roadtrip with chocolatemilk, posture, sound of music, crapfood extravaganzaTue 2018-08-14
: hospital for wrist-check, send scoot-mobile off for repair, MP3-player that works a bit, PSU-testing and many fails, forgot to eat, EMF-tickets, plane-ticketsMon 2018-08-13
: very early rise, at least one thing finished, sport but sometimes missing progress, need MP3-player, catphone-facepalmingSun 2018-08-12
: squash, too hot, airco-hotel beats office-space, layouting and component-drawing take 1 day each, good nightrestSat 2018-08-11
: eat at Subway, spent way too long searching for MP3-player, talk with ele-store guy, visit my mother, sportFri 2018-08-10
: terrible nightrest, stay home for a change, fries, retro-place visit, cartridge-measurements, social anxiety is still there, coughing too, veggie-burgersThu 2018-08-09
: got up a bit earlier, coldness again, roadtrip but what is left to eat or drink, sleepy, hopefully gentle RC-reminderWed 2018-08-08
: cold place is nice, heavy weights are heavy after a week of downtime, roadtrip and chocolatemilk, Teen Idles, Goldfish surpriseTue 2018-08-07
: work in cold place again, invoice-reminding and -sending, charcoal, roadtrip, try making appointment with old friend, poke hackers again with success, let's do short storiesMon 2018-08-06
: find and use airco'd place to work, get down to roots of LC-weirdness, eat on time to prevent intensity, visit my mom to pay bills and test scootmobile, early night, bring CPU anywaySun 2018-08-05
: more spiders, short stories, egg/rice, cleaning, soaking hot, why not find airco'd workplace, can't even ditch modern monitors, YT-addiction, extreme coughing, workshop.si approvedSat 2018-08-04
: digital spider-drawing, illness almost over, egg/rice for energy, exercise-video, village-roadtrip and story-time, drink at cool gas-station, mosh-pit, morale is difficult, CPU at EMF?Fri 2018-08-03
: sick in bed, legs hurt, sick of being sickThu 2018-08-02
: sick in bed, NOFX, Minor Threat, TechnobabylonWed 2018-08-01
: longing for crapfood usually indicates end-of-sickness but not nowTue 2018-07-31
: LED-driver finally, people get bitten by cats, phonenumber-mixup-facepalming, not feeling too well, cough-explosionMon 2018-07-30
: new drawings of fail-PCB, liberating phonecall and mutual apology, defy gravity, make wrist-test appointment, visit my momSun 2018-07-29
: record podcast, walk in rural area, coffee at mini-zoo, some form of actual workSat 2018-07-28
: moar sport (and no idea what else)Fri 2018-07-27
: pick up finished metalwork and drop off at destination, visit hospital for wrist-fail, visiting supermarkets goes better nowThu 2018-07-26
: early metalwork pick-up and drop off at coater, visit my mom, sporty test/calibration, Subway-food, carwashWed 2018-07-25
: more FET-testing? masterful memory has its limitsTue 2018-07-24
: play taxi to Heeze, half-arsed fitness, make trampstamp-appointment, play taxi againMon 2018-07-23
: local ele-store to buy stuff I don't need, do FET-tests, finding places to do metalwork in a hurrySun 2018-07-22
: new sportplace, protein, POS MP3-player, hot, nobody is looking anyway, how to regulate YT, spider-appointmentSat 2018-07-21
: more movies, find new sportplace and roadtrip, guidance seems ever more important, postureFri 2018-07-20
: motor-demo, podcasts, south .nl trip, pancakes, load off my chest, go to gym regardless of little time, movie-marathon, perhaps yoga, keep on doing this jobThu 2018-07-19
: bracket-stuff, lots of mech/ele/software to get demo done, veggie-burger extravaganzaWed 2018-07-18
: more metal bracket-stuff, DIY-material, sportplace and bike-ride take about 2hTue 2018-07-17
: angle-grinder, report failed work-progress, somewhat relieved to hear project is canceled, MP3-player, focus-class, ele-store, TS100 tip pickup failMon 2018-07-16
: eating at pizza-place, movies, forgot the rest :-)Sun 2018-07-15
: fixing silly resistor-PCB, hackalot-membership poke, link-list spam, roadtrip and mini-zoo, order angle-grinderSat 2018-07-14
: failed PCB-test, extended logistics-phonecall, fear, nicify cavia-cam, pizzaFri 2018-07-13
: mild appartment-search, extreme backpain, shopping for my mom, Action-store, Chinese foodThu 2018-07-12
: deadline always come calling, switchmode-clue, lots of work but I forgot whatWed 2018-07-11
: early funeral, even one person can make a group-visit worthwhile, finish USB-cables and deliver, roadtrip, badly postponed sending necessary status-emailTue 2018-07-10
: test USB-cables and miscommunication, mutually agreed self-assigned deadline works a bit, cavia-cam, back-fitness and unflexible, freeloader, receive and assemble benchMon 2018-07-09
: PSU-debugging up north, pick up fixed car, visit my mom, pick up short pants, shopping feels ok, veggie-burger extravaganzaSun 2018-07-08
: assemble PCBs, assemble USB-cables, pinout-stressSat 2018-07-07
: CD-rental search in town, visit library, bike around, herbal thinkfest, Action-storeFri 2018-07-06
: car-swap, lamp-measurements, pick up LED-gear, roadtrips to get away, progress-convo always feels intense, fries, calm carpark life, podcast-hiatus because of too new techThu 2018-07-05
: calling about appartments, visit sportplace, city-walk, electric fence talk, bayesian freeloader-spottingWed 2018-07-04
: hospital-appointment, fitnessmachine-visit, test/fix last boring PCB, just pile on more stress no problem, podcast-recording, make relay-quotes, ask help when all else failsTue 2018-07-03
: get cavia-food at gardening-center, back hurts a lot, thimbleweed park feedback is niceMon 2018-07-02
: tendon doctor-visit, make overdue copper-specs, AS-memberSun 2018-07-01
: late rise, scootmobile-testdrive, did way too little today, fscked up my backSat 2018-06-30
: canceled hack-relocation, getting scootmobile for my momFri 2018-06-29
: short nightrest, more testing, congratulate when due, an audience is not automatically part of the convo, go when it's time to, dentist-taxi, game-event, how old am I, daysleep, nofxThu 2018-06-28
: early PCB-test, rushing to dentist, let's not overestimate myself, be kind when someone is shouting crap in my face, roadtrip, many coffees, let's make a cableWed 2018-06-27
: Efteling as social event, exposure to cut through BS-layer, mega-tired, H&H podcast is very nice, not feeling good about postponing work, hating BS/artificial/addies more and moreTue 2018-06-26
: did way too little, step-counter, LED-meeting at home, flowers for leaving, leave one more list, make doctor's wrist-appointment, call aunt, testdrive to VeldhovenMon 2018-06-25
: gather bracket-stuff, assy, delivery, roadtrip and talk with my mom, get off my ass to make quotes/specsSun 2018-06-24
: bimonthly sup, got talkshow-ticket, not a whole lot elseSat 2018-06-23
: extended nature-walk, someone payed up, roadtripFri 2018-06-22
: shopping for my mom, Aldi-repair so go to Meiel, pull-ups don't work, pick up plastic, fries, double roadtrip and podcastsThu 2018-06-21
: high analog accuracy challenge, adjust specs, ele-debugging and something works, cap-zap, hackalot-location visit, show interest when stuck at convo, stressing the benchWed 2018-06-20
: finishing specs, roadtrip and podcasts with permanent smile, carwash, candy may be more satisfying than actual crapfoodTue 2018-06-19
: YT-replies are nice, more calling/mailing/arranging/buying is getting boring, making specs, miss tablet for night-time readingMon 2018-06-18
: call about bills, revive pending meetings, continue being inkoop-clown, weird webshop, meter reverse-engineering and clue at last, nice focus-eveningSun 2018-06-17
: roadtrip and podcasts, nice nature-walk, invoices, admin-work, ideally every action should work towards a long-term goalSat 2018-06-16
: ele-store, make PSU-enclosure, record podcast and always long editing, can intimidation-immunity be trainedFri 2018-06-15
: early LEDdemo-coding, demo, bracket-stuff, crapfood, LED-strip quickfix, being pushed along by a sliding window of expectation-over-time, visit, movie, chinese foodThu 2018-06-14
: bracket-phonecalling, husky-reply, forgot homework for tech-meeting, bracket-visit, last drawing-lesson, better to not say things than to say other things, LED-board testWed 2018-06-13
: call around for metal brackets, send DMM, more LEDstrip-debugging and confess/solution, missing satellites, lamp-cap really works, crapfood and immense sugar-dipTue 2018-06-12
: metal-meeting, shift deadline once more, LEDstrip-debugging, husky-adventure inspiration, dentist, Efteling-appointment, drop off tax-stuff, get lampMon 2018-06-11
: cancel unnecessary subscriptions, pouring cement, reverse-engineer safety-valve, wrap DMMSun 2018-06-10
: finished tax, local roadtrip and crapfood, nice chocolatemilk, coincidence-female, cancel LinkedIn, Donald Duck letters, soldered together PSU-protoSat 2018-06-09
: pick up cement-tools at DIY-store, cut down on crapfood a bit, tax the whole day, brain depleted, angryFri 2018-06-08
: get my mind sorted on capacitor-quickfixing and -talking, tax, fries, I am apparently stand-in component-buyer nowThu 2018-06-07
: tax pretty much the whole day, capacitor-talk and stress about moneyWed 2018-06-06
: cardoor still broken, pick up kiddo-bathTue 2018-06-05
: gain capacitor- & resistor-clue, better to call than to email, tax, pick up car, how about we limit YT-use, sugar-high and then -down, some people damand so much energyMon 2018-06-04
: RF-meeting, pick up RF-things, capacitor-stuff and -talk, tax, is ROM drop-in replacement a good idea at all, say no to accumulating retro-stuffSun 2018-06-03
: RF-measurements, how to make information out of (measurement-)data, chips, upload to CSDb, make late reportSat 2018-06-02
: backup-car battery dead, excellent day at retrocomputer-place, postponing workFri 2018-06-01
: did way too little, bad nightrest, cancel some subscriptions, more capacitor-panic, friesThu 2018-05-31
: more capacitor-sadness, video about hand-milling PCBs, bench press, soldering-iron PSU, FLD-effect age reality-checkWed 2018-05-30
: car-swap, capacitor-talk, moisture-measurements, quickly making PCBs, bad nightrest, EEPROM idea with extra audio-tipTue 2018-05-29
: selling HP-meter, tax, CPU-talk, wasting 5 minutes at a time on YTMon 2018-05-28
: capacitor-panic, HCC-membership, focus-class with nonstop gastric rumbling, desensitising, give things enough spaceSun 2018-05-27
: decent family-talk, shopping at big supermarket, coffee at my mom, slacking, weights, cartridge-shells, YT can be addictiveSat 2018-05-26
: retro-computer meeting, swap memberships, tax, podcasts, stinking hot, how old am I, why not get in shape a bit, what am I waiting forFri 2018-05-25
: tax, panic-meeting, shopping for my mom, car-fix fail, fries, record podcastThu 2018-05-24
: pretty much tax all day long, soldering-iron distraction, postponing roadtrips, tough loveWed 2018-05-23
: tax, sometimes a mental kick in the ass is appreciated, the art of subtle bullying, waiting for soldering-iron, effect of time-pressure on moodTue 2018-05-22
: RF-dropoff, tax, Henry Rollins, RetroChallenge suspense, many obscure game-consoles, give everything enough space, defuse awkward money-phonecallMon 2018-05-21
: record CPU-video, tax, "fix" PC by deleting all, feel energetic, tax, Sketchbook is niceSun 2018-05-20
: bd-party, retro-games, junior programmer, many podcasts, taxSat 2018-05-19
: much too much slacking, Aldi-reopening, finding assemblers, finish terminal-script, tax is overwhelmingFri 2018-05-18
: chemical meeting, AVR-hackje, haircut (I guess)Thu 2018-05-17
: Windows sucks, everything sucks, cumulative bad nightrest takes its toll, fell asleep, ultrasonic comms, FTDI-reset, work-coupon, bad at getting an overviewWed 2018-05-16
: Big Think channel, proper coffee again, mega-tired, plotutil failure and big lesson learned, why is dealing with slow info difficult, tax, measurements, planned meetingTue 2018-05-15
: birdhouse-gifts, Farnell disrespect, ordering-mess, a good meal can reboot an otherwise failed day, I want TS100 now, cement-measurement gets a bit boring, EM-videosMon 2018-05-14
: Eugene Khutoryansky videos, UV-repair, LED-bughunt, learn while measuring but start somewhere, seeing patterns is a powerful toolSun 2018-05-13
: visit my mom, cement-stuff, missed mother's day association, chemistry is perhaps niceSat 2018-05-12
: switchmode-stuff, logistic failure, make cement-protos, lazy, weird meas-results, chemistry may be interesting but jeg fatter dykkerbriller atmFri 2018-05-11
: record podcast, make VICE-video of Bonami intro, appreciation is nice, switchmode-stuff, life is struggle, toaster-wrap-up, prototype-shopping, nice scalesThu 2018-05-10
: just a little bit longer means the whole day long, made C64-intro and a video about that, .my elections, pizza, mechanical CPUWed 2018-05-09
: why not just make those risky phonecalls, switchmode-readup, salty food, long cement-meeting, catch up in the car, drop off contract, Farnell-fail, C64-stuffTue 2018-05-08
: more switchmode-unclue, tie up some loose admin-ends, hackerspace-meeting, inbox 0, why not leave when it's time to go, why not be nice instead of cleverMon 2018-05-07
: unexpected death-reply, CPU not ready yet, switchmode unclue, salt tastes good, forever waiting for RC2018-resultsSun 2018-05-06
: RF-code/-hack all day, field-test fail, cancel German class, let's only get gear with proper docsSat 2018-05-05
: nice Utrecht retro-visit, dump all retro-gear, deliver PCB, nice LCD-talk, chocomilk, death-visit, RF-read and -solder, Rick AstleyFri 2018-05-04
: homecomputermuseum Helmond, Bonami museum, deliver adapter, talk, how to make big data accessible, not much elseThu 2018-05-03
: catch up on email, copper-measurements, forgot basic chemistry, LEDlamp-talk, drop off support-plate, pick up watermeter, drop off doctorpapers, drawing-lesson, I don't like prefab coffee-breaksWed 2018-05-02
: film-cap-awkwardness bughunt, lasercutting, lost USB-stick, roadtrip & wash car, LED-call, half-arsed bitmap conversion, what hobby-stuff to do nextTue 2018-05-01
: PCB-layout took extremely long, angry at everything, powerpoint(-clones) always make me jittery, RF-module hunt, excellent usual dinner, invoices, finish museum-introMon 2018-04-30
: RF-test, mega-tired, laptop is full again, german homework goes troublesome, class more troublesome, insurance-form fail, bad mood, bitmap-test, late nightSun 2018-04-29
: LED-layout, squash, hit 2 cars, nice and long talk, busy coffee-place, paperwork-visit, forgot to eat, making 433 MHz protos, last-minute RC2018 cap-fixSat 2018-04-28
: webring-fix, want to play with Philips Videopac, record podcast, NE555-sound revisited, notice RC2018-problem, LED-layoutFri 2018-04-27
: mostly lazy, finish woodwork at my mom's place, fries, C64 bitmap-test, Chinese food, assemble/finish 2nd cartridge-adapter, finding new homecomputer, many homecomputer-videosThu 2018-04-26
: finish up RC2018, extremely long RF-talk, fetch RF-modules, let's move to a new homecomputer, many related YT, beer-capacitors, chips, read up on 433 MHzWed 2018-04-25
: finish and deliver test-project, visit mom and fail at woodwork, RC2018-project works, perhaps I need a logic-analyser, record video, late-night takeaway foodTue 2018-04-24
: RF-phonetalk, spending "just a few hours" on hobby-stuff is instant fail, made Tcl upload-script, need general-purpose scripting-language againMon 2018-04-23
: postponing makes stress out of otherwise normal work, cancel german class, UV-marker coating, solder awkward RC-filter, test last part of LED-driver, need scripting-languageSun 2018-04-22
: squash bloodbath, scepticism hindering progress?, modern toaster resistive dropper, headache, EMF-ticket, sushi, decoding motor-schematics, 555-music, switchmode if all else failsSat 2018-04-21
: sleep late, art-exhibition #1 and #2, low Q-factor during convos, ele-store, homecomputer-visit, hit car, good progress with RC2018, ROM vs RAM, love for bits and bytesFri 2018-04-20
: shopping for my mom, 256-byte Outline-idea, pizzaThu 2018-04-19
: making test-report, fetch pic-frame, deliver drawings, focus-class speed-history, why don't I know how to talk in a group, RC2018 monitorWed 2018-04-18
: make RF-tests, outdoor-measurements, bughunt C64-signals, pic in magazine, sushi, form vs content or data-pollutionTue 2018-04-17
: doctor-visit, last drawing-class, fetching prototype-stuff at DIY-store, thriftstore-visits, fries, relationship-talk, EMF sold out, Blip and other 70s/80s hand-held gamesMon 2018-04-16
: motor-measurements, german homework-day, lesson went remarkably well, ChipzelSun 2018-04-15
: record podcast, earliest memory, A-Team finale, beware of spotlights, didn't do things I should have done, Fazic.io BASIC-in-ROM, why not start getting rid of retro-gearSat 2018-04-14
: RC2018 addiction all day, sushi overload, exploding chocolate, fail-record podcastFri 2018-04-13
: motor-pickup, overdue contacting-stuff, memory not working, chocolate as stimulant, RC2018 flash and simplifying, big picture is everything, disassembling coffee-machineThu 2018-04-12
: belated RF-specs and -talk, let's not be vague on the phone, why not accept all the work, rate++, epic meal trembling, drawing-class portrait and nice talking, RC2018 does not waitWed 2018-04-11
: focus-class, natural beauty, powerbanks, PSU-testing, invoices, RC2018 docs finallyTue 2018-04-10
: laptop drop-off and many issues, why not postpone blaming people, mediocre drawing-class, aural input tilt, eat on time, PCB-test, excellent hackspace-meeting, inferiorityMon 2018-04-09
: early laptop drop-off, too much work approaching, half-arsed german language-lesson homework, handball exposure for better bonding, RC2018 docs again - let's do sw/hw now, why not ack embarrassmentSun 2018-04-08
: excellent squash, nicify/publish podcast, hot-glue digital probe, beer, sleep-attack, excellent dinner social exercise, smoking scorpion, perhaps horror-movies are nice againSat 2018-04-07
: ele-store tourette, quick digital probe hack, nice retro-repair/-convo and blew a fuse, it's OK to have a meta-convo sometimes, chocolate milk, record podcastFri 2018-04-06
: fear-lecture, perhaps diagnosis can help, RF-talk, not many people are interested in details, measured on scales againThu 2018-04-05
: early flash-minitraining, car checkups, leave the cellphone on, nice talking to people w/o having to pre-chew info, thriftstore strain-gauge, sleep-attack, RC2018Wed 2018-04-04
: testing PCBs, big V, one problem at a time, RC2018, earplugs really work, pizza, very bad nightrest, no portable scope, housing in .dkTue 2018-04-03
: drew lighthouse on sand-paste, let's not be a smartass in convos, CPU-meeting and semi-nice talk, headache, pick up flow-gear, RC2018, overdue PCB-fixMon 2018-04-02
: update elderly-agenda and pre-quit it, fix PCB-fault, lots of energy but trembling again, retro-challenge work, CPU-brainstorming, deliver table-cloth, cancel OU-test, beerSun 2018-04-01
: extremely tired during squash, write pending maker-letter, PC demos, talk about future CPU steps, keep it simple, the RingSat 2018-03-31
: tetris with tape-innards, coil-measurements and -convo, record podcast, silent movies may be nice, I can't parse businesstalkFri 2018-03-30
: soldering finish-up, no motor to pick up, no testgear to pick up, pick up demiwater, clean PCB, perhaps nice RF-projectThu 2018-03-29
: dev-meeting, assembling PCB, Amp Hour podcasts, drawing-class, try to listen even if I think I already am, nice drawing-talk, fries, expressionless CS portraitWed 2018-03-28
: sorting components, overdue follow-ups, CV, cost-on-delivery, mom bd-visit and dinner, beer-integration, why not discuss hourly feeTue 2018-03-27
: drawing-lesson, simple LED-circuit redo, drawing is not creepy at all, how to sharpen charcoal pencil, sorting componentsMon 2018-03-26
: making and failing at a simple circuit, German language-homework and -class, measurements, is it possible to desensitise using news and videos at all, solve social TODOsSun 2018-03-25
: charcoal sketching, squash went remarkably well, icecream and short chat, simple circuit fail, lots of overdue social contacting, B/W movies from the 20sSat 2018-03-24
: daytrip to Rurberg, podcasts, boattrip, why not go here more often, very tired, blending with baby-oil, borrowed time brings stressFri 2018-03-23
: ele-components, add air, simple circuit takes long, drawing, make cavia playpen, disassemble toaster, weird wires, need powerbankThu 2018-03-22
: ordering components always takes more time than planned, pizza, drawing, heater is screwed upWed 2018-03-21
: focus, finish leftover crapfood, days w/o proper sleep took their toll, pick up and try brilliant fix for CPU-display, votingTue 2018-03-20
: acrylic drawing-lesson, aquarel is magical but difficult, extreme crapfood-day, tggg google eye-opening reality-check, decide not to make a 128-byte demo, re-inkMon 2018-03-19
: friendly but unresponsive people, german course homework, book/coins and ROM/RAM, presentation went better than plannedSun 2018-03-18
: layout-marathon, post-midnight dinnerSat 2018-03-17
: homecomputer-museum opening, let's not expect thanks, pizza, fix headphone, record podcastFri 2018-03-16
: volunteer at homecomputer-museum, new people, boring PCs, should apply 3-strikes-you're-out during convos, fries, let's get on with my own stuff nowThu 2018-03-15
: dentist-session, component-drawing always costs more time than planned, soup, lazy-/tired-attack, no drawing-class, friendliness makes everything go smoother, chiptune-overdoseWed 2018-03-14
: dentist-taxi, rotary switch panic, sugar-high and -low are very noticeable, layout, made retrochallenge page, soupTue 2018-03-13
: drawing-course, aquarel is a bit nicer but still weird/sucky, why not try Retro ChallengeMon 2018-03-12
: record podcast, German language homework marathon turned out fine, looking at upcoming eventsSun 2018-03-11
: nicer roadtrip, Maker Faire Ruhr day 2, LED-spiral, ERSA Pico, need more than maker faire, brilliant sunset, art-stuff makes me see better, tired instead of energisedSat 2018-03-10
: reasonable roadtrip, many podcasts, Maker Faire Ruhr day 1, known visitors are nice, Vera Birkenbihl, friendly neighbour-booth, mega-tiredFri 2018-03-09
: get roadtrip-food, testing PCBs, drop off admin-papers, early nightThu 2018-03-08
: printing addy-material, IKEA for fancy LED-lighting, visit my mom & mental disorder, late bd-pizzaWed 2018-03-07
: lasercutting-session works out very well, tax-visit and -apologies, cigarette-stink, relief, assemble CPU-project, demons are back, must eat properly againTue 2018-03-06
: pick up from airport, drawing-lesson, don't like aquarel yet, zombie-state, midday sleep, draw enclosure-stuff for lasercutting, QCad crashes a lotMon 2018-03-05
: CPU-project works, late German language homework, last evening alone, crapfood, planned & failed early nightSun 2018-03-04
: got up late, work on CPU-software a bit, filled with love while driving, long hospital-visit, crapfood, tiredSat 2018-03-03
: make and finish baseboard-software completely, cavias are lovely animals, pizza, bi-daily shopping-desensitisation works fine, resist roadtripFri 2018-03-02
: assembling and testing PCBs, happy and excited, LEDs are bright, hungry, sometimes it's nice to just do instead of ask/poll first, amazing metalworkThu 2018-03-01
: EEPROM-mystery, PCB-testing, roadtrip, CPU-PCBs arrived, drawing-lesson with birds, nice convos, why not try to listen instead of speak 9 out of 10 timesWed 2018-02-28
: CAD-work, lasercutting, visit my mom, friend-visit, pizza, try telling personal things if things get stuck, cleaned cavia-cageTue 2018-02-27
: drawing-class, nice talk, I want new pencils, podcast-stuff, find/order baseboard-components, hot-air rework goes ok nowMon 2018-02-26
: German language homework takes friggin' long, evening-course, make podcast-animation for YTSun 2018-02-25
: still layouting with mild fail, Gigatron-visit, find intellectually challenging things, immaturity, work to ease stress, cookies, mild admin-work, recorded podcastSat 2018-02-24
: quickfixed/circumvented latchup-issue, must reapply ink, autorouting, Double Take rerunsFri 2018-02-23
: finished space-drawing, baseboard-layoutThu 2018-02-22
: early meh-meeting, baseboard-schematic and -layout, cancel friend-visitWed 2018-02-21
: focus-class, CPU-baseboard schematic, why not try to have a conversation from within the other's headTue 2018-02-20
: drawing-class, punk-cavia, online evolution-classMon 2018-02-19
: German language homework and classSun 2018-02-18
: CPU-baseboard component-selectionSat 2018-02-17
: component-selection and -drawing, drop-off at airport, I get lost everywhere, brilliant roadtrip back with sunset everywhere, pizzaFri 2018-02-16
: failure at fault-finding, administration-work, drawing a planet-surfaceThu 2018-02-15
: component-selection, drawing-class, nice social interactionWed 2018-02-14
: long dev-meeting, still sick but fries, component-selection, bigclivedotcomTue 2018-02-13
: perhaps tattoos can make time go slower, still sick, a lot of hidden competition, Holmes-letter, overdue apologetic call, drew a weird eyeMon 2018-02-12
: sick in bed the whole day, soup and rice, headacheSun 2018-02-11
: sick in bed the whole day, view many game-walkthroughsSat 2018-02-10
: demo a board and nice talk, cavia-shopping, a flu approachesFri 2018-02-09
: visit my mom, tax-stuff, pizza, making a happy tuneThu 2018-02-08
: ever so many energy-drinks and roadtrip, tax-stuffWed 2018-02-07
: dentist, tax-stuff, fries, energy-drinks, roadtrip, crapfood, podcastTue 2018-02-06
: drawing-class with apple, art-store and Action, tax-stuff, drew a wormMon 2018-02-05
: crypto-meeting, making much homework, German classSun 2018-02-04
: squash, German language-course chaos and panic, layout, drawing-failSat 2018-02-03
: more layout, fixing gear, nice social interaction, weekend means potatoesFri 2018-02-02
: layout, drawing using soft pastel and aquarel-pencils (I think), replaced car-lightsThu 2018-02-01
: broken domotica-PCB brings back memories, catphone-quickfixing, why don't I use my spectrum analyser, PCB-pickup and micro-roadtrip, drawing-lesson, expressionismWed 2018-01-31
: focus, why not let things in the past/future stay where they are, much fscking about with ffmpeg's audio-visualisationTue 2018-01-30
: drawing-class, visit my mom, administration-work, more Nanoloop-stuffMon 2018-01-29
: admin-work is boring but necessary, German language class, social interaction as testbed for mild confrontationsSun 2018-01-28
: squash, ankle hurts again/still, nice chat, people smiling is nice, RCG, more piano-medley, toothache, admin-work, throw all the things awaySat 2018-01-27
: late rise, Nanoloop again, piano-medley, postpone admin-workFri 2018-01-26
: 8-bit ink, roadtrip with podcasts, fries, simulate electronics, excellent sleepThu 2018-01-25
: squash is going better, I don't know anything about electronics really, drawing, perhaps learn ImageMagick properly once, made new tune - damn you Nanoloop-addictionWed 2018-01-24
: shopping results in semi-roadtrip, someone fell asleep, layout with bitmap-logo takes much too long, Nanoloop againTue 2018-01-23
: drawing a horse, social interaction, LED-rework and chat, latch-up choice - fix or investigate, say no to crypto, diving-lesson, crave sugar, ankle still not okMon 2018-01-22
: focus, swimming-pants, Action-store has a lot of stuff, roadtrip, spent a bit too long making Nanoloop-soundsSun 2018-01-21
: late rise, console-gaming session, more nanoloop-playing, Holmes, makeshift exercise-stairs, driving-lesson advice FTW, perhaps try to imagine time is never a factor, corn, let's try sync-reading short storiesSat 2018-01-20
: debug latch-up problem, Bart was right, craving sugar, pizza w/o cheese, stationary climbing stairs, first small nanoloop-success, Janssen chose wiselyFri 2018-01-19
: assemble and test PCBs, cutting CPU-costs, dual potato meal, small roadtrip, shift-register everything, must conquer nanoloop 2Thu 2018-01-18
: storm, overdue layout, why not call people before they call you, brilliant driving-lesson tip applied to IRL, Holmes, prepare for PCB-assembly, a good meal can be a daily milestone, nanoloop 2 is still so difficultWed 2018-01-17
: lasercutting stencils, shake-software, flashing and lamp-talk, pick out LEDs, nanoloop 2 is difficult and weird, semi-bad sleepTue 2018-01-16
: drawing-class, podcast, component-selection takes longMon 2018-01-15
: inbox-cleanup, psycho-callback, back to rice, uneventful volunteer-meeting, pick up ele-stuff, debug logic-board issue, pain in heels, segmented scope-mem is nice, practice embarrassment, grok Julia/Mandelbrot - finallySun 2018-01-14
: canceled taxi-appointment, LED-driver test, roadtrip/coffee instead, Damn Interesting moon-podcast, squash, more LED-driver test and debug-fail, success, big potato-dish, still need more sportSat 2018-01-13
: hobby-PCB assembly and fail, why not try to make it easy for future-michai, nanoloop 2 is difficultFri 2018-01-12
: reading-work, shopping/parcelpickup, talk with light-coworker, settle administrative stuff, cooking potatoes, trip to west, nice computer-talk, jumping jacks, pre-mortem, what is ambition, HackalotThu 2018-01-11
: many small tasks, cancel fitness-subscription, fix/nicify lighting at my mom's place, candy, 3 dinners for some reason, NDA issues, focus-fail, DIY-stencil testWed 2018-01-10
: long crypto-meeting, tired, public opinion is irrelevant, chips, finish dio-layout, batmanTue 2018-01-09
: surprising squash-session, routing, administrative stuff, hungry, need more sportMon 2018-01-08
: logo-work, connecting TV, posting stuff, uninteresting day. I would like to return it for a refund.Sun 2018-01-07
: squash, postpone work, CPU PCB layout, podcast, SNES-gaming as social training, extremely bad nightrestSat 2018-01-06
: fixing retro-gear could have been better, Atari VCS AV-adapter, pool, double fries/pizza dinner, coffee and talkFri 2018-01-05
: lasercutting cheapo stencil, AH276 toying, bendable acrylic tests, bit of overdue administrative work, batmanThu 2018-01-04
: quest for expensive relays, remove/do old items from todo-board, FLP2018 entry works - now let's ditch it, little bit 2D-drawing, playing around a bit too muchWed 2018-01-03
: bank-talk, aunt-lunch without food, it's ok to talk non-superficial, ink-talk, LED-test, reading evolution-book, weights, unknown waching-machine PCB is unknown, save roadtrip-money for actual quality-roadtripsTue 2018-01-02
: quote, boring work, HNY, trembling starts again, damn you flashing light prize 2018, and damn you USB video grabber for being timesinksMon 2018-01-01
: finish mux PCB-layout, trennrelais, headache, extreme slacking, start with layout of next logic-PCBSun 2017-12-31
: squash, airport-coffee, podcast-recording, grill-plate food, Forest Gump movie, fireworks, PCB-layoutSat 2017-12-30
: telephone-postponing, Aldi-shopping for my mom, roadtrip, Sorcerer, tape sound-signal test, CPU I/O boards, eager for drawing-course, c.elegans, weightsFri 2017-12-29
: cleaning and sorting "the office", headache, visit my mom, potatoes are nice, avocados are not, Danish adventure-gameThu 2017-12-28
: squash miscalculation, recorded podcast, fitness, movies and toaster from thriftstore, many salads, software for C64 adapter, fail-fest connecting retro-gear results in tossing away redundant stuffWed 2017-12-27
: ordered nanoloop cartridge, fitness, animals are fun, why not be curious like the guinea-pig, finish PCB-work, failure to find cheap PCB-mfg, panel-tetris, extremely relaxed moodTue 2017-12-26
: movie-time, generally vibrant and positive mood, ready to do stuff, hobby-PCB layout takes long, finished adventure-game, wanting to make my own now, why not tear down household equipment for fun, many interesting niche-peopleMon 2017-12-25
: no muscle-pain, pick up my mother, xmas food, more grue-podcast, house-watching on way back, lots of crapfood, old movies, 3D-pen, PCB-layout, extremely bad nightrest, scared shitlessSun 2017-12-24
: squash, curves, CPU-redesign, drawing ideas is nice, adventure-game timesink, pizza, dog-movie, unwrapping presents, crapfoodSat 2017-12-23
: xmas-lights outside, xmas-demo, .de and swimming confirmation, xmas-shopping, toystore roadtrip, let's not hold back, why not submit tape-adventure to ifcomp.comFri 2017-12-22
: firmware-flashing, everyone goes into hibernation, asian supermarket visit, preview to component-tetrisThu 2017-12-21
: fairly lazy day, measurement, fantasy ele-design, registered for backup painting-class, fail-roadtrip to swimming-pool, Deurne is a mazeWed 2017-12-20
: play taxi and be late myself, focus and nice talk, fsckall-Friday, admitted for German language course, extreme crapfood-day, desolder, diving closure, read book, IF game progress, IFcomp may be niceTue 2017-12-19
: overdue administration, get pur-foam, shopping, chips, the other side of fearMon 2017-12-18
: overdue administrative work, record podcast, succesfully register with itunes, German language-test, pick up LC and xmas gift, pick up devboard, eat chips/candy, baudrate, relaxed codingSun 2017-12-17
: play squash, mega-tired, long relaxed talk, do tax, send some invoices, fantasy-project designSat 2017-12-16
: casually buying, then replacing lamps and doorbell at my mom's place, loud chiptune-roadtrip, beware of inner demons, Fantastic Beasts, drawing/testing UV-project, resist crapfoodFri 2017-12-15
: registered for makerfaire Ruhr, fix, test and deliver software, nostalgic walk in home village, fetch flowers and coupons for helper-lady, talk with my mom, UV-project revivalThu 2017-12-14
: quick battery-debugging, fluffy project meeting, solder resistors, work-visit, CPU-thinking, chinese food, shutdownWed 2017-12-13
: cat-panic resolved, visit metalwork-company, extreme roadtrip to fetch SA, most things are my own faultTue 2017-12-12
: dentist-visit, quickfix software, do all the things sequentially instead of in parallel, relax, better make an appointmentMon 2017-12-11
: programming and mechanical stuff, demo, finding new dentist, triple coffee explosion, roadtrip through snow, why not get a cheap old SA to play with, static discharge, chocolateSun 2017-12-10
: pull a potential fail back to an earlier moment, snow-walk around the neighbourhood, forgot to eat, chocolate, the art to temporarily forget then-irrelevant things, Hirschmann Micro Kleps FTWSat 2017-12-09
: interesting work-marathon on auto-pilot, search until you find the root cause, telephone half works again, earplugsFri 2017-12-08
: remember doctor-visit, help with broken phone, why not do things one by one, focus, reading an actual book can be niceThu 2017-12-07
: toss away / recycle many old clothes, lunch at IKEA, slow down if I feel the urge to go fast, little iTunes progress, hungry again, measurements, FET-weirdness, codingWed 2017-12-06
: focus-class, make 2nd resistive load, talk about sleep-modes, fix phone at neighbour, record podcast, Blade Runner, more sleepcode, memory is not OK - help, relationship-talkTue 2017-12-05
: sleep-modes, send Holmes-book, shopping for Sinterklaas-evening, Chinese food, Sinterklaas-packets, railway-DVD is relaxing, fix/hang bird-feeder, is my memory getting any better or what?Mon 2017-12-04
: up real early to program stuff, fail, apologise, .gov fee meeting, how does a parking garage work, sleep a lot during the day, get bladerunner-tickets, why not do German language-course, decade-box, cute CRT-scope will soon be mineSun 2017-12-03
: coding all day, hungry, let's make level-shifter ourselvesSat 2017-12-02
: early fitness, assemble resistor-box (I think), optocoupler-measurements, coding all dayFri 2017-12-01
: early repair, reschedule demo, wash rental-car and pick up own car, ask about diving, considering German language-course, potato-chips, fitnessThu 2017-11-30
: wash car and bring for maintenance, meet cleaning-lady, sit around with ergo-visit, ride a tiny van, almonds but lunch is so very welcome, component-selection madness, why not go diving, coding for fun & profitWed 2017-11-29
: visit old school-friend, it's prolly OK to explicitly stop a subject during conversation, let's not compare, balance is important, hungry, coding is fun, very little sleep, reading an actual bookTue 2017-11-28
: up early for funeral, hungry but have almonds, nice meeting with long-lost niece, fairly boring lunch, open up in conversation even if forced, octopus surprise, muscle disease, at least start coding a day in advanceMon 2017-11-27
: quick snapshot PCB-analysis, get glue and glue outlet-blocks, test resistor-boards, pickup components, assemble and clean PCBs, 100 um is perfect, did graphical adventure-games have negative impact?Sun 2017-11-26
: cleaning while postponing work, disassemble LED-bulb, destroy old LED-banner, Holmes-reply, record solo-podcast, hungry all the time, actionmovies don't quite cut it anymore for me, need podcast-cohost(s), need help with memorySat 2017-11-25
: paint wooden socket-blocks, electronics-store, make headphone-adapter for GBA, resist roadtrip, hook up DVD to beamer, think 5 min to save at least 10 min of effort, movie-marathon, resist junkfood is easierFri 2017-11-24
: many small tasks while waiting for parcels, bank is friendly, get DVDs from pawnshop, bring lamps to my mom, potato chips, buy pens, Aldi desensitisation, getting hungry for Nanoloop 2Thu 2017-11-23
: sign docs and lunch with aunts, cavia-food shopping, pick up broken boards again, many small administrative and overdue actions, surprise-ack from old friend, hungry, evolution-book is nice so far, stay curiousWed 2017-11-22
: visit pawn-shop and nice talk, defuse bias by explicitly asking, return overdue devices, at least make some progress with paperwork, panic and stress are always lurking, order many components, guinea-pig quality-timeTue 2017-11-21
: early layouting, perform taxi-service for mother, only ate a little bit, small roadtrip, more layouting, why not schedule thankfulness as feedback, brain depletedMon 2017-11-20
: decision-making in work takes more mental effort than planned, bench-tests to avoid fail, layout until late, why not only eat natural stuff in its original formSun 2017-11-19
: go to fitness, tired and out of shape, reply overdue German mail, ongoing iTunes struggle, postpone workSat 2017-11-18
: cancel fitness (again), solder resistor-PCB, fix C64 all day, desensitisation happens after half an hour or so, acknowledge people's feelings, balance all the time, accepting not knowing somethingFri 2017-11-17
: test/prototype stuff to avoid fail, roadtrip to pick up friend, visit computer-museum, eat at wok-place, nice trip back, why not expose thoughts or opinions every now and thenThu 2017-11-16
: measure, test, work in general, wash the car, roadtrip, implementing healthy food plan, paint outlet-box wooden block, environment of growthWed 2017-11-15
: blade runner again, get wood and replacements for broken household-items, glue, paint, inhale, why not quit BS-food for a while, find place to play squash, getting back in touch with childhood friendTue 2017-11-14
: really bad at dual N-back test, quickfix PCB, education-event was brilliant social exercise, walk GLOW-event like a lemming, auto-pilot during conversation should probably ring an alarmMon 2017-11-13
: pick up dental records, fix work-stuff, select components takes short for once, bike to library-talk, reg'd for drawing-course, finish many small tasks, assemble bait-PCBs, excellent coffee-roadtrip, empathy and balanceSun 2017-11-12
: slow start, workplace-connection / shelf-Tetris, pick up laptop, excellent rice, pancakes are nice but much work, expose yourself by talking personal experiences, low-hanging TODO-fruit, beautiful nature coloursSat 2017-11-11
: pinball-event, visit friend, walk and eat in Belgium, iTunes extended fail, nootropic documentary, Guitar Hero fail, forgot laptop, salad, candybar extravaganzaFri 2017-11-10
: many mini-tasks done, need plastic-cutting tool/tip, trip to race-simulator, extended roadtrip, pancakes with way too much salt, do all the things at onceThu 2017-11-09
: early movie, legacy candy is nice, draw PCB for resistive load, record podcast, thanks where it is due, try to be humble even under stress, balance everything, Bandcamp is niceWed 2017-11-08
: making quotations the whole day, proto-pancakes, fix my mom's PC, car looks like thriftstore nowTue 2017-11-07
: making quotation takes longer than it should, made autorouter-video, 1h hack of kettle-on-notifier, made page about simplified handwriting, cutting down on coffee, cut a problem/fear in half for profitMon 2017-11-06
: notary-visit, pick up proto, Susan Cain introvert-talk, semi-drunk cooking, add tomatoes to anything, making specs and quotes is free of charge, stay halfway the anxiety-scale, if the price is right it's right - periodSun 2017-11-05
: relaxed book-fair and nice talk, small appartment picture-book, vegan dinner, component-selection takes sooo long, select nearby drawing-courses, podcast-recording hit-and-missSat 2017-11-04
: much homecomputer-fixing-fun, let's enroll in a biology course, let's try to get back to the roots in pretty much any situationFri 2017-11-03
: minor work, anime-movie in cinema, candy-overload, vegan dinner, record podcast, SW3, headache, perhaps slowly trying to quit coffeeThu 2017-11-02
: elderly-agenda, say "not now" rather than "no", tied up some loose ends, keep ball out of own court, website-trouble, the art of spec-extraction, dig deeper if fuzzy, fear-/love-talk in library, roadtrip, renting-concernWed 2017-11-01
: bring books to thriftstore, chocolate-milk at gas-station, order overdue gear, childish wonder, succesful PCB-demo, the art of knowing when to stop talking, pizza, SW2Tue 2017-10-31
: smart energy-meters, fetch cat-basket and coffee, make demo-software, roadtrip with only coffee, drooling over measurement-gear, be happy with this day's resultMon 2017-10-30
: optocoupler clue, multiple showers, more hot air practice, hunt for mystery-current, select box for resistive load, food in town, movie, car is beyond dirty, resistive load talk, making sleepy specsSun 2017-10-29
: making clippy-wires, hot air soldering practice, fail, and eventual success, current-measurements, select nice measurement-gear, relay-talk, nice movie at homeSat 2017-10-28
: call about emergency-switch, podcast-spree and roadtrip, Overkill event, analog synth, difference between liking and wanting to like, cleaning office, searching power-switchFri 2017-10-27
: got up rediculously late, assemble test and deliver controllers, short visit from friend, shopping at Aldi, sugarfree candyThu 2017-10-26
: slept 1h and got up extremely early, work, survive sleep-attacks, update elderly-agenda, order parts, brilliant evolutionary tree page, garden-store coffee, make lame wiki-pageWed 2017-10-25
: back to regular food-regime, overdue paperwork, some overdue phonecalls, xdg-utils may be very nice, torque-kick, dig deeper for actual clue, coffee-overload is no problemTue 2017-10-24
: very short night's sleep, there's always a lower power-consumption, almonds again, friend-visit, Blade Runner again, extended coding-session, 128 kHz is still lightning-fastMon 2017-10-23
: glasses are nice but left eye gets spoiled, mixing podcast takes much too long, more ICs that need to talk back, silly bugs are silly, more family-talk, getting lightbulbs, todo-list gets intimidatingSun 2017-10-22
: getting ICs to talk back, family-talk is a big relief, almonds, cavia quality-time, drink, record podcast, more software, weight--Sat 2017-10-21
: got up extremely late, battery-inspection, more iTunes nonsense, finish and deliver PC, coffee overload, less snackfood, overvoltage weirdness, can't leave amp aloneFri 2017-10-20
: battery-charging unknowns, unscrewing and optimising microphone-amp, could lack of physical exercise be bad for memory?Thu 2017-10-19
: visit old colleague, nice talk, dual pizza, garden-store visit for cavia-stuff, mental low solved by roadtrip, re-reinstall PC, tiredWed 2017-10-18
: PCB assembly, bring cat to doctor, mini-roadtrip, getting insane from iTunes againTue 2017-10-17
: making specs, Stitcher, install PC, visit observatory, mental low, getting insane from iTunesMon 2017-10-16
: ordering components also takes time, reading lots of docs and obfuscated schematics, cannot resist temptation and apply for podcast-hostingSun 2017-10-15
: podcast-logos, rerecorded intro/outro, lazy Sunday, podcast-recording instead of roadtrip, content vs formSat 2017-10-14
: can't find 1541u2, visit retro-place, excellent computer-fixing, pizza, many podcasts, friesFri 2017-10-13
: lots of small projects and leftovers, chinese foodThu 2017-10-12
: long PCB-layout, fetch my mom's computer, roadtripWed 2017-10-11
: component-selection always takes longer than plannedTue 2017-10-10
: no idea, recorded too late :-)Mon 2017-10-09
: podcast-hosting procrastination, cancel volunteer-work, boring but I guess useful meeting, homecooked meal elsewhere, Bladerunner movie, Open Apple therapySun 2017-10-08
: component-selection and -ordering, podcast intro-episode, not much elseSat 2017-10-07
: pick up cavias in Limburg, what does winking mean, try not to drop animals, make chiptune fast, podcast-recording, editing and getting to know AudacityFri 2017-10-06
: deliver device, roadtrip, get in touch with old colleague, visit from mate, how to beat politeness-barrierThu 2017-10-05
: fix and test device, visit will-people, small roadtrip, cleaning and tossing away, coat PCB, find new home for Holmes-book, boring layout-changesWed 2017-10-04
: find cavia-addresses, plan cinema-trip, asking for podcast-cohosts, why not try to be a detective to make the world more interestingTue 2017-10-03
: bury cavia, extreme debugging-session, podcast-delay, drink, chiptune-therapyMon 2017-10-02
: trembling and sick(ish), take care of some post-death stuff, long trip for short but satisfactory info-meeting, idea for mini-arcade CPU cabinet, trip to vet, num_cavia = 0Sun 2017-10-01
: illegal radio, nightmares, what stimulates people, cavia not doing too well, soup, my first SIDtune, more soupSat 2017-09-30
: make report, podcast-test with USB-mic OK, roadtrip, cavia quality-time, ISS is cloudy, no social shortcuts, goattracker docsFri 2017-09-29
: send invoices, start with report, visit aunt, ate a lot, talk a lot, podcast-talk, why not buy a magazine outside your field of interest every once in a whileThu 2017-09-28
: fetch sweater elsewhere, boring component-selection takes long, visit thrift store for social interaction, fries, linux + sound + me = failure + cursingWed 2017-09-27
: boring PCB-layout always takes longer than planned, deliver PCB, shop for sweater and fail, podcast-idea takes shape, deliver phone to my momTue 2017-09-26
: administrative stuff, install printer, phonecalls, errands in town, library workplace-scouting, visit friendMon 2017-09-25
: addies in newspaper, idea to attend Revision/Evoke/Outline forms, order printer, should do work but didn't much, puzzle-solving therapySun 2017-09-24
: in-depth non-tech podcasts + driving = fail, visit retro-gaming fair, lovely tech-talk, got paddles and NES-cord, make & eat many wraps, small roadtrip, why not park in a quiet far-away place, why not bike moreSat 2017-09-23
: hurry to drop off stuff at thriftstore, drop off wife at my mom, much shopping/exchanging clothes and so on, pick up wife, pick up food, back home, brilliant family life, sarcasm is a thingFri 2017-09-22
: emergency flashing again, forgot stuff at elderly-home, bring my mom for hospital-checkup, visit friend for chat, pizzaThu 2017-09-21
: num_dad = 0, waiting, nature can make many situations better, cleaning up at elderly-home, pizzaWed 2017-09-20
: multiple trips to elderly-home, battery dilemma, need place to get all LEDs imaginable, tired, fries, Bob Ross therapyTue 2017-09-19
: early elderly-home visit, get hoodie, hypericin habit, extended work-talk and battery dilemma, evening elderly-home visit, give todo-board some attention, BTTF is nice, what is Steam, shutdownMon 2017-09-18
: people are just fancy animals, boring work, bike to elderly-home - 1 week in, resist food, escape from home by means of roadtrips, LED-idea for lasercutting, why not say thx instead of explaining deficienciesSun 2017-09-17
: overslept massively, elderly-home, roadtrip, scouting for coffee-place, mini-shake pill mix, goattracker test goes OK, why not pair nice & good activities, let's not follow the spotlight, coffee insomniaSat 2017-09-16
: water is running out, visit friend, admin/money and other work, everything under control, mini-roadtrip, why not try to be in an environment of growth, mainboards, drink, shutdownFri 2017-09-15
: elderly-home fun, shopping for my mom, chinese food, finish shirt-design(tm), lazy eveningThu 2017-09-14
: bike to elderly-farm for a change, extremely tired rest of the day (shirt + cold weather = win)Wed 2017-09-13
: microdose, semi-relaxed measurements, 48h elderly-home visit, phone-joke misconception, work-demo/-talk, why not do one permanent thing each day, fries, give less unsolicited advice, show up early when you're nervousTue 2017-09-12
: finished microphone-amp, deliver LED-PCB, roadtrip, coffee-variation is nice, suffering is optional, booze is efficient when only eating salads, tripreportMon 2017-09-11
: hopefully fix LEDs for last time, demo LEDs, OK, elderly-home start VDD, getting MEMS microphone to work, radio-club auctionSun 2017-09-10
: did pretty much nothing useful, roadtrips, probably, mental resetSat 2017-09-09
: mental experiment, pizza, colours, anime-movie, finish C64 PCBFri 2017-09-08
: fixing silly breakage, testing 115 Vac, doctor-talk, family life is becoming a bad joke, many therapeutic mini-roadtripsThu 2017-09-07
: PCB-coating, mechanical assembly, quotations, deliver device, mini-roadtripWed 2017-09-06
: again emergency-firmware work, little veggieburger treat, nice woodstove-talk, testdevice-workTue 2017-09-05
: work, and prolly more - recorded much too late :-)Mon 2017-09-04
: emergency-firmware flashing, family-talk in elderly-home, reworking PCB takes long, mini-roadtrip, electrical test, failSun 2017-09-03
: last makerfaire-day, want a more tech-savvy audience, EMF, nice talk with art-person, exhibit together, better ignore or dampen people too full of themselves, comment is OK, unhealthy dinner, old mapsSat 2017-09-02
: early soldering, first makerfaire day, standing long time, physical music-sequencer, automaton, many kids, live fix of silly keypress-bug, visit my dad, still got a coldFri 2017-09-01
: sweat many liters in bed, fetch black table-cloth, setup makerfaire stuff, vegan dinner, visit dad, try to quickfix makerfaire project a bit but mostly failThu 2017-08-31
: spent most time in bed sleeping and watching Sledge Hammer! episodes, overly long work talk, back to bedWed 2017-08-30
: emergency firmware-progging, bring my mom to hospital for check, visit dad, back to hospital, bring mom home, much snot, much illness, crashTue 2017-08-29
: last unhealthy breakfast, packing, drive home, get sick, clean/sort frenzy, eat pizzaMon 2017-08-28
: bye to Janssen, alone and sad, web-agenda distraction, beers, dinner at BK, risky driving abroad, enough nostalgia for a while, early nightSun 2017-08-27
: last makerfaire-day, Canadian daydream both curse and blessing, tired, headache, risotto is nice, copy goofycode, C64 games, ele-talk, politeness as barrierSat 2017-08-26
: full makerfaire-day takes some energy, try seeing from other's point of view as conversational oil, C64 games, good to have imaginary limits blown up now and then, dig deeper to resolve conversational stalemateFri 2017-08-25
: eggs for breakfast, kids-day at makerfaire, why not take 0.3 instead of 0.5l of beer, zoo, rope-climbing confrontation, no fatcat soon please, nice shoppingThu 2017-08-24
: good breakfast, weight, setup at maker faire, shopping at Lidl, micro-roadtrip, fix C64 cable, Goofycode, speeding-ticket, play C64 games, difficulty sleeping, must split internet off computer-wiseWed 2017-08-23
: packing, drive to Hannover, underpants misalignment but otherwise nice trip, meet Janssen, drinks, dinner, walk around park, setup C64, seem to need video to sleepTue 2017-08-22
: haircut, holiday-mood, eating a lot of crap, good day in elderly-home, poke unresponsive money-people, ackowledge in order to connect and silence, apologise less, thank-you instead of sorry, maker faire syncMon 2017-08-21
: lasercutting, meeting, sleepy, updated fish, slowly getting ready for maker faire, very strong desire to swim under water, feel like Peter in Spiderman 2Sun 2017-08-20
: addicted to doing what I want to do, depression in elderly-home, drew a fish, postponing as a sportSat 2017-08-19
: TV is nice for killing time, chauffeuring, meet family, shopping for my mom, the art of making people see, pride is bad, dig deeper to get an overviewFri 2017-08-18
: EMC-test means roadtrip, sleepy but no sleep, more layout-fun, booze, relativate, autoroute-hypnosisThu 2017-08-17
: postpone work until the last possible moment, rework with hot air causes cursing - need lessonsWed 2017-08-16
: hospital-visit, heated discussion, PCB-drawing therapy, having a really difficult time talking with non-logical peopleTue 2017-08-15
: even more fun in elderly-home, delay a desire and perhaps it goes away, somehow I have the bad need to classify people, addicted to procrastinating ele-styleMon 2017-08-14
: finally getting C64 cart going, more salad, more blaming & fun in elderly-home, perhaps should upgrade kicad, still tired, must try small tent, makerfaire is soonSun 2017-08-13
: skipping record at elderly-home, small roadtrip as always, Sledgecast with Scottish accent, schematic for C64 cart, how to deal with intimidation and threatsSat 2017-08-12
: ordering components, only I can provide my own reference, why not try a salad, finished Sledge Hammer series, need more compact replacement for C64 monitorFri 2017-08-11
: hurry-work, LED-fail, excellent computer-fixing and social interaction, daily mantra, top-down everything including reading books, velcro wristwatch-band, 80s synth musicThu 2017-08-10
: really tired, ordering a lot of components, don't tell me there's no deadline, need make/ele/sw/art/science camp, Bornhack camp, not much else to see hereWed 2017-08-09
: walk with my dad, junk-food, sledge hammer episodes, very tired, small road-trip, back to normal food, no squirrels were drowned, project-name is really importantTue 2017-08-08
: last day of camping, soaking wet, roadtripMon 2017-08-07
: camping, roadtripSun 2017-08-06
: camping, roadtripSat 2017-08-05
: camping, cold shower, visit game-computer museum, roadtripFri 2017-08-04
: arrival at nerd-campingThu 2017-08-03
: more delivery, paying bills and finishing stuff, getting a bit ready for camping, sledge hammer TV-series on YTWed 2017-08-02
: dump off surplus stuff at rightful place, deliver 1/3 of project, laser-preparation, semi-roadtrip and bread raid, drink, also coca cola but let's not repeat soon, octopuses, adventure-gameTue 2017-08-01
: I don't like big software, rethink hardware-testing, rethink tape-adventure, pick up hardware, coating PCB but next time don't inhale, 1 egg-yolk every 2 days seems smart, milkMon 2017-07-31
: tax-substitute, assembling, solder-touchup, smoketest, glasses hurt my nose when worn long, the art of making yourself want something, miscalculated date so 1 free day - yay!Sun 2017-07-30
: nonstop work-marathon, not even really tired, relay-popcorn due to moisture (apparently they suck)Sat 2017-07-29
: bring back borrowed stuff cleans up quickly, shopping for my mom, deadline-rouletteFri 2017-07-28
: emergency fix, snoring, quick LED rework, mini-roadtrip, idea for adventure-game almost appears, C64 code-to-cartridge read-up, drink, cook, lettuce and rice is a great comboThu 2017-07-27
: deadline-coding, demo'ing, failing, hour-signal on watch may work to improve memory, pizza, shutdownWed 2017-07-26
: soldering, programming, < 100 kg, room-temp solder-paste, small code-video, wristwatch with hour-signal to remember stuff but plastic band is a bit mehTue 2017-07-25
: sending emails, calling people, ordering stuff, meeting, C64 bugfix and code done, keep talking to avoid stressMon 2017-07-24
: eyes- and headache but let's give it a few days, CAD, specs, code, TRS-80, Vectrex, cleaning, memory is embarrassingly bad and I think I know why - this needs to be fixedSun 2017-07-23
: cleaning, cooking, why not wear glasses all the time, ordering componentsSat 2017-07-22
: fix scale, looking at cracking on retro-computers, chocolate milk roadtrip, walk with dad, disassemble coffee-machine, code, drinkFri 2017-07-21
: work, silly IR preheater hack, extrovert or happy people don't necessarily pose a threat, cleanup-chaos, lost a PCBThu 2017-07-20
: should charge/plan more for ordering and material, snore-project, walk with dad, cooked best meal ever, the joy of too many file-formats, C64 bug, bit-arithmetic 101, don't allow judgemental subconscious thoughtsWed 2017-07-19
: many nectarines, order PCBs early to save money, more C64-code, sgt. Kabukiman, perhaps have breakfast, Korean drama, laptop NIC temporarily down for peace of mindTue 2017-07-18
: chores, layout works best 30 minutes at a time, some C64-code, C64-demos, Internet is taking its toll, strange desire to put down only people who are approximately my equal, ego is badMon 2017-07-17
: drawing footprints is mostly boring, car-wash, movie, dinner, mini-zoo, heavy petting of actual goat was appreciated, drew logo, some C64 code-therapy, strong urge to swim underwaterSun 2017-07-16
: walk with my dad, minor debugging, nectarine overload, could be this off-the-shelf anti-depressant actually works but variables are many, sheep-people make me sad and hopelessSat 2017-07-15
: c64-code, realise I have to update this thing daily, memory is bad or days are grey or bothFri 2017-07-14
: fairly grey day, original useless things are nice and almost addictiveThu 2017-07-13
: maker-meetup, mainstream is getting more and more boring, dCF1 in front yard, no need or desire to dumb-down everythingWed 2017-07-12
: car guzzles fuel but straight line is short, calling people, fries to prevent collapse, ideas come faster than they can be implemented, lightning v2, prepare for mini-talkTue 2017-07-11
: flashing light compo, cleaning, wondering if $prevwork-stress is location-specific, dad's electric field harvester, forgot to eat, very tired, YT-spam, mind blown by body-cell lifespan vs life-expectancyMon 2017-07-10
: cleaning, make stuff explode, taking things apart as therapy, if in doubt: toss it away, ALWAYS wear safety-goggles, pineapple does not go well with everythingSun 2017-07-09
: scout vs soldier mindset / motivated reasoning, Julia Galef, bayesian thinking, throttle brain input, best not to borrow time, incremental everything, verify by explaining, finished very cool CYOA book, icecreamSat 2017-07-08
: finished many snacks - back to normal, thriftstore disappointment, cleaning/fixing cassette-player, wash cavia and give him a new table, Inkscape, let's not Slack too muchFri 2017-07-07
: woodstove roadtrip, mostly cassette tape stuff, let's try a Choose Your Own Adventure book, many snacksThu 2017-07-06
: errands, pay more attention to my dad, debating might be fun, emperor's new clothes are all around so speak up, updated agenda, fun with magnets / reed-switches / bison-kitWed 2017-07-05
: work-talk at terrace, sense-of-life semi-psycho talk at carecenter, shopping for my mom, cleaning vacuum cleaner, light work, food misalignment, very nice CPU-talk and catching-up, little snackTue 2017-07-04
: particle analyser woodstove talk, movie, booze, not much else iirc...Mon 2017-07-03
: bone-photos, psycho-talk, let's choose for magnets/reed, particle-sensor, Zootropolis, booze, stuff exploding as therapy, considering swimmingSun 2017-07-02
: errands, videos of electric stuff being blown up, can I live on sugar, silence at homeSat 2017-07-01
: move mother back home, errands, nice roadtrip and fixing old gear, fantasy-self doesn't exist and needs no attention, why not only join explicit competitions and let hidden ones go byFri 2017-06-30
: grey blur, running errands, lights out, eager to fix stuffThu 2017-06-29
: making specs like a good boy, short thriftstore tour, Inkscape may be good for tshirt design, pick up My First Sony, experimenting with shorthand/longhand/speedwriting, listen to peopleWed 2017-06-28
: fix ele-stuff, try to find magnet-checkers but settled for 4-in-a-row instead, able to function long on 1 cup of coffee, chinese food, Polish logic-probe fun, math as therapyTue 2017-06-27
: very nervous during on-site repair, my dad is a stuck record, fries, carbon dioxide, prisoner of ice, cavia quality time, much scope/siggen funMon 2017-06-26
: anticipation is the best fun, nervous about upcoming talk, hot air is not my #1 tool, quit IRC, marriage-talk, booze, new hobbies, new everythingSun 2017-06-25
: blackout... short-term memory is bad, some work, thinking about new hobbiesSat 2017-06-24
: finally cleared storage-cabinets, washed car, nice roadtrip, nice retro-talk, fixing gear, marriage-talk, why not keep calm, think before you talk, approach crappily printed book unbiasedFri 2017-06-23
: CPU-talk, dealing with advice-overload is difficult, control your exits, how to behave like a kid when you're not one, Holborn, pinball is perhaps fun, nice Bonami-talk, chocolate milk, watch calories againThu 2017-06-22
: unreal temperature, grand thrift store tour, resist more stuff, keep calm, don't feel stupid for asking a silly question, friend visit, foodWed 2017-06-21
: discworld, psycho-talk, let's not go tilt on jokes I don't get, massive meal, Iridium flare is nice, sleep well on full stomachTue 2017-06-20
: discworld walkthrough keep-awake, I lead my own life but suggestions are welcome, hot air is not my favourite tool, need and appreciate math as examples, only responsible for my own actionsMon 2017-06-19
: faultfinding with zero risk, hot summer is hot, always, ALWAYS use 0 Ohm resistors between subcircuits, math really is funSun 2017-06-18
: work, RF-test, sweating, swearing, summer is not my season, nuts and rice is a nice comboSat 2017-06-17
: flite / festival speech synthesis, think about adventure-graph, long wheelchair-walk in nature, I need practical math skillsFri 2017-06-16
: fetch tape-adapter, addicted to bizarre ideas, emotions in arguments are mostly theatre, logic-book, politeness will probably not be regretted, retro cassette-player fun, patience as testThu 2017-06-15
: research-work is nice, relations-talk, makerfaire launch meeting, give thoughts the room they require plus a little moreWed 2017-06-14
: Philips-museum, IRC-break, no need to be clever - be a bit kind insteadTue 2017-06-13
: overdue work, why not engage a fear, itch, why not ditch chips, airfryer is brilliant, voedingscentum eetmeter, made video-list, ninjasMon 2017-06-12
: driving always takes longer than planned, tax, ordering videos, overdue work, calories, Stephen Fry makes sense to me, hotel-stuff, does free speech have boundariesSun 2017-06-11
: carehome stuff, speed of light, looked up: usurping / stigma / Dewey decimal system / dogma / doctrine / liberalism, deep-sea animals are cool, drugs-talk, booked makerfaire hotelSat 2017-06-10
: dual carehome visit, podcast overload, perhaps engage in controversial discussion, colour-explosion pics, ask 'to what end', dream-debateFri 2017-06-09
: hospital carehome household stuff, logical arguments dissected, mindfulness, Thimbleweed Park, early nightThu 2017-06-08
: hospital stuff, mini-zoo, made silly videos and 1 semi-serious videoWed 2017-06-07
: hospital, blind chess is difficult, Matt Dillahunty resonates with high Q-factor, makerfaire hotel-browsingTue 2017-06-06
: volunteer-talk, hospital, observatory closed during summer, vipassana primer, science videos, tried to overflow the kJ meterMon 2017-06-05
: hospital, salvia meh experience, ISS but why not Iridium too, arrival fallacy, board games with artificial rules are not for me, eetmeter is niceSun 2017-06-04
: stroke surprise, the joy of being able to say what I think coherently, minitrip, binoculars/monocular too weak for moon - need telescopeSat 2017-06-03
: science hack-day, reading with cavia, handling controversial subjects, cloudy sky for ISSFri 2017-06-02
: resistor-wattage, perhaps drugs are nice, too hot to record a video, generally good low-pass filtered mental state, coffee at gardening-center, telescope ever nicerThu 2017-06-01
: telescope-browsing, ISS flyby again, mindfulness, slowly moving forward with CPU-projectWed 2017-05-31
: intellectual stimulus is like scratching an itch I did not know I had, saw ISS flyby with my own eyes, drop off stuff @ thriftstore, made Qibec videoTue 2017-05-30
: cleaning, heat makes brain go slow, radio-meeting, Sam Harris podcast, cannot sleep, hungry for knowledgeMon 2017-05-29
: overdue volunteer-work, medical talk, mini-roadtrip, stinking hot - I welcome winter againSun 2017-05-28
: tax, 1-minute rule, wheelchair-walk, summer is not my season, sort of signed up for hobby-presentation, NES-zapper peek, incremental everything, stargazing soonSat 2017-05-27
: maker-meeting, tax, again empty-cup-on-dashboard applied to IRL, start a task early or casually to take the edge off, video-recording is good for my brainFri 2017-05-26
: speech-therapy for dad, resistor/cap assortment boxes, windowshopping-therapy, I hate sour cream, made 2 Qibec videos, sweaty weatherThu 2017-05-25
: tax, weird vomit-urge after reading many digitsWed 2017-05-24
: ESR, tax, continue search until you know the root cause, failure is mostly just fine, eating is important, orange traffic-light applied to IRLTue 2017-05-23
: apply empty cup on dashboard to IRL, irrational attachment as alarm-bell, will done, chair missing, made I/O-box video, tourist in home-town, drinking on empty stomach is interestingMon 2017-05-22
: happy layouting in retrospect, world news is a drain of hope, EUR 8 music-keyboard means lots of fun, too sleepy to make videoSun 2017-05-21
: retro-computer fair, fun of using pipelined processing in speech and thought, fries, tax, Julian Ilett breadboard-computer, underestimate workSat 2017-05-20
: tax done but ball is in my court again, contribute without expecting acknowledgement, pure chocolate, made 2 videosFri 2017-05-19
: sometimes assortment-packs make sense, are self-imposed deadlines a solution, fried rice, made latch-video, procrastinate administrationThu 2017-05-18
: fluffy repair, de-escalate if something looks escalated, forgot to eat again, made another video, don't stop until everything is crystal-clearWed 2017-05-17
: lasercutting, new car mirror, starting a task is difficult, recorded another videoTue 2017-05-16
: new compressor, wheelchair-minitrip with dad, use a bit less mushrooms in fried rice, 1st latte of the year, video of whiteboard-walkthrough of small programMon 2017-05-15
: car-test with broken mirror, power hour, what did Michai do for fun at age 10, recorded video about transistor-gates, tax, coffee overdoseSun 2017-05-14
: mother's day socialising, nice spring-rolls, smoking airfryer, recorded 8-bit latch module videoSat 2017-05-13
: lazy day, spraypainted garbage-bins, Chinese food, Forth is too weird for now, payed billsFri 2017-05-12
: young fledgeling in back-yard, mini-roadtrip with car, made microscope light, talk about phase-shift, forgot to eat